Leagueunlimited Tipping Comp kicks off tonight!

Who is the best tipster here?

Sign up today and be in the running for the grand prize plus some great weekly prizes in this year's Tipping Unlimited Competition.

To join the Tipping Comp, click here: tippingunlimited.com

For more info, go to: www.leagueunlimited.com/static/tipping.php

MAIN PRIZES IPOD APPLE 2GB PYROD PORTABLE DVD PLAYER SONY PLAYSTATION PORTABLE (PSP) Distribution of prizes: First placed winner of the tipping comp gets first choice. Second place-getter has second choice. Third place gets the remaining prize.

WEEKLY PRIZES A mixed bag of goodies sent out each week. Weekly prize giveaways officially end at the conclusion of NRL round 7, April 30th.

But 'rumours' suggest that Leagueunlimited have plans for more weekly winners to go beyond round 7 (watch this space). :)

Again, to join the Tipping Comp, click here: tippingunlimited.com

Good luck one and all.