DCE from the left touchline, just pushes it across the face of the goal.
Elgey sets up a nice play down the left wing and Taufua dives over untouched in the corner on the siren.
SCRUM MANLY - 40m from their own line. 2 tackles later and Robert Jennings takes an intercept.
SCRUM TIGERS - First tackle after the penalty and Manly knock on.
PENALTY MANLY - Corey Thompson pinged for a shoulder charge. Manly on the attack.
Marsters pots another goal from just to the left of the posts.
Farah drifts left from dummy half and then sneaks through half a gap and slams the ball down for his second try.
Marsters slots another easy goal from right in front.
Garner gets into space, throws a dummy close to the line and slices through the defence on the left side, and he runs in and around to score under the posts.
Manly again force it dead, somehow, before a Tigers hand could get a try. Manly drop out.
Manly take the ball dead. They'll drop out and Tigers pick it up on halfway.
Packer with a huge break, links with Garner and he's brought down 10m shy of the Manly line.
Benji with a deft chip forces Manly to run the ball dead in goal. Drop out Manly.
PENALTY TIGERS - Thompson (Joel) on report for tripping Thompson (Corey)
Marsters nails the extras from in front.
Farah chases through a grubber and plants the ball under the sticks
PENALTY TIGERS - Manly's restart goes into touch on the full. Benji finds touch 30m from the Manly line.
Marsters knocks over the gift 2
PENALTY TIGERS - Brooks chips back infield and the Manly defender is ruled to have taken out the Tigers chaser. Tigers taking the shot at 2
Rain hammering down now. Brooks gets an offload away to no one and Manly regain possession.
PENALTY TIGERS - Manly offside. Benji finds touch on halfway.
SCRUM TIGERS - Elgey grubbers for his winger and Thompson lets it go over the sideline. Tigers will work it off their 10m line.
SCRUM MANLY - Marshall fires a pass out to Jennings, but the winger spills it over the sideline, just 5m shy of the tryline.
Farah barges over from dummy half but is held up in goal on the second tackle.
PENALTY TIGERS - illegal strip by Manly. Tigers take the tap.
PENALTY TIGERS - Fonua-Blake again pinged for a bad low (cannonball) tackle. Tigers start their set 25m from the Manly line.
SCRUM TIGERS - on halfway.
Manly grubbers on the next play and the Tigers force it dead. From the drop out Elliott knocks on the bouncing ball to cap a horror 60 seconds for him.
Elliott in space, with options unmarked either side and he ignored both, only to get tackled by Thompson, 15m from the Tigers line.
SCRUM TIGERS - Manly knock it on, 35m from the Tigers line.
Marsters very nearly gets a try, but a brilliant last ditch effort by Taufua saw him knock the ball out of Marsters hands.
Tigers get 6 again, 10m from the Manly line.
SCRUM TIGERS - Taufua knocks on as he gets to his feet to play the ball.
DCE nails the penalty goal.
PENALTY MANLY - Tigers markers not square. DCE opts to take a shot at the penalty goal.
PENALTY MANLY - Tigers run it shortside on the last before Marsters puts in a nice grubber. Elliott was trapped in goal but Fonua was just offside.
Matterson grubbers from dummy half and very nearly gets a try for himself but Elliott forces it dead in goal. Manly drop out
Change over. Benji with a no look short ball to Momirovski on the last, but he drops the ball. Pass was called forward anyway.
PENALTY TIGERS - Benji finds touch 10m inside the Manly half.
Manly on the attack and Jake Trbojevic throws a pass that goes out the back behind everyone. DCE gets to it first but loses the ball and the Tigers dive on it.
Try disallowed due to a collision between the referee and Corey Thompson. Scrum to Manly 10m from the Tigers line.
VIDEO REF - MANLY - Gone up as no try
PENALTY MANLY - Benji holding down too long. DCE finds touch on the Manly 30m line.
SCRUM MANLY - Farah drops it cold at dummy half, 10m from the Manly line.
DCE gets caught by Farah on the last inside their own half. Changeover 35m from the Manly line.
PENALTY TIGERS - Benji finds touch 5m inside the Manly half.
DCE grubbers and Thompson lets it dribble dead. 20m restart for the Tigers and a 7 tackle set.
PENALTY MANLY - Tigers inside the 10. DCE finds touch 1m inside the Tigers half.
Matterson loses the ball on the third tackle 5m from the Manly line.
PENALTY - Fonua-Blake penalised for tackling Benji's legs as he was kicking the ball. Tigers 10m from the Manly line.
Manly with another poor kick at the end of an otherwise good set.
SCRUM MANLY - Garner charges onto a short ball from Brooks, but drops it cold, 22m from the Manly line.
Manly put it up high on the last and Thompson takes it easily in his own in-goal. 20m restart for the Tigers.
SCRUM MANLY - From the drop out, Fonua fumbles the ball on the ground and then it goes into touch. Manly get a reprieve
Tigers run it on the last and almost get caught, but Garner just gets an offload away and Farah puts in a brilliant grubber. Taupau cleans up, but is forced in goal. Manly drop out.
SCRUM TIGERS - Taufua makes a meal of Brooks' first kick of the game and the Tigers are right on the attack now, 20m from the Manly line.
And Manly gets us underway
The rain is falling solidly at the jungle. with kick-off not far away.
Referees & scorers:
Referee: Adam Gee, Adam Cassidy
Touch Judges: Liam Nicholls, Jeff Younis
Video Referee: Henry Perenara, Beau Scott
Tries: Robbie Farah (2), Luke Garner
Field Goals:
Conversions: Esan Marsters (3/3)
Penalty Goals: Esan Marsters (1/1)
Tries: Jorge Taufua
Field Goals:
Conversions: Daly Cherry-Evans (0/1)
Penalty Goals: Daly Cherry-Evans (1/1)