FULL TIME - Plenty of positives for the Sea Eagles in that second half but the undermanned Roosters hold on.
Daly Cherry-Evans goes for the miracle kick with time running out but it's batted dead.
Centimetres in it! Luke Keary's kick just hits the corner post and Manly get a seven-tackle set.
Daly Cherry-Evans sends it very high into the air and Joseph Manu does sensationally well to take it under enormous pressure.
It may be too late but this has been quite the finish from the home side.
Daly Cherry-Evans to Reuben Garrick who steams downfield and links back with DCE - he's caught 20 out and the kick ricochets for Suli who scores!
The Daly Cherry-Evans grubber is played at and Daniel Tupou dives on it and it is ruled that he did so cleanly. Roosters have it back.
Hospital pass to Kane Elgey and he drops it... Joseph Manu then storms 30 metres upfield and also comes up with an error. Manly again 20 out.
Daniel Tupou with a brain explosion. The ball is going into touch but he inexplicably tries to take it in the last second and drops the ball. Manly 20 out with a big chance.
Luke Keary doesn't get that one right there - he loops one over the top for Mitchell Aubusson but it goes into touch.
Brendan Elliott can't wrap up the last-tackle high ball and the Roosters can land the killer blow with a full set 10 out.
Daly Cherry-Evans with a lovely ball over the top to Jack Gosiewski but he kicks it dead and the Roosters survive.
Joseph Manu has dropped it! Awkward one on the ground, slippery surface and Manly get it back on their own 40.
Luke Keary back on and his calming influence forces an immediate dropout.
Daly Cherry-Evans grubbers for Jorge Taufua and he has a chance but it spins out.
Manly 20 out - this game has turned on it's head. Keep in mind Lindsay Collins and Brett Morris both won't be back.
The Roosters put the restart out on the full.
DCE again quickly sends it over.
Reuben Garrick finds space down the right edge and then puts Jake Trbojevic over in support! This game has suddenly come alive.
Cherry-Evans quickly slots it.
Fainu muscles his way over for Manly's first of the night.
Brendan Elliott with a nice grubber and Daniel Tupou is forced to dive on it. But a late call here - penalty Manly for an escort. Big chance here for the home side to give the Brookie faithful something to cheer about.
And the Roosters respond with an error of their own. Manly back with it 40 out.
Jake Trbojevic with a mistake too and both sides look very tired, 56 minutes into this one.
An error here from the Roosters as Angus Crichton drops it after being crunched in a three-man tackle. Manly ball 20 out.
Mitchell can't hit it from the sideline.
Cordner steams onto a lovely grubber from Lachlan Lam and despite his efforts, Brendan Elliott can't deny the second rower.
Moses Suli now limps off and it is injuries galore at Brookvale.
Jack Gosiewski pinned for a high tackle. Penalty Roosters on halfway.
Daly Cherry-Evans with a clever kick and possible 40/20 attempt but it pulls up short and the Roosters have the ball back.
Luke Keary off for a HIA test as Lachlan Lam clears it on the last and picks out Brendan Elliott who takes it up towards the 20.
So close! Jack Gosiewski reaches out but drops it centimetres away from the line. Roosters survive.
Lindsay Collins (HIA) and Brett Morris (leg) both out for the rest of the match as the Sea Eagles get the ball back after forcing a mistake. They're 20 out.
Curtis Sironen with an error and the Roosters get it back 20 out from their own line.
An early error here from Zane Tetevano and Manly get the ball back on halfway. The rain has temporarily halted so they have a chance to strike back. Meanwhile, Lachlan Lam is on in his debut game for the Roosters.
Back underway here at Brookie.
HALF TIME - Luke Keary with all four try-assists and the Roosters lead 22-0 at the break.
Mitchell guides it through and that's it for the first half.
Keary again! Chips it over the top and Tupou steams onto it to score and land one final blow before the break.
Jake Trbojevic with a big tackle on Poasa Faamausili and the ball comes out.
Manly survive though and bring it out from inside their own half. Corey Waddell over the 40 on the third before a spread right sees Daly Cherry-Evans cough it up.
Luke Keary with a beautifully-weighted kick and Brad Parker bats it dead. More pressure coming up for Manly.
The rain has also eased at Brookie.
Manly with a good chance here after earning a penalty - they're 30 out. Jake Trbojevic up to the 20 before Daly Cherry-Evans goes to Curtis Sironen and he's stopped 15 out. They shift it left and DCE takes them on himself but can't get through. Lindsay Collins cleans up the ball now and is hit high - penalty Roosters.
Crash ball to James Tedesco on the last but is just short and Manly survive.
Joseph Manu with a cheeky chip and Kane Elgey clears it out on the full and the Roosters get the ball back 10 out. If they score here it is certainly over.
Manly with a penalty and they start the new set on their 30 as Brendan Elliott leaves for a HIA test. They're 30 out on the last tackle - Daly Cherry-Evans pressured to kick quickly and Luke Keary is on it. Roosters start this set on their own 30.
An early 16-point lead now for the Roosters.
Risky but it pays off. Luke Keary with his third try-assist of the night - he pops a lovely offload for Cordner who crashes over.
High shot from Martin Taupau on Victor Radley - penalty Roosters. The rain still falls.
A nice, early clearing kick and Manly work it out from inside their own 20. Their outside backs with some solid carries to begin the set. Martin Taupau somehow pops an offload and Jake Trbojevic is eventually taken on halfway. The kick on the last is taken by James Tedesco who surges 30 metres - great reply from the Roosters fullback.
Brendan Elliott fumbles the ball on the ground and this one has turned into a muddle of errors. That 10-point lead may be enough to win the Roosters the game.
Brett Morris does very well to fly above and take the bomb in the wet. Joseph Manu then brings it up towards the 20 before Angus Crichton now spills it. Manly with another chance.
Victor Radley with an error now as it absolutely pours down. Scrum set on halfway.
Curtis Sironen with an error off the back of a forward pass and Manly turn it over 30 out from the Roosters' line.
The Roosters go over the line as Angus Crichton takes a James Tedesco grubber but he is held up. They now concede a penalty and Manly are gifted easy passage out of their own half.
What a set after points - the Roosters go all the way and force a dropout after Brendan Elliott is forced in-goal off a well-weighted kick from Luke Keary.
Another great attempt, this one from the sideline, but it hits the posts.
That's adventurous in the wet - Luke Keary with a looping ball over the top and Tupou dives over to score. Manly looking very vulnerable in defence.
James Tedesco with a slicing run - Roosters inside their own 40 on the last and Latrell Mitchell kicks a 40/20! What a play out of trouble.
But they can't capitalise - Latrell Mitchell jumps at and bats back a Daly Cherry-Evans long ball and the Roosters have it back inside their own 20.
Apisai Koroisau with a lovely grubber and he forces a dropout.
Siosiua Taukeiaho with the first hit-up off the restart before Daniel Tupou again takes it up like they did in their first set. Boyd Cordner now spills it and hands the ball back to Manly.
Mitchell slots it through.
That was incredibly poor from Manly. Brad Parker completely misses the ball as he attempts to defuse a bomb and it sits up for Morris who scores.
Angus Crichton over halfway in his first game starting for the Roosters on the fourth. They shift it right and Manly can't wrap up the grubber on the last - six again and plenty of pressure early on the home side.
Brad Parker and Jorge Taufua with early runs out of trouble to help out their big men. Daly Cherry-Evans then drives the ball to the right corner and James Tedesco scoots up towards the 20 as the rain falls.
Underway and the Roosters start with the ball. Siosiua Taukeiaho and Daniel Tupou with the opening runs to begin this set. Jared Waerea-Hargreaves up over the 20 before Isaac Liu surges up to the 40. Boyd Cordner with a great charge over halfway. Luke Keary goes high on the last and Jorge Taufua is under it.
Kick-off shortly with rain starting to fall at Brookie.
Big changes for the Roosters. Latrell Mitchell into the halves for Cooper Cronk. Mitchell Aubusson shifts into the centres. Victor Radley at hooker for Jake Friend while Angus Crichton and Isaac Liu come into the starting pack. Poasa Faamausili and Lachlan Lam are in on the bench.
Good evening and welcome to tonight's clash between Manly and the Roosters.
Referees & scorers:
Referee: Matt Cecchin, Chris Butler
Touch Judges: Chris McMillan, Liam Nicholls
Video Referee: Steve Chiddy, Bryan Norrie
Tries: Manase Fainu, Jake Trbojevic, Moses Suli
Field Goals:
Conversions: Daly Cherry-Evans (3/3)
Penalty Goals:
Tries: Brett Morris, Daniel Tupou (2), Boyd Cordner (2)
Field Goals:
Conversions: Latrell Mitchell (3/5)
Penalty Goals: