Maloney converts from right in front.
A sneaky grubber by Egan from dummy half and Campbell-Gillard plants it to score on full time.
Peachey with a nice kick on the fly which sits up in the Dragons in-goal. Dufty cleans up and gets back into the field of play.
SCRUM DRAGONS - Kikau gets a short ball close to the line but he can't hold onto it.
PENALTY PANTHERS - Dragons again handing Penrith possession and field position. Panthers have been camped in the Dragons half for some time now.
De Belin has come off the field in pain, clutching his hip
DROP OUT DRAGONS - Maloney grubbers and Penrith players fall over each other getting to the ball. Dragons knock it dead.
Kikau with a great offload send Phillips on a 20 metre run down the sideline.
Maloney nails the conversion from the left side.
Kikau gets a crash ball 15 metres out from the line and he carries the Dragons side over the line for a powerful try.
PENALTY PANTHERS - Dragons getting frustrated and very ill-disciplined here.
SCRUM PANTHERS - Nightingale gets tackled into touch. Dragons have been emphatically outplayed in the second half so far.
PENALTY DRAGONS - Penrith players trying to work the tackled player. A small scuffle ensues, everyone exchanges phone numbers and insurance details and we move on.
PENALTY PANTHERS - Dragons offside.
PENALTY PANTHERS - Maloney tackled in the legs as he's kicking the ball by Lawrie.
SCRUM PANTHERS - Fisher-Harris with a heavy tackle forces the ball loose.
SCRUM DRAGONS - Panthers spill a kick with not a soul in sight. Dragons start their set 40m from the Panthers line.
PENALTY DRAGONS - Egan tries to burrow over for a dummy half try, but Tamou acts as a driver.
Maloney from the right sideline is spot on with his kick.
Whare gets the ball to Crichton who gets caught in the corner, but he reaches out and slams it down for a try.
Maloney slots the gift 2 pointer to take the lead back out to 8
PENALTY PANTHERS - Latimore gets penalised after the previous penalty for backchat
PENALTY PANTHERS - Dragons slowing down the play the ball.
Widdop throws the penalty goal over.
PENALTY DRAGONS - Maloney guilty of blocking the Dragons kick chase. Dragons to take the 2.
Kurt Mann comes onto the field for Ben Hunt, who has a slight limp.
PENALTY DRAGONS - Panthers defence with a high tackle.
SCRUM DRAGONS - Cleary feints left then turns it inside to Yeo on the right. The big fella loses the ball in the tackle right on the Dragons line.
PENALTY PANTHERS - Widdop with a sloppy high tackle on Maloney. Panthers get a piggy back out of trouble.
McInnes with a sneaky short flat ball to Sims on the loine, but he can't get across the stripe.
PENALTY DRAGONS - Widdop finds touch 30m from the Panthers line.
Penrith get us back underway. Lets see what the Dragons fightback is like!
A spectaculr final set sees Penrith throwing the ball around before a final pass is knocked on.
SCRUM PANTHERS - Widdop chipped for his winger, but the ball goes dead, just past halfway.
Frizell hammers Maloney!
Maloney from just to the left side of the posts, adds the extras.
Cleary gets across the stripe with a great solo effort. He got the ball at second receiver, changed direction, then stepped at the line and got through the defensive line to score to the left of the posts.
Peachey makes a break down the left wing and picks up 35m.
PENALTY DRAGONS - Panthers let the Dragons walk into their half.
SCRUM DRAGONS - Maloney butchers the play the ball.
DWZ with a stunning low take at the end of a long kick by Hunt.
Maloney from 21m out and to the left of the posts
PENALTY PANTHERS - De Belin holding down in the tackle. Panthers set to have a shot at the two.
SCRUM PANTHERS - Dragons lose the ball in a heavy tackle. Panthers right back on the attack.
SCRUM DRAGONS - Panthers on the last attempt a bit of second phase/razzle dazzle/throw it around and hope before Peachey's attempted quick tap on goes forward.
DROP OUT DRAGONS - Yeo goes himself and almost scores. On the next play Maloney grubbers for himself and very nearly gets to the ball for a try, but Widdop kicks it dead.
PENALTY PANTHERS - Phillips throws himself into the Dragons retreating defence and catches them offside. Panthers now with a full set inside the Dragons 30m
Whare with a great one handed scoop from dummy half and then makes 20m, getting Penrith up near halfway.
Dragons defence not giving the Panthers an easy inch so far.
Good kick by Widdop which is cleaned up equally good by DWZ, who manages to both stay in field and not go into touch.
DROP OUT PANTHERS - Hunt with another grubber which Phillips bats dead. Dragons with a mountain of possession right now.
DROP OUT PANTHERS - Hunt juggles a pass and then cleverly turns it into a grubber which the Panthers back kick dead.
PENALTY DRAGONS - Campbell-Gillard hits Sims high and then holds down too long in the tackle. Dragons now inside the Panthers 30m
PENALTY DRAGONS - First tackle off the scrum is high. Dragons take the quick tap.
SCRUM DRAGONS - Panthers ruled to have a loose carry.
DROP OUT DRAGONS - Cleary grubbers on the last and Widdop is forced to kick it dead.
Maloney nearly puts Yeo over.
SCRUM DRAGONS - Campbell-Gillard throws a pass to Maloney, but it goes behind his head and he drops it.
PENALTY PANTHERS - Dragons offside and Panthers walk up to halfway.
SCRUM PANTHERS - McInnes tries a dummy half grubber, but the Panthers block it. McInnes regathers, passes to Dufty who quickly got it to Lafai. Lafai flicked it to Macdonald who knocked it on.
SCRUM DRAGONS - Harawera-Naera runs back to take the catch over his shoulder. DWZ is standing there and bobbles the ball but is ruled to have knocked it on into CHN
The top 2 teams after 11 games get underway. Penrith receive first.
Referees & scorers:
Referee: Gerard Sutton, Chris Sutton
Touch Judges: Nick Beashel, Rickey McFarlane
Video Referee: Jared Maxwell, Ben Galea
Tries: Nathan Cleary, Christian Crichton, Viliame Kikau, Reagan Campbell-Gillard
Field Goals:
Conversions: James Maloney (4/4)
Penalty Goals: James Maloney (2/2)
Field Goals:
Penalty Goals: Gareth Widdop (1/1)