SCRUM COWBOYS - Peachey drops the kick restart with 20 seconds left.
Maloney converts from in front.
Fisher-Harris with a nice run and offload puts Leota over for an easy try.
PENALTY PANTHERS - Feldts kick restart goes over the sideline on the full.
Maloney strolls up and slots the one pointer, casual as you like.
Cowboys playing with more urgency now.
Thurston for the second time tonight out on the right edge. He slots it this time.
Feldt scores his second try after a good draw and pass by Morgan put the winger in open space.
SCRUM COWBOYS - Edwards loses the ball as he tries to clean up Thurston's grubber.
Scott gets held up over the line on the second tackle.
PENALTIES COWBOYS - Cowboys get a penalty right in front but take the tap.
SCRUM COWBOYS - They get a set of 6 12m out from the tryline.
Matt Scott makes a half break near the Panthers line, but his offload is intercepted and knocked on by the Panthers.
Thurston's grubber is rushed dead by Edwards. Cowboys will get a repeate set from the drop out as McLean comes off the field with a leg injury.
Hampton with another good run taking an inside ball from Thurston.
PENALTY COWBOYS - Panthers kick chase catches Morgan high.
PENALTY PANTHERS - Cowboys busted trying to rake the ball out.
SCRUM PANTHERS - Cowboys drop the ball again.
PENALTY COWBOYS - Panthers holding down Hampton too long after his break.
Hampton makes a great run up the middle.
SCRUM PANTHERS - A good attacking run down the Panthers left side put O'Neill into half a gap. He passed the ball back inside to Feldt who dropped it cold.
SCRUM COWBOYS - Maloney from dummy half finds touch 10m from the Cowboys line.
Maloney slots another easy goal.
Maloney's kick finds Blake, who manages to hold onto the ball despite it slipping down to his thigh, and grounds the ball for a try.
Thurston from the left touchline this time and again misses, his radar is well out of whack.
Hampton ran to the line and got the outside defence backtracking before passing to Winterstein who scored in the left corner.
PENALTY COWBOYS - Peachey's tackle slips up high.
Maloney kicks another penalty goal
PENALTY PANTHERS - Cowboys give the Panthers another shot at a gift two points.
Maloney kicks early and picks up a 40/20. Here comes the Panthers again.
Maloney casually nails the extras to give Penrith a 14 point lead, as Tamou returns from his time in the naughty corner.
PENALTIES PANTHERS - Cowboys give away a penalty on their own line. Penrith again opt to take the two.
SCRUM PANTHERS - Hess loses the ball as he's getting tackled. Penrith in attacking range.
Tamalolo takes the first hit up and Yeo has been gone on all expenses paid trip to Disneyland. Huge collision!
Maloney nails the extra 2 from right in front.
PENALTY PANTHERS - Morgan runs interference in defence after a Panthers chip kick. Panthers will take a shot at goal.
PENALTY COWBOYS - High tackle by Leota has been put on report.
Thurston from the right touchline doesn't get his trademark curl and misses.
Cowboys use the extra man advantage to create an overlap for Feldt, who stretches out to score in the right corner.
Tamou binned after Penrith had been warned repeatedly for constant infringements.
PENALTY COWBOYS - Panthers offside and Tamou has been sent to the bin for ten minutes.
Changeover. Morgan tackled with the ball. Cowboys halves have had a few runs tonight where they have been shut down by the defence after hanging on to the ball for too long.
SCRUMS COWBOYS - Panthers dropped ball. Cowboys back on the attack.
Granville went searching for a runner, he found himself getting poleaxed instead and lost the ball.
PENALTY COWBOYS - Panthers again rushing up offside. Wallace getting another another warning
PENALTY COWBOYS - Bolton has the ball stripped from him illegally. Cowboys now 30m out with a fresh set.
PENALTY COWBOYS - Panthers pinged for rushing up again. Cowboys with 55m to travel.
PENALTY PANTHERS - After hitting the ball up after the kick restart, Panthers get a gift penalty to march up near halfway.
Maloney from near the left sideline converts again.
Some scrappy player leads to a try to Maloney. He kicked into Morgan's legs, Kikau soccered the ball on, Thurston spilled the ball, Peachey tried to kick the ball despite over running it, but the ball somehow found Maloney who dived in the corner.
SCRUM PANTHERS - Sloppy play the ball by McLean, ends the Cowboys attacking set 15m from the Panthers line.
SCRUM COWBOYS - Waqa Blake gets crammed by the Cowboys defence as he receives a pass, and spills the ball.
Maloney converts from wide on the left side.
Maloney with a lovely run, draws Morgan and then puts Kikau into a gap and the big man crossed for a good try.
PENALTY PANTHERS - Cowboys rushing up. Penrith get an easy way out of their own half.
SCRUM PANTHERS - The Cowboys spill the ball.
PENALTY COWBOYS - Shoulder charge against Penrith. Badger again offers a warning.
Thurston's little grubber finds Hampton, who can't get out of his in-goal. ANother set for the Cowboys coming up.
PENALTY COWBOYS - Panthers offside. Cowboys take the tap again.
PENALTY COWBOYS - Panthers holding on too long in the tackle. Cowboys get 6 again 15m out.
PENALTY COWBOYS - Accidental high tackle on Bowen by Peachey.
Kyle Feldt very nearly replicating Pat Richards with his kick restarts.
Maloney nails the goal from almost in front.
PENALTY PANTHERS - There it is, the first for the night. Maloney opts to have a crack at the two.
SCRUM PANTHERS - O'Neill drops the ball 20m from his own line. Panthers get first crack at points.
Some steady settlers early on, and amazingly after 2 minutes, no penalties!
Round 4 is underway! Cowboys kick off
Referees & scorers:
Referee: Gavin Badger, Ziggy Przeklasa-Adamski
Touch Judges: Belinda Sleeman, Clayton Sharpe
Video Referee: Jared Maxwell, Luke Patten
Tries: Kyle Feldt (2), Antonio Winterstein
Field Goals:
Conversions: Johnathan Thurston (1/3)
Penalty Goals:
Tries: James Maloney, Viliame Kikau, Waqa Blake, Moses Leota
Field Goals: James Maloney (1/1)
Conversions: James Maloney (4/4)
Penalty Goals: James Maloney (4/4)