Roosters are playing out the last 30 seconds of this contest as they move back into second position on the ladder. FULLTIME.
Benji tries to create one final moment of magic but Matterson spills it.
PENALTY TIGERS! Escort penalty. They need to do something now, and quick.
Mitchell tries to cut inside again but it popped free.
Marshall tries to grubber one through. It deflected off a Rooster and taken dead by Brett Morris. Chance to bring them within a score.
PENALTY TIGERS! A sloppy high shot from Mitchell. It will give them another six.
Latrell is putting on a personal circus show tonight. The ball hit the deck, swooped on by Morris then Mitchell tip-toed down the sideline before he sent it inside for an early kick. Tigers recover but the side have started to tire.
A Liddle bit of fortune has the Tigers heading upfield. Cronk tried to stab one behind but the Tigers hooker trapped it then grabbed the ball to send them the other way.
Everything is coming off the Roosters now. Cronk steered one wide for Hall but the hulking winger couldn't get there in front of Momirovski, as the latter sends it for a dropout.
Tigers starting to rush things now. Tried to shift it wide then Matterson knocks it on.
The Roosters centre knocks over his fourth goal of the night.
GREEN LIGHTS.. TRY! Like the locomotion, Latrell was always moving. He hurdled a defender then rolls across for the four-pointer.
Time off as Cooper Cronk was hit hard. He gets attention then we're back on. Also BUNKER TIME.
SCRUM CLOCK PENALTY! This game has had the lot. Cronk takes a breath, taps. Here we go.
Now the Roosters are on the front foot. Keary angled his kick well and it befuddled Corey Thompson enough to have him touch it then roll over the sideline.
Mitchell raises the flags from in front.
Roosters strike back! Latrell Mitchell opened up the defense, stepped inside found Luke Keary, the half summed it up well for Victor Radley to stride away.
Tigers tgry a trick play with Matterson and Brooks but it was low and coughed up.
It has all gone to pot for the Roosters. Jared Waerea-Hargreaves tries to spark his side but forgot the ball!
Time off for a head knock on Joseph Manu. Once we're ready again, Marsters swings it wide again.
GREEN LIGHTS.. TRY! It is given! The Tigers opened up the Roosters like a tin can then a deft kick on last sees Marsters juuuuust get a touch on it.
The Tigers are feeling themselves now. Esan Marsters sliced through from a shift on their own goal-line as the evergreen Chris Lawrence has shifted to centre. We're off to the BUNKER.
Marsters has a chance to edge the Tigers ahead again. Marsters from the left-side, swung it wide.
Wests go the length! Corey Thompson again shows some afterburners, this time took on the fullback and is tackled. The Tigers shifted it left, a wonderful pass from Benji Marshall sent Paul Momirovski across for his first as a Tiger.
Hope everyone enjoyed the break! We're back for the second stanza here at Bankwest. Roosters have jogged onto the turf, ready to kick-off. The Tigers eventually join them as well. KICK-OFF! Here we go again.
Roosters aim to pile on some more misery as Latrell Mitchell stretched the legs gave it to a rampaging Sitili Tupouniua who skittled defenders. On last, they went down the shortside and were thwarted. Halftime.
After a lengthy delay for Jennings to get treatment, the Roosters take over. The Wests winger is off for a HIA..
Missed chance for the Tigers! The set was going nowhere, Corey Thompson scooped up the ball and dashed for the line. He got to Manu at custodian, threw a dreadful pass that Jennings gathers and is taken into touch.
Probably the first mis-step from the Roosters this half. Cronk doesn't weight a kick and the Tigers have a seven-tackle set to possibly see out the half.
That was rather silly from Poasa. He had poked his nose through the line but juggled the ball and lost it.
Keary stabs through a short kick that has to conceded by the Tigers defense. GLDO incoming.
PENALTY ROOSTERS! Joey Manu with another strong carry back. He fended off Chris Lawrence then is taken down in a crusher-style tackle.
RED LIGHTS.. NO TRY! No grounding from the Roosters, Benji kneed it forward and despite his desperate lunge it went over the sideline. Roosters 7-tackle set.
BUNKER TIME! There was a lot of slipping and sliding like a Depeche Mode song but it doesn't look like a four-pointer. Checking how this will restart.
Roosters stride through as Sitili Tupouniua bent the line well. It gave the visitors a platform as they shift left, the pass is just watched like a passing car by the wide-men as it bounced out. Tigers ball.
Always beware the second kick! The Roosters backline can;t gather a huge Marshall bomb, it came back for Momirovski, who shovelled it to Farah to stab one in-goal but Manu was able to recover.
After the fervent start, the game has moved into an arm wrestle now. Both sides have favoured the longer bomb kick that has seen the contest start resembling a game of force-em-backs.
Mid-range attempt for Mitchell. He studies the kick then squeezed it inside.
Some eyes-up football there. Cronk put the ball on a dime which forced an error from David Nofoaluma then Luke Keary threw the alley-oop for Daniel Tupou to stroll across.
Good defensive set from the Roosters. Tigers have been substandard with their kicking game thus far, and a chargedown has given Sydney a set right on the attack.
Marsters shoots the Tigers into the lead.
PENALTY TIGERS! A second successive whistle for the home side. Tigers quick hands hits the ground, Robert Jennings tries to find a hole inside but the whole line was offside. Tigers shooting for two.
PENALTY TIGERS! The Roosters have straddled the line in their previous two kick chases, this one from Zane Tetevano is pinged. The forward is on report as well.
Marsters ties up the contest.
Strength from Matterson. The forward who has been the extra man for NSW twice this year in origin, absorbed a hit, spun back inside and stretched out for the try.
PENALTY TIGERS! A few sgtrong charges have the Tigers right on the line, now a whistle which sees them dawdle back to the ten with a fresh set.
Tigers have a chance to respond right back after Victor Radley glanced a pass forward on first tackle.
Latrell knocks over his first assignment.
Welcome back Jared! The prop has been out for six weeks and he throws a peach of a face ball for Nat Butcher to stroll across.
PENALTY ROOSTERS! First whistle, albeit a bit withered, goes for the visitors. Cronk shoots it to the 30 metre line. First attacking chance for Sydney.
Both sides through their first set of work. Tigers went for an early spread but the last-tackle kick from Marshall was high but easily taken.
KICK-OFF! Luke Keary feigns inside and takes the first hit-up.
Wests have the ball on halfway. Former Rooster, Paul Momirovski will take the kick after the light show subsides. Let's play some football!
Here we go! The Roosters, defending premiers, trot onto the sublime surface of Bankwest Stadium, wearing their white with blue v design ready to go. Next is the home side, through a guard of honour of former players, Wests aiming for three straight victories for the first time under Michael Maguire.
Welcome to Bankwest stadium! The return of Jared Waerea-Hargreaves and Luke Keary will spearhead the Roosters side aiming to regain the form of earlier season, in a shortened round. For Wests, the home side at "their jungle" have experience in Benji Marshall and Robbie Farah with an almost unchanged side. So we're set for an interesting game of rugby league! Kick-off soon!
Referees & scorers:
Referee: Henry Perenara, Matt Noyen
Touch Judges: Nick Morel, Jeff Younis
Video Referee: Steve Chiddy, Bryan Norrie
Tries: Ryan Matterson, Esan Marsters, Paul Momirovski
Field Goals:
Conversions: Esan Marsters (1/3)
Penalty Goals: Esan Marsters (1/1)
Tries: Nat Butcher, Latrell Mitchell, Daniel Tupou, Victor Radley
Field Goals:
Conversions: Latrell Mitchell (4/4)
Penalty Goals: