PENALTY DRAGONS - Mitchell holds on too long after a good tackle on Aitken.
Widdops slots the goal quickly again.
Hunt hits Sims with a short flat ball at the line and Sims barges over for a try.
PENALTY DRAGONS - Roosters holding on too long in the tackle.
SCRUM DRAGONS - Friend throws a forward pass from dummy half.
SCRUM ROOSTERS - Next tackle and Graham knocks on.
PENALTY DRAGONS - Nightingale takes a quick tap and is brought down 20m from the Roosters line,
Mitchell converts from almost in front.
Aubusson hits Ferguson running a strong line back infield and the winger runs 30m to score a slick try.
Widdop quicklt converts from right in front.
Graham passes to Hunt, who then steps off his right foot and then slips across the line to score under the posts.
DROP OUT ROOSTERS - Tedesco cleans up a Hunt kick but as he struggles to maintain possession during a 1-on-1 strip attempt, the ball comes loose and goes dead in goal.
Sims makes a 20 metre break but is taken down by Tedesco.
Mitchell's conversion attempt hits the post and is waved away
Widdop makes a break and attempts a grubber back in field but results in kicking it straight to Tedesco, who cleans up and then runs 85 metres to score untouched.
SCRUM ROOSTERS - Sims loses the ball in the tackle due to a loose carry.
Nightingale performs a 1 on 1 strip on Mitchell.
SCRUM ROOSTERS - Dufty finds a little bit of space down the leftside but throws his pass into touch, behind both edge attackers.
Mitchell converts from touch
Mitchell fends off Aitken effortlessly again and then bulldozes over the top of Nightingale to score another try.
DROP OUT DRAGONS - Friend grubbers from dummy half and Dufty slaps it dead.
PENALTY ROOSTERS - DRagons slow to peel off the tackled player.
Keary has gone down after being fallen on by his team mates in a tackle. Trainer is checking his knee. He's up on his feet, but he is limping off, unassisted. He's gone for the rest of this game.
Mitchell from the left side of the posts, again misses
Tupou goes up to take a cross kick but he misses it. Nightingale tries to knock it dead, but as has happened all the day, the ball bounces up for the Roosters and Mitchell following through, cleans up and scores.
Keary almost reaches the tryline.
SCRUM ROOSTERS - Dragons spread the ball to the right side and Lafai gets pushed into touch.
Mitchell is wreaking havoc with every touch so far today.
Widdop converts from out to the left of the posts.
Hunt from dummy half scoots past the markers and through the goal line defence for a soft solo try.
PENALTY DRAGONS - Roosters holding on in the tackle too long. Dragons will start their set 35m from the Roosters line.
SCRUM DRAGONS - Keary finds touch with a nice kick, just 5m from the Dragons line.
DROP OUT DRAGONS - Dufty taken into touch after cleaning up Cronk's kick.
Tedesco chases Cronk's bomb and takes it, then offloads, Cordner shoevls the ball along to Mitchell, but he can't hang onto it.
Widdop's kick fails to find any Dragons players.
SCRUM DRAGONS - Friend knocks on at dummy half, 30m from his own line.
SCRUM DRAGONS - Hunt kicks down the middle and Ferguson and Tedesco run into each other and go down, with the ball knocked on. Ferguson looking a bit dusty.
Mitchell slots the goal from right in front.
Cronk switches the play with a pass to Tedesco who bust through the middle defence. Tedesco then passed right to Cronk and the halfback ran away to score under the posts.
PENALTY ROOSTERS - Dragons give the Roosters a piggyback upfield off their own line,.
Vaughan attempts an offload and it hits Friend, who then falls on it.
PENALTY DRAGONS - Roosters defenders offside. Dragons start their set 30m from the Roosters line.
Hunt with another grubber, again early in the set, and again it was blocked and dived upon by the Roosters.
SCRUM DRAGONS - Ferguson goes up to diffuse the bomb, but knocks on, just 10m from his own line.
Hunt attempts a grubber behind the Roosters line on the fourth and it was easily blocked by the Roosters defence.
PENALTY DRAGONS - Roosters offside. Dragons on the Roosters line now
PENALTY DRAGONS - Dufty tackled high
Cronk's kick for Mitchell is too deep and the Dragons get a 7 tackle set. Dufty then takes off and gets to the Roosters 30m line.
Keary was away, but an ankle tap from Hunt brings him down.
Mitchell converts from almost in front.
Four tackles after the restart, Manu finds space down the right sideline again, then kicks infield. Tedesco regathers the ball and scores near the posts.
Mitchell from the left sideline, just pushes it across the face of the goal.
Mitchell decides to take on Aitken, burrows down low and barges over for a stunning try, despite three defenders trying to stop him.
SCRUM ROOSTERS - Hunt throws a pass that no one was expecting. Graham threw a hand out to try and catch it, but he knocked on, right on halfway.
Tedesco made a half break, linked with Manu who then passed to Ferguson. He was tackled just 5 mins shy of the line.
Hunt kicks early, aiming for a 40/20 but the bounce favours the Roosters.
SCRUM DRAGONS - Radley drops the ball and the Dragons clean up
Friend a woeful grubber from dummy half, but Vaughan can't hang onto it and Friend recovers. Six again.
PENALTY ROOSTERS - Cronk draws a penalty and then takes a quick tap. Roosters with a full set inside the Dragons half.
Both sides making good metres and ending sets with good long kicks.
Dragons kick off
Referees & scorers:
Referee: Ashley Klein, Chris Sutton
Touch Judges: Chris Butler, Nick Beashel
Video Referee: Jared Maxwell, Luke Patten
Tries: Latrell Mitchell (3), James Tedesco (2), Cooper Cronk, Blake Ferguson
Field Goals:
Conversions: Latrell Mitchell (4/7)
Penalty Goals:
Tries: Ben Hunt (2), Tariq Sims
Field Goals:
Conversions: Gareth Widdop (3/3)
Penalty Goals: