Widdop bangs over another goal to end the game
PENALTY DRAGONS - Cameron Smith's drop out goes out on the full.
DROP OUT STORM - Vunivalu tackled in his own in-goal. Sort of.
SCRUM STORM - Hunt kicks for and finds touch deep in the Storm half.
Smith from the left sideline again, this time he gets it over the bar.
Storm spread the ball left and Olam with a nice little backdoor flick to Addo-Carr who dives over in the corner to score.
Some of the Storm players carrying on like peanuts.
Kasiano comes off after copping a blow to his nose
PENALTY DRAGONS - Widdop collected high by Asofa-Solomona.
Slater sends a hospital pass to Addo-Carr who is bundled into touch by 3 defenders. The pass is then ruled forward.
Storm with the short restart and Slater cleans up and goes for a run across field.
Widdop kicks the penalty goal from in front.
PENALTY DRAGONS - Slater takes an intercept but is ruled offside.
DROP OUT STORM - Addo-Carr caught in his own in goal.
PENALTY DRAGONS - Storm again up too fast. Dragons start yet another set inside the Storm half.
Widdops adds the extras.
Aitken gets an inside ball, wanders back in field before stepping through some weak defence before strolling over the line to score under the posts.
Smith still looks to be hampered by the knock to his de Belin, subsequently misses the goal.
Addo-Carr keeps the Storm in the match with a great try out wide after some stunning lead up play by Munster who ran to the line and then around the defender before throwing the cut-out pass to Addo-Carr.
Good crowd here today, the biggest at Kogarah since Round 12 in 2011 when 19,892 came out to watch the Dragons beat the Tigers 24-18
SCRUM DRAGONS - Slater's dummy half pass to Hoffman is ruled forward.
SCRUM STORM - Vunivalu with nothing happening puts in a little kick which Widdop regathers. Vunivalu following through puts Widdop into touch with a heavy tackle.
Widdop with a great run before being caught, throws an offload which is intercepted by Asofa-Solomona.
SCRUM DRAGONS - Munster with an inside ball to Slater, but it's called forward.
Storm camped on the Dragons line. Cameron Smith at dummy half has his pass stolen by McInnes who then ran 40m.
PENALTY STORM - Slater gets a bit of rough treatment in the tackle. Frizell head slams Slater
PENALTY STORM - Dragons again sloppy in the tackle. Storm waltz into the Dragons 40m
PENALTY DRAGONS - Munster knocks the ball loose in the tackle. Sloppy.
Widdop bangs over another goal, this time from the touchline.
Dragons swing the ball left and Lafai dives over to score a spectacular try in the corner.
Cameron Smith has got himself all fixed up after copping a knock to the old Dick Vest.
SCRUM DRAGONS - Kasiano in the first run from the scrum loses the ball.
SCRUM STORM - Latimore loses the ball
Widdop converts from near in front.
McInnes darts over between two defenders on the tryline and scores a soft try, while Cameron Smith is down after copping a knock to the SG Ball region.
PENALTY DRAGONS - Finucane gets in the road after making a tackle.
Storm with one play, Munster chips over Nightingale, but the ball doesn't bounce kindly for Addo-Carr.
SCRUM STORM - Off the scrum the ball goes to Slater who takes on the line before attempting a lobbed pass, which is knocked forward by Widdop.
SCRUM STORM - Mann drops a regulation pass inside his own half with 30 seconds left.
Widdop pots another penalty goal.
PENALTY DRAGONS - They'll take a crack at another gift 2 pointer.
Brandon Smith knocks on and the Dragons dive on it.
Vunivalu tries to burrow over from dummy half but was held up.
DROP OUT DRAGONS - Slater grubbers into the Dragons ingoal and Nightingale cleans up and is trapped.
PENALTY STORM - Dragons offside.
SCRUM STORM - Dragons trying to get out of their own half and Nightingale spills the ball 35m from his own line.
PENALTY DRAGONS - Munster almost scores but has been found guilty of double movement
PENALTY STORM - The Storm scored a great try after a stunning pass by Slater to Addo-Carr, but it was called back because of a Dragons infringement in the play the ball.
SCRUM STORM - Off the scrum, the Dragons go right and Dufty is taken into touch on the first.
SCRUM DRAGONS - Off the Scrum the Storm went short side with two great runs, making 40m. Vunivalu fumbles the ball at dummy half.
SCRUM STORM - Widdop drops a pass cold. Smith is limping but still playing.
Smith launches an early kick, 35m from his own line and it goes dead in goal. He looks to be nursing a leg injury after the kick. Graham has come off and is on the bench.
SCRUM DRAGONS - Slater throws a forward pass to Olam. Olam then throws a forward pass to Addo-Carr and the ref pulls it up.
Graham gets am offload away and is again struggling, but he continues playing on.
Smith from out near the left touchline hits the top of the upright and the ball bounces out.
The Fox crosses on the left side. Munster holds up a pass for Slater, who does the same before putting Addo-Carr on a clear saloon passage down the sideline to score.
PENALTY STORM - The kicker has his legs taken out from him. Storm with a full set inside the Dragons 10m
Widdop adds another 2 points.
PENALTY DRAGONS - Will Chambers got off the mark about 35 minutes early and makes an intercept but is ruled to be offside. He causally strolled the length of the field, plated the ball under the posts and has taken a causal stroll to get back onside.
DROP OUT STORM - Dragons bomb is contested by Lafaui and Vunivalu. Neither got near it. Widdop regathered and quickly kicked again and Slater had to kock it dead.
Widdop slots the goal on the right side.
Some nice right side play by the Dragons ends with Aitken hitting the small space between the Storm edge defence and he reaches out to score a strong try.
DROP OUT STORM - Hunt grubbers after spotting Slater up in the defensive line. Addo-Carr cleans up but is forced dead.
PENALTY DRAGONS - McInness flies out of dummy half and looked like he was about to sneak through a gap before Asofa-Solomona appeared out of nowhere and crushed him. Referee ruled it was a little high.
Widdop nails the penalty goal.
PENALTY DRAGONS - Storm players offside. Meanwhile James Graham looks to be nursing a bit of a niggle in his shoulder. He's won't consider coming off until his arm does so first.
Widdop chases through a nice little chip by Macdonald, but Slater just beats him to it.
Slater attempts a cross kick. It ended up closer to Tom Ugly's Bridge than his own team mates.
Addo-Carr makes a half break and the Storm finally get some momentum and field position.
Storm hold the Dragons out. Dragons defence is being very stingy early on.
SCRUM DRAGONS - Asofa-Solomona knocks on in the second tackle of the game. Dragons with a magnificent early parting shot.
McInness puts boot to ball and we're off and running in this top of the table clash.
Referees & scorers:
Referee: Matt Cecchin, Chris Butler
Touch Judges: Nick Beashel, Rickey McFarlane
Video Referee: Ashley Klein, Luke Patten
Tries: Euan Aitken (2), Cameron McInnes, Timoteo Lafai
Field Goals:
Conversions: Gareth Widdop (4/4)
Penalty Goals: Gareth Widdop (5/5)
Tries: Josh Addo-carr (3)
Field Goals:
Conversions: Cameron Smith (1/3)
Penalty Goals: