What's the go with Willy?

LeagueUnlimited interviews Willy Tip and discovers he isn't your average punter's tipster. SPECIAL OFFER TO LEAGUEUNLIMITED READERS AND MEMBERS: Read on...


LeagueUnlimited: A few of our readers have been asking about a new advertisement for Willy Tip. In a few words, can you tell them us what it is all about?

Willy Tip: Willy Tip heads up a former private betting syndicate, only recently opening their doors to the public.

LU: How do you differ from other betting websites?

WT: Our analysts are experts in picking holes in the market in terms of value bets. Each week Willy lists his strongest probability choices listed from mathematical algorithms and close inspection of wide range of statistics and players for each team.

LU: How does Willy get the info out to the punters?

WT: Willy understands the time poor nature of many gamblers so he sends his best picks through in a weekly email straight to your inbox.

LU: Willy doesn't do this for free. How much does it cost?

WT: Less than a cup of coffee.

LU: That's great, but can Willy do any better for LeagueUnlimited readers?

WT: Absolutely! Willy Tip is offering LeagueUnlimited readers the chance of winning a $1000 bet with Sportsbet just by signing up.

LU: $1000? That's fantastic! Anything else...?

WT: For every pre-paid membership sold, we will also double the subscription. Simply subscribe, and e-mail in referring LeagueUnlimited to enter the draw and claim your double up on your subscription.

LU: Where can readers do this?

WT: Simply go to www.willytip.com and follow the prompts.


LU: OK, but one last question. Tell us who is Willy... where did you find him?

WT: Willy is a mascot for our group of consultants, headed up by ex-professional players and investment analysts alike. Willy is actually the syndicate's pet Chimpanzee. He found a home with us thanks to the winnings from the 2007 NRL grand final.


LU: Thanks!