Reynolds conversion attempt is straight enough, but it goes under the bar.
Reynolds goes left side, liks with Johnston who then gets Inglis 1 on 1 with the defence. Inglis wins.
Cogger with a useless chip kick attempt from inside his own half.
George Burgess has had a head clash with team mate Angus Crichton. Both men have been split open. Time off while the trainer finds the Vaseline and sticky tape.
Sio nails the extras from out wide.
Ponga with a great ball to Fitzgibbon and the big man hits a little gap and goes over for a try.
PENALTY KNIGHTS - Newcastle stroll into the Rabbitohs half. Could this be the start of their now trademark resurgence?
Reynolds kicks an easy penalty goal.
PENALTY SOUTHS - Knights holding down too long. Souths look to be taking a crack at the gift two pointer.
SCRUM SOUTHS - Barnett offloads and Cogger knocks on. Knights getting very sloppy and looking tired. This game has been quick.
PENALTY SOUTHS - Knights pinged for working Inglis in the tackle.
Reynolds nails the extra 2.
PENALTY SOUTHS - Saifiti hits Reynolds late after he kicks. This time they opt to take a shot at the 2.
Reynolds converts from almost in front.
Cook with a great run from dummy half, bursts through a half gap and runs away to score behind the posts.
Souths put up a bomb, Knights let it bounce, Cook regathers, offloads, the ball goes to Johnston who chips. Ross cleans up the awkward bounce.
Souths making metres and half breaks with regular ease now.
Reynods from the right sideline again. This time he nails the extras.
Souths go to the other end quickly. Reynolds kicks for his winger, Sio leaps and misses it and Gagai cleans up in the back and scores an easy try.
Sio with an almighty blunder! He had all but scored but he drops the ball cold in the process of grounding it, with not a hand on him.
Mata'utia with a great break and runs 70m down field before unknowingly running away from Ponga in support.
Ponga from the right side misses the conversion.
The Knights crack open a huge can of razzle dazzle right on the halftime siren. They keep the ball alive on the left side before quickly swinginto the right with some great quick long passing and SKD crosses for his second try.
Sio misses the conversion.
Mata'utia slips between the sliding tackle by a retreating Inglis and then reaches out to score on the right edge.
PENALTY KNIGHTS - Souths throw away the good kick by giving away a silly penalty. Knights piggy back their way into the Bunnies 40m
Cook with a good dummy half run gifts his forwards some momentum.. Reynolds kick bounces awkwardly and the Knights get trapped deep in their own half.
Barnett makes a half break through a hit and spin on the left edge. On the next play the Knights run it on the last and get brought down 25m from the Bunnies line.
Reynolds from the right touchline swings his kick across the face.
Reynold's finds the Knights edge defence is a long way in, so he throws a long pass out to Graham who scores a simple try in the right corner.
Cogger's drop out is allowed to bounce and it rolls all the way down to the Souths 30metre line. Great result.
DROP OUT KNIGHTS - Reynolds grubbers into the Knight's ingoal, but Watson swats it dead.
SCRUM RABBITOHS - Knights with a knock-on at halfway.
PENALTY KNIGHTS - Reynolds offside.
PENALTY KNIGHTS - Souths jump off the line too quickly. Knights to have another crack from 20m out.
PENALTY KNIGHTS - They'll get a full set inside the Bunnies 30m area.
This game is being played at a great pace, both sides covering plenty of real estate.
Sio unsuccessful with the attempt
Knights swing the ball right. Watson straightens the defence before getting a pass away. Mata'utia then withy the quick catch, draw and pass sends SKD over in the corner for a try.
Kenny-Dowall makes a break and runs for 40m to take the Knights into the Souths half.
Ross with a half break. Next play Guerra is caught with the ball on the last and put in a grubber which just rolls dead. Souths with a 7 tackle set.
Ponga with a miraculous take there to deny the Bunnies a chance of scoring again.
Reynolds slots the goal from in front.
Walker reaches out and scores a great try after taking on the line with some quick stepping.
PENALTY SOUTHS - Knights offside. Souths take the quick tap, 30m from the Knights line.
Reynolds converts from touch.
Cody Walker with a lovely pass out the back to Alex Johnston who runs through a yawning gap before putting Robert Jennings over in the left corner.
Souths kick off in what promises to be an exciting game.
Referees & scorers:
Referee: Gavin Badger, Matt Noyen
Touch Judges: Belinda Sleeman, Tim Roby
Video Referee: Luke Patten, Henry Perenara
Tries: Shaun Kenny-dowall (2), Sione Mata'utia, Lachlan Fitzgibbon
Field Goals:
Conversions: Kalyn Ponga (0/1), Ken Sio (1/3)
Penalty Goals:
Tries: Robert Jennings, Cody Walker, Campbell Graham, Dane Gagai, Damien Cook, Greg Inglis
Field Goals:
Conversions: Adam Reynolds (4/6)
Penalty Goals: Adam Reynolds (2/2)