Ponga kicks his 8th goal for the day.
From the resulting dropout, the Warriors kick out on the full. Penalty to the Knights straight in front.
Pearce kicks into the in goal, and RTS places a hand on it to save his side another try.
Ponga converts his own try.
Ponga comes in front that time. Pearce sums up the play around the ruck, turns it inside for Ponga, who then burns RTS to score under the posts.
Ponga kicks the ball out over the sideline now. Game management in full effect.
Ponga hits the upright, but the ball bounces off away from the goal.
Edrick Lee leaps high on the last, dragging in a brilliant kick from Pearce. He throws it back to Hymel Hunt, and that's the easiest try Hunt will ever see. Great play from the Knights left outside men.
Two sets later Ponga puts Barnett into another hole, but the defense is up to the task this time.
Ponga puts Barnett into a yawning gap, but Barnett just drops it cold. Massive error from the Knights.
The Knights' right edge defence is looking a little fragile at the moment.
Tohu Harris flicks the ball out the back, but Shaun Kenny-Dowall dives on the loose ball.
And now Hiku breaks a couple of tackles and makes a line break. On the last Green tries to kick over Ponga, but he takes the ball on his own tryline.
A nice offload from Peta Hiku, and the Warriors pick up an extra ten metres.
Good play from Mitchell Pearce there, taking RTS in a ball-and-all tackle on the last.
The Knights discipline late in sets is costing them at the moment. The Warriors get another penalty, and start a set from within the Knights half.
A good set after points, making it back to the Warriors 30 on the last. Pearce drills the ball over the sideline.
Ponga kicks the conversion, and the Knights are back in front.
Some terrible defense from the Warriors there. Herman Ese'ese wanders across field looking for a gap, before turning the ball in to Sione Mata'utia, who breaks a couple of feeble tackles and crosses for a try.
A good chase on the kick from Edrick Lee, and the ball goes to ground. The Knights dive on it and it's a fresh set of six deep in the Warriors' danger zone.
Watson with a half break now.
Great play from Barnett, getting on a loose ball and changing momentum for his team.
A massive kick-off return from Agnatius Paasi.
Off the post, but it's a successful conversion attempt. We're all locked up at 18 all.
It's a try. The Warriors have the opportunity to tie the game up with this conversion attempt.
We're going to the video ref for a possible try to Ken Maumalo. It looked good, but we're just checking on the grounding.
The Warriors receive and penalty, and pick up an extra 30 metres.
Ponga knocks on, and the Warriors get let off the hook.
Great completion rate from the Knights, 19/20.
On the next tackle, Blair is ruled to be laying around in the ruck, and the Knights take the penalty goal on offer.
Some silliness in the ruck there from Gavet this time, attempting to milk the penalty, and then walking off the mark. Destroyed a bit of momentum for his team.
A much better option from Ponga this set, dribbling the ball in behind the line and forcing a repeat set.
The Warriors kick high on the last, and the ball is allowed to bounce. Gavet (yep, Gavet) leaps high, and takes the ball on the bounce for the Knights.
Ponga tries to work his way down the left sideline, but the defence holds him up and sends him out over the sideline. Poor decision there from Ponga.
Herbert gets us back underway in the second half, and Gavey crashes the ball forward.
Pearce chips over the line in the dying seconds of the half, and the Knights will go to the break leading 16-12.
Hiku makes a line break on the last, but Connor Watson manages to drag him down in a desperation tackle.
Pearce rolls the ball over the sideline on the last, and winds the clock down a bit leading in to half time.
Some big tackles from the Warriors at the moment, but the Knights are still making solid metres.
Ponga and RTS both head for the ball at the same time, clash mid air, but RTS comes down with the ball.
And Harris-Tavita makes the conversion look effortless from the left sideline.
Hiku bats the ball backwards from the kick, and the Warriors spread the ball to the left edge for Ken Maumalo to score.
Another Warriors pass goes to ground, but luckily it's backwards. We're going to the video for a possible try in the left corner.
Ponga kicks the penalty goal.
And another, this time for offside. The Knights will opt for a penalty goal.
And now a penalty against Adam Blair for a dangerous tackle.
The Warriors throw a poor pass, but then the Knights counter-attack down the right edge. It's only a cover tackle from RTS that manages to save the day.
Watson heads down the right edge for the Knights, but gets absolutely smashed by Ken Maumalo. On the last, the kick is deflected, and Ponga is forced to put a second kick in from deep in his own half.
Green kicks high on the last, but there was no chase and Edrick Lee doesn't even need to move to take it easily.
For the Knights, Herman Ese'ese and James Gavet are both now on the field.
The Warriors work their left edge on the last, but a great ball-and-all tackle stops them in their tracks.
Some great defence from the Knights here though. Strong tackles, fast line speed, but then Klemmer gets penalised on the 4th - which gifts the Warriors field position.
Ponga looks for touch on the Knights' first set after points, but can't quite find the sideline.
Ponga converts.
It's a try! Kenny-Dowall takes the high ball cleanly (albeit not attractively), and comes down for a try.
On the last, Pearce kicks high and SKD comes down with the ball. We're just checking on a potential knock on as he leaped to bring down the ball.
The Warriors kick high on the last, but Hymel Hunt is up to the task.
Gerard Beale heads for the right corner, but the Knights scramble to take him down. Now they spread it out to the left, but the ball goes to ground and buys the Knights defense a few precious seconds.
The Warriors kick into the in goal at the other end of the field, and Ponga is trapped, forcing a dropout.
The Knights making good metres this set, getting themselves deep into the Warriors half on the last. Pearce's kick just dribbles over the dead ball line.
A forward pass to Herbert lets the Knights off the hook.
Agnatius Paasi runs the ball back strongly from the kickoff, and then manages an offload to pick up a few extra metres.
Harris-Tavita lines up for the conversion attempt from well out to the right, and he bends it straight back between the posts.
And now the Warriors hit back with a try of their own, after some lovely gap running from Patrick Herbert.
A penalty to the Warriors now, with Ponga placed on report for an attempted trip. Looked pretty tame, but we'll see.
Ponga converts the try, and the Knights are out to an early 8-0 lead.
And now Pearce has extended his side's lead, throwing a dummy and easily breaking the Warriors' line. He's picked up exactly where he left off last week, and it's promising signs for the Knights.
In their first set after points, Lachlan Burr is penalised and put on report for a dangerous tackle.
And already the Knights have opened their account for the afternoon, with Ponga taking full advantage of a penalty in front of the Warriors' posts.
We're underway - the Warriors with first use of the football.
A daunting task for the Knights this afternoon, taking on the Warriors at home. The battle between the fullbacks should be one to watch - with Roger Tuivasa-Sheck up against Kalyn Ponga. Kick off soon.
Referees & scorers:
Referee: Chris Sutton, Phil Henderson
Touch Judges: Belinda Sleeman, Chris McMillan
Video Referee: Jared Maxwell, Bryan Norrie
Tries: Patrick Herbert, Ken Maumalo (2)
Field Goals:
Conversions: Chanel Harris-tavita (3/3)
Penalty Goals:
Tries: Kalyn Ponga, Hymel Hunt, Mitchell Pearce, Shaun Kenny-Dowall, Sione Mata'utia
Field Goals:
Conversions: Kalyn Ponga (4/5)
Penalty Goals: Kalyn Ponga (4/4)