FULL TIME - The Roosters' rookies down the Titans 20-12 tonight. Thanks for joining us.
The Titans are throwing it around here. Ashley Taylor takes on the line and goes through and offloads out to his left-side support. Will Matthews tries to find Konrad Hurrell out wide but throws it into touch.
Game management by Luke Keary there. He finds touch five short of the Gold Coast line. Just over two minutes remain.
Aj Brimson goes short to Will Matthews who drops the ball and that will be the game!
Ashley Taylor chips it for Phillip Sami but Matt Ikuvalu is smart and jumps over the top to bat it dead. No nonsense stuff there. Four minutes remain.
Chance now for the Titans. Michael Gordon takes the bomb and is held down too long. Penalty. They start their set just short of halfway. Need to score here.
Only six minutes remaining now and it looks like the Titans will fall short tonight. Aj Brimson sends a swirling bomb into the air and Blake Ferguson does very well to take it in a diving effort.
NO TRY! Jarrod Wallace barges over for a double but it is overruled by the Bunker for an obstruction! Looks a tough call - thought Jared Waerea-Hargreaves initiated contact there trying to put on a shot but nevertheless Ryan James ruled to have stopped in the line.
They now earn a penalty and Ryan James takes the quick tap. They are just 30 out. Aj Brimson takes them on and spins out of a couple of tackles before being tackled 15 out from the Roosters line. Ashley Taylor goes short to Kevin Proctor and they earn another penalty.
The Titans get it off the short restart!
The fullback sends it to the left of the posts.
Ferguson will shoot for two from near the sideline.
The Roosters now nab a penalty after the Gold Coast defenders held onto Paul Momirovski for too long.
Sean O'sullivan stepping up with Keary in the bin and forces the dropout.
Jarrod Wallace with a risky offload and drops the ball. Roosters 20 out from the Gold Coast line.
Gordon nails the conversion from near the posts.
Latu short to Wallace who barges over!
Big play! AJ Brimson bursts through after a great break by Leilani Latu and looks to link with Ash Taylor who is tackled without the ball by Luke Keary. He is binned!
Ferguson adds the extras.
Kurt Baptiste goes short to Poasa Faamausili who barges over! Question mark over the pass but it's given.
The Roosters look to spread it left but Ashley Taylor shows great desperation to knock down the attempted pass by Sean O'sullivan.
A poor error here from Phillip Sami and the Roosters have a full set 25 out from the Gold Coast line. If the Roosters can get one more try it should be over.
Razzle dazzle stuff on the last as Aj Brimson takes the line on before linking with Konrad Hurrell who finds Phillip Sami out wide but the winger can't release it and is wrapped up 15 out. Handover.
They spread it left but Nat Butcher flicks it forward straight to the Titans and the home side survive.
Close stuff! Joseph Manu flies above and takes the bomb on the last, flicks it back to the left edge and Daniel Tupou almost surges through to score but is denied. Now there is an error from the Gold Coast and they compound the mistake with a penalty. Roosters five out and can land a massive blow here!
Sean O'sullivan tries to match Taylor and also puts up a towering bomb but Michael Gordon rises to the occasion and takes it. Titans are 40 out on the last. Aj Brimson puts in a dabbing kick towards the corner but Blake Ferguson fields it. Both sides just trading sets at the moment.
Ashley Taylor puts it up very high on the last but Blake Ferguson looks faultless at the back and takes it.
Sio Siua Taukeiaho and Matt Ikuvalu begin the set with solid runs before a strong charge by Nat Butcher brings the Roosters towards halfway. Luke Keary sends it high on the last and Anthony Don takes it with ease before picking up an extra 10 metres on the fly.
The clearing kick on the last is taken by the Titans who work it out from their own end. Will Matthews brings it up past the 40 on the second before Moeaki Fotuaika powers up into the Roosters' half. Nathan Peats darts out of dummy-half and picks up 10 extra metres. Aj Brimson also takes the line on on the following play and offloads for Konrad Hurrell who rushes a kick before being taken into touch. Roosters ball on their own 10.
A strong set in reply from the Gold Coast, who are 30 out on the last but Blake Ferguson does brilliantly to take the towering bomb by Aj Brimson.
Sio Siua Taukeiaho and Matt Ikuvalu with the opening runs to begin this half. Joseph Manu then brings it up to the 40 before Lindsay Collins surges towards halfway. A great kick on the last from Penrith junior Sean O'sullivan and it trickles into touch five short of the Titans' line.
Second half back underway!
HALF TIME - Roosters 14 lead Titans 6
SCRUM TITANS - Momirovski drops a regulation pass on his own 20m line. Titans have 8 seconds to try something before halftime
SCRUM ROOSTERS - Titans looking clueless on the last. Brimson grubbers, O'Sullivan blocked it with his foot and Taylor knocks it on.
PENALTY TITANS - James hit late by Tetevano. The big man is down, just taking a breather. Tetevano is on report for the hit.
SCRUM TITANS - Titans start their set on halfway.
Taukeiaho converts from in front.
O'Sullivan charged onto a ball and got across the line. Wallace stripped it out 1-on-1 but was offside. O'Sullivan pushed the ball against the padding on the goalpost, it bounced, he regathered it and planted it and the Video ref has awarded the try.
PENALTY ROOSTERS - Titans give away another penalty and the Roosters will stroll into the Titans half.
James very nearly scores as the Titans run it on the last.
PENALTY TITANS - Roosters offside.
SCRUM TITANS - Barnstorming run by Taukeiaho and on the next play Butcher butchers it and drops the ball.
SCRUM ROOSTERS - Taylor's woeful night just gets worse as he drops the ball
First play after the binning and Ferguson looks to have scored, however it is called back after Brimson was obstructed by a decoy runner.
Repeated infringements see's Matthews marched.
PENALTY ROOSTERS - Titans give away another penalty and Will Matthews is sent to the sin bin.
PENALTY ROOSTERS - First tackle of the new set and Titans give another away.
PENALTY ROOSTERS - Titans give away a penalty just 2 tackles after the last one
PENALTY ROOSTERS - They get a fresh set, starting 10m from the Titans line and right in front of the posts.
Blake Ferguson in pain in backplay.
Matterson with a 1-on-1 strip on halfway. Titans just cannot build any pressure.
scratch that, refs have decided it was a Roosters knock on and a change over.
DROP OUT TITANS - Keary's bomb is knocked back by the Titans and Lee takes it dead.
Ferguson with a great take and 20m run on the end of a Taylor bomb.
Gordon from practically in front, throws this one over.
Wallace dawdled up to the defence and then threw a lovely round the corner offload to Fotuaika who scores under the posts all too easily.
Friend coughs up the ball on halfway
Taukeiaho converts
Keary drifts across the face of the posts and puts the ball on a platter for Momirovski, who ran a strong line and barged over between two defenders to score just to the left of the posts.
SCRUM ROOSTERS - Keary kicked from 25m out. Taylor caught the ball and was tackled immediately, being pushed back towards his own line. Taylor offloaded to Lee, but he lost the ball. Butcher picked it up and dived over the line and very nearly scored, but Gordon made a tackle that denied the try, as Butcher plants it on Gordon's leg.
Titans grubber goes dead. Roosters with a 7 tackle set
Gordon fields a bomb and then makes a great kick return, weaving and running around defenders as he makes 35 metres.
Taukeiaho nails the penalty goal.
PENALTY ROOSTERS - Titans defenders lying all over the tackled player for an eternity. They'll take a shot at the two.points.
PENALTY ROOSTERS - James penalised on halfway. Roosters to go right on the attack.
SCRUM ROOSTERS - Brimson grubbers short and finds touch
PENALTY TITANS - Roosters give away the first penalty via a Manu flop.
Don and Gordon almost collide trying to field a long kick
Roosters first set was tentative to say the least
Roosters gets us underway
Referees & scorers:
Referee: Jon Stone, Chris Butler
Touch Judges: Todd Smith, Tim Roby
Video Referee: Steve Chiddy, Bryan Norrie
Tries: Moeaki Fotuaika, Jarrod Wallace
Field Goals:
Conversions: Michael Gordon (2/2)
Penalty Goals:
Tries: Paul Momirovski, Sean O'sullivan, Poasa Faamausili
Field Goals:
Conversions: Sio Siua Taukeiaho (2/2), Blake Ferguson (1/1)
Penalty Goals: Sio Siua Taukeiaho (1/1), Blake Ferguson (0/1)