2025 Betfred Challenge Cup
3 months ago | LeagueUnlimited Media
Yes, it's pretty much become a dirty word on the internet, but to us, it's a necessary evil. Why? Because keeping LeagueUnlimited.com online and free for your enjoyment costs a substantial amount of money. Between software licenses, website hosting and just general running costs, we need the income provided by advertising to keep the doors open.
We hate bad ads!
We get it - bad ads degrade your user experience, increase loading time, and eat your bandwidth. But guess what? We hate bad ads as well. We loathe them. As soon as we hear about them, we take steps to remove them from display as soon as possible, even if it does hurt our income. Why? Because we use the site too! We don't want our experience on the site ruined any more than you do. The ads are there to allow us to provide you a service - not to make the service worse.
For this reason, we don't run any popups, any ads that start with sound, or any ads that disrupt the loading of the page. If you do happen to find an ad that has slipped through the cracks on any of these points - please LET US KNOW! We will take action to block them immediately.
You can report a bad ad either via the Go Ahead Ask Us Anything forum, via our contact page, or via email to website@leagueunlimited.com
"But I Never Click Ads Anyway!"
You may think that because you never click ads anyway, that you aren't really taking anything away from us by using an adblocker. You couldn't be more wrong. A number of advertisers pay per impression - i.e. we receive a fraction of a cent every time the ad is loaded on the page. This may not sound like much, and it's not - but it adds up.
If you're a regular user clicking through a large number of posts each day, and you have our ads disabled, the impact is even greater. It costs us money every time you load a page on our website. Advertising helps us with that cost, and allows us to continue providing LeagueUnlimited as a free service.
"Your Business Model Isn’t My Problem"
As mentioned, we need advertising to survive. Hosting a website is not free. There are other business models we could use, but none of them are any more appealing:
* Paywalls - we could block you from reading our articles or forums without a paid membership. Yuck.
* Donations - Yuck.
* Microtransactions - give us 5c and you can read this thread. Yuck.
It's simple, we provide the news, live updates and forum facilities, you keep up to date with the world of Rugby League for free, and advertisers foot the bill. Does that not sound like a good deal to you?
"But you run so many ads!"
If you're on this page, then chances are you've seen one of our messages where an ad would normally be displayed. These messages are showing everywhere an ad COULD be displayed on the site if you weren't using an ad-blocker, not everywhere an ad WILL be displayed. Generally, we aim to keep it to a maximum of 3 or 4 ads per page. One in the header, one in the footer, and a couple scattered through the content. So you'll actually see less messages/banners with your ad blocker turned off. We'd love to run less ads, but it's not financially viable. And ironically, it's the people who block ads that contribute to this problem.
You have a choice to make
Ultimately, the decision is up to you. At this stage we aren't going to block you from the site if you choose to use an ad-blocker. But if you do choose to use an ad-blocker, and you visit one day and the site is unavailable, or you experience slow forum speeds, the onus is on you.
If you love our website, and, like thousands of others, think we provide a valuable service, please show your support by whitelisting our website in your ad-blocker. If you need assistance with this, please get in touch with us. It's a small thing, but it really does help.
♥ LeagueUnlimited