The Eels finish the match with another drop-goal attempt and Moses can't get it for a second time.
Moses has a snap but it's wide.
The Eels pick up a penalty 15m out right in front. After wandering around for a little while and soaking up the clock, Moses decides to add two more and seal victory.
Sironen spills it as the Rabbitohs frantically surge up field. Eels ball inside Souths' territory.
Reyno with another and the gap is ten.
Tatola goes over after the Rabbitohs pick up a penalty, carrying several defenders to crash down under the sticks.
Connor Tracey busts through the middle and goes himself repeatedly before finally getting dragged down.
With less than seven minutes on the clock and the margin 16, it looks like the Eels have this one in the bag.
An unimaginative end to a set from the Rabbitohs as Tom Burgess is comfortably accounted for on the last. The Eels pick up a penalty coming out of their own end now and they could well finish this game off here.
Parramatta look likely down the edge again but the last past to Ferguson is errant and he ends up soccering it over the sideline.
No luck for Moses this time.
Hoffman forces his way over out wide and that could be the winner for the Eels!
Reynolds adds the extras to narrow the gap to two converted tries.
Tommy Boy! He gets down low and goes goes goes!
Ray Stone spills it getting up to play the ball, inside his own half. Souths scrum.
Souths go close down the right side after Doueihi poked through the line, but the Eels are wise to it and nullify the threat.
Moses nails it from out wide!
They go left a few times... and eventually Sivo has enough space to get it down inside the corner post!
Manu Ma'u goes close... he's hovering over the line and the Bunnies somehow rake it out but it pops back to the Eels and it's six more!
A mid-field break from Gower who finds Clint Gutherson on the run... Gutho's away! He makes it to about 30m out. As the set winds down the Eels manage to force a drop-out by burying Campbell Graham in goal.
The Bunnies on the march since halftime - they're making metres far more easily than the Eels but so far their last-tackle options have let them down.
Connor Tracey breaks down the left flank after getting past Josh Hoffman but is wrapped up 20m out. Souths switch to the other wing on the following plays but they are caught on the last just short of the line. Handover to the Eels.
And we're back underway at Bankwest Stadium. Parramatta have first use.
Halftime at Bankwest and the Eels with a bit of a boilover thus far.
Moses nails the conversion from out wide.
Moses breaks through the line, throws a flick pass out the back in a tackle, close to the Bunnies line. The ball bounces twice in front of Ferguson, who eventually cleans it up and then scores on the right edge.
Eels made big metres that set before ending with a Gutherson grubber straight to Graham
Moses converts the try
Moses with a little stabbed grubber that sits up nicely for Gutherson, who cleans up and scores
SCRUM EELS - Graham gets dumped and he loses the ball on halfway
Moses kicks a penalty goal
PENALTY EELS - They're 10m from the Bunnies line and will have a crack at goal
SCRUM EELS - Another poor pass by Souths hits the deck. Bad communication and hands has seen them turn over too much ball already
Souths drop the ball in the first tackle on the kick return. Eels start their set on halfway
Reynolds grubbers forward and Jennings knocks it dead. Eels drop out.
SCRUM SOUTHS - And on the first tackle, Souths lose the ball, but its ruled it was stripped and knocked forward by Eels
PENALTY SOUTHS - 3 tackles later and they Bunnies get another. Reynolds takes the tap
PENALTY SOUTHS - Tracey very nearly breaks through for a try and he fumbles the ball in the tackle, however its ruled the tackle helped to force the ball loose after it was completed.
Moses grubber is too heavy and beats everyone and goes dead. Souths get a 7 tackle set
PENALTY EELS - They'll get a piggy back out of their own half now. Set starts on halfway
Reynolds slots an easy penalty goal.
PENALTY SOUTHS - Cannonball tackle ruled by Ma'u
SCRUM SOUTHS - Another Souths loose pass goes to ground and Sivo comes through to intercept, but he knocks it on.
SCRUM SOUTHS - Lane drops the ball as he tries to spin out of a tackle. Scrum sets on the Bunnies 10m line.
PENALTY EELS - George Burgess trying to slow down the ruck. Eels take the tap 12m from Souths line.
Souths turn it over early in the set again and Jennings cleans up, running up to halfway.
PENALTY SOUTHS - They'll find touch 35m from the Eels line
Gutherson with a half opportunity on the right edge, but his pass goes behind Ferguson and into the touch, 10m from the Bunnies line. Handover.
Moses grubbers towards the post, but Reynolds cleans up and stays in the field of play,.
SCRUM EELS - second tackle after the penalty and George Burgess gets smashed in a tackle and loses the ball, near halfway
PENALTY SOUTHS - Souths were under pressure, but earn a penalty and waltz up to near halfway
Parra gets us underway
Referees & scorers:
Referee: Adam Gee, Gavin Badger
Touch Judges: Liam Nicholls, Rickey McFarlane
Video Referee: Henry Perenara, Bryan Norrie
Tries: Clint Gutherson, Blake Ferguson, Maika Sivo, Josh Hoffman
Field Goals: Mitchell Moses (0/2)
Conversions: Mitchell Moses (3/4)
Penalty Goals: Mitchell Moses (2/2)
Tries: Thomas Burgess, Tevita Tatola
Field Goals:
Conversions: Adam Reynolds (2/2)
Penalty Goals: Adam Reynolds (1/1)