The Titans can't get back on the ball so it's a Sharks scrum and that'll be the game.
Sharks on the break, Dugan with the metres! They'll get in position for a one-pointer!
The Titans with some clever play and Cartwright nearly created something out of nothing from a kick contest... but Ryan James loses it! Cronulla have it coming off their own line.
SCORES LEVEL! Taylor evens the ledger with a perfectly placed drop-goal.
Titans with some enterprising attack down the left side but it ends with Cronulla taking possession.
Cronulla get a relieving penalty after a Titans' chaser was offside from a kick. They still hold a one-point lead.
Time off now with Scott Sorensen (Sharks) down receiving attention after a head knock. He'll go for a HIA as well, Bukuya to rejoin the play.
Jack Stockwell is off for a HIA after copping an earlier knock.
Time is winding down here and it's a real battle of attrition, currently the Titans are giving it everything in attack but still coming up short. Right here they've forced Lee to take it dead so it's another drop-out.
Dugan spills it going back to collect a ricocheted ball and the Titans will have it within the Sharks' 20m.
Titans' fullback Gordon has gone over but failed to ground the ball. We've gone to the Bunker but it's no try. Was the sixth tackle so it's a handover to Cronulla.
A series of errors from both sides has ultimately led to Cronulla being strong on the attack in front of the Titans' line.
Titans now peppering the Sharks' line. Taylor with a clever last-tackle chip kick across the field but Cronulla come up with it.
Gordon converts easily from in front.
There's no TV evidence of the grounding but as it's gone up as a try, Patten is forced to rule it inconclusive and award the try as per the referee's signal. Rein is in!
Bunker for a possible Titans try to Rein. He's scurried over from dummy half. Checking grounding.
Townsend adds a solitary point ahead of the break to create a seven-point buffer.
Cronulla still hammering the Titans' line late in this half but with no luck as yet. They force a drop-out with 90 seconds on the clock.
Townsend misses again and the margin remains a converted try.
Sustained pressure finally brings the visitors a second try. Lee is the scorer out wide!
Quite a few penalties being blown and the Sharks are hammering the Titans line. Wondering if we'll see a sin bin soon?
It comes to nothing and now Cronulla are up at their goalmouth looking to apply even more pressure.
Sharks with nothing doing through a couple of attacking phases and now the Titans work up field and get a penalty to help their cause. Onto the attack now for the hosts.
Penalty Sharks about 35m out - they kick for touch and look to apply more pressure.
The Titans are making great metres but capping it with silly errors when they get into the Sharks' danger zone. Difficult to watch although conditions are playing their part.
A huge break down the right side by Jai Arrow, the Titans now throwing it freely across the park and a forward pass is thrown by Brendan Elliot.
The Chad is no good. Townsend misses from out wide.
After clearing offside, contest, handling, and finally grounding, Valentine Holmes has the opening try of the game.
TRY for Cronulla being referred to the Bunker. Checking onside and a bunch of other stuff...
Gordon guides it easily between the sticks for the first points of the evening.
They pick up a penalty 10m out in front of the sticks after Cronulla's defenders lagged in the ruck and Rein rook advantage. Looks like Gordon will take the two.
Fairly even contest thus far, the Titans having gotten the closer of the two.
NO TRY. Hurrell is held up and will be asked to play the ball on tackle five.
Bunker for a possible NO TRY to Konrad Hurrell. Checking grounding.
Titans penalty with Moylan caught inside the ten. New set of six starts ten metres inside Cronulla's half.
Konrad Hurrell spills the ball in a tackle, the slippery conditions already taking their toll. Sharks scrum halfway.
We're underway, Gold Coast start us off and the Sharks work through their first set.
Here we go - ANZAC ceremonies complete and despite some drizzle there seems to be a decent crowd in at Cbus. Cronulla will have first use.
Referees & scorers:
Referee: Chris Butler, Matt Noyen
Touch Judges: Jeff Younis, Belinda Sleeman
Video Referee: Luke Patten, Ben Cummins
Tries: Mitch Rein
Field Goals: Ashley Taylor (1/1)
Conversions: Michael Gordon (1/1)
Penalty Goals: Michael Gordon (1/1)
Tries: Valentine Holmes, Edrick Lee
Field Goals: Chad Townsend (2/2)
Conversions: Chad Townsend (0/2)
Penalty Goals: