FULL TIME - Manly score four tries to three but fall short by one point as Souths snap a four-game losing streak.
Manly go absolutely nowhere in that set and Souths have it back with 40 seconds to go inside the Sea Eagles half.
Adam Reynolds to the air and Jorge Taufua is under it. Manly inside their own 20.
Daly Cherry-Evans bombs from 40 out. Reuben Garrick flies above and Souths fumble it but the referees rule Garrick to have knocked it on first. Massive call.
Souths just over halfway on the last. Adam Reynolds picks out Brendan Elliot in the corner but he shakes off James Roberts and takes it up to the 30. Great start to the set.
Reynolds nails it.
Cody Walker takes on the line and is just held up short of the line on the third. Frantic stuff here.
Martin Taupau - he throws a risky offload, it goes to ground and Souths have it back. 10 out.
We are locked up!
Daly Cherry-Evans with the grubber, it bounces awkwardly and Thompson scores!
Daly Cherry-Evans inside to Curtis Sironen who runs a brilliant line and surges right through the middle. He finds Martin Taupau in support and Manly are 10 out.
Cade Cust now off for a H.I.A test.
No chance for Souths to snap a field goal with Joel Thompson coming up with a crucial tackle to shut Souths down in the corner. Adam Reynolds takes on the line on the last and is tackled.
Daly Cherry-Evans' grubber on the last ricochets and is picked up by Cody Walker who sprints away before being wrapped up 40 out.
Another error from Souths. This time Liam Knight. Manly 30 out.
Manase Fainu now limping off for Manly.
Cade Cust grubbers ahead, it is played at by Cameron Murray but Cust comes up with an error trying to dive on the loose ball.
Adam Reynolds clears it on the last and Reuben Garrick is onto it and a strong return takes it over the 30.
Apologies folks had issues with the timer. 16 minutes to go. Outside of a charging run and offload from Martin Taupau that was an awful set from Manly. Moses Suli gets it on the last on the shortside with no overlap and simply kicks it straight to Souths.
DCE with another well-timed grubber and he forces another dropout.
Dean Britt now comes up with an error and Manly get it right back.
Cust goes straight through but a late play at the ball from Dane Gagai forces the ball loose as he goes to ground it.
Massive penalty. Manly were struggling for metres, deep inside their own half, but Tevita Tatola hands them cheap metres. They are over halfway.
More points for Souths.
Penalty and a big one with Souths now having a full set on Manly's line. They'll shoot for two actually.
Not the end of the set that Manly wanted. Daly Cherry-Evans tries to thread the needle and force another dropout but can't get the ball through. Campbell Graham then races away and Souths are over halfway on the second.
And as I write that Adam Doueihi is dragged in-goal by three committed Manly defenders.
Manly playing with plenty of energy at the moment. They trap Dane Gagai five out from his own line and Souths will really need their big men to stand up.
Garrick can't get this one either.
Massive turning point. Damien Cook with a speculator and Suli swoops onto it and runs away to score.
Dylan Walker concedes a penalty to invite Souths back into prime attacking field position.
Daly Cherry-Evans with a nice kick to end a solid set from Manly and he finds touch 25 out from the South Sydney line.
Garrick hits it to the left of the posts.
He gets his try this time. DCE to the right edge, he takes it right up to the line and plays it short to Sironen who crashes over.
Daly Cherry-Evans short to Curtis Sironen who charges over the top of a couple of Souths defenders before being pulled up just short of the line. DCE with a dangerous grubber on the last and Adam Doueihi and Braidon Burns get in each other's way and drop it. Manly 10 out.
Adam Reynolds with a shallow mid-field bomb which bounces up for Dylan Walker and Manly are already over halfway now.
Back underway for the second half.
HALF TIME - A perfect completion rate sees Souths take a 18-6 lead into the break after trailing by four points early.
Reynolds nails the conversion from the sideline.
They make Manly pay late. Shift left, Cody Walker threatens to slice straight through and then throws it to Graham who powers over in the corner.
Power set from Souths. Damien Cook with a smart kick which is cleaned up by Daly Cherry-Evans. The Rabbitohs rally to drag him 10 metres back into the in-goal area. Just over one minute to go.
Reynolds can't get this one from the sideline.
Reynolds with a lovely looping pass over the top to Gagai and the Rabbitohs make Manly pay for their ill-discipline.
Curtis Sironen with an error bringing it up and Souths have a great chance to push further ahead. They are inside the Manly 20.
James Roberts kicks on the last but no-one was expecting it so it's a simple catch for Brendan Elliot.
Reuben Garrick runs it on the last and chips ahead. It is dangerous with Manly chasers all around but Adam Doueihi steams onto it. Garrick is there though to shut him down. Souths working it out from inside their own half.
Adam Reynolds with a nicely-weighted bomb on the last. Dane Gagai does well to get up above the Manly defenders and bat it back for Jaydn Su'A but he drops it as he tries to work his way towards the line.
Daly Cherry-Evans' kick on the last finds touch 20 out and both sides have settled into the grind now.
Cade Cust with a dangerous grubber on the last which is toed ahead by Souths have it back. Dane Gagai and Braidon Burns with brilliant runs to start the set and the Rabbitohs are already over the 40. Adam Reynolds kicks it towards the corner on the last and Jorge Taufua traps it on the foot before picking it up.
Adam Reynolds with a nice bomb on the last, no pressure on Jorge Taufua though who takes it on the Manly 10. The Sea Eagles now struggling for metres through the middle. They are just over the 40 on the last but Manase Fainu earns a much-needed penalty.
Reynolds sends it through and Souths lead again.
Adam Reynolds to Britt who steams through to score and finally the mountain of penalties lead to points.
Jorge Taufua absolutely HAMMERS Adam Doueihi in a massive tackle. Manly have them well handled in this set but concede another penalty.
Manly still winning the battle up front here. Cameron Murray with plenty of leg drive has been strong for Souths but they are otherwise being well contained. Murray does earn a penalty here though and then another penalty is blown moments later. Rabbitohs 10 out with a full set to come.
Joel Thompson - he's been brilliant so far and he picks up strong metres in this set to bring Manly up to the 30. They explore the right edge once more as Moses Suli surges over halfway. On the last Daly Cherry-Evans finds touch 15 out from the line, he's been a great calming influence so far for the Sea Eagles.
Garrick nails the conversion.
OK... Cust has gone over here after an exchanging of passes. It is given straight away but there looked to have been a knock-on from Moses Suli in the lead-up. Nonetheless, Manly hit the lead.
Reynolds slots it.
Damien Cook holds it up and spreads it to Adam Doueihi who goes through a massive hole but it is called back for an obstruction. Manly pinned for offside first though and the penalty goes to Souths.
Adam Reynolds with a lovely kick towards the corner that just pulls up and Brendan Elliot is trapped in-goal.
Manly forwards providing plenty of go-forward through the middle and they are 30 out on the last. A chaser hits the ground and the kick is taken easily by the Souths defenders as such.
Adam Reynolds with a spiralling bomb on the last, a tough one to take but Brendan Elliot is under it.
Joel Thompson with a surging run through the middle and then he fends off Damien Cook, passes out right to Moses Suli who is held up five out. He makes an error in the play the ball though.
Adam Reynolds tries to thread the needle and force a dropout, he gets it through but it goes dead. Seven-tackle set.
The ball is stripped out from Liam Knight. Penalty. Souths into the Manly red zone. They start the set 20 out.
Manly to work it out from deep inside their own half. Dylan Walker dances around and takes it up past the 30. Martin Taupau then over the 40. Manase Fainu drops it trying to offload and Souths have it back just shy of halfway.
Braidon Burns with a nice carry out of dummy-half over halfway. Damien Cook then gives it to Liam Knight who offloads late, Souths surge upfield and are 20 out. They spread it left on the last and Campbell Graham is over in the corner but Manly and in particular Brendan Elliot scramble brilliantly to hold him up.
Not as many metres for Manly in that set. They're inside their own 40 on the last as Daly Cherry-Evans clears it. Souths have it back on their own 20 as their outside backs take the tough carries early.
Souths 30 out on the last. Adam Reynolds bombs but the wind holds it up. James Roberts has it back and tries to grubber through but Jorge Taufua dives on the ball and Manly have it back.
But it all comes undone quickly for the Sea Eagles. Off the quick restart, Cade Cust sees space and tries to link with Dylan Walker but the pass soars into touch. Bunnies to start this set on their own 30.
The Sea Eagles with an early chance to post first points. Not the most threatening set but DCE again with a lovely kick that traps Adam Doueihi in-goal. Pressure still on the Bunnies.
Manly's big men doing very well early. A late offload from Joel Thompson to Daly Cherry-Evans who finds Cade Cust and they are just 30 out on the last. DCE to the air and Campbell Graham is under it but Brendan Elliot drags him in-goal. Brilliant start.
Underway at ANZ with Manly having first use of the ball.
The last time these two sides met Manly pipped Souths 13-12 at home.
Kick-off expected in just under five minutes.
Manly's Tom Trbojevic is rested with Brendan Elliot to play fullback, the addition to the bench being Lachlan Croker.
Souths lose Sam Burgess from the side named Tuesday, with Dean Britt starting back row. Ethan Lowe and Mark Nicholls drop off the interchange, with Jaydn Su'A, Tom Amone and Bayley Sironen promoted to the bench instead.
Both sides are vying for spots in the top four. Manly are in sensational form while the Rabbitohs will be looking to snap a concerning run of losses in recent weeks.
Good afternoon and welcome to the live blog of today's massive clash between South Sydney and Manly.
Referees & scorers:
Referee: Grant Atkins, Liam Kennedy
Touch Judges: Nick Morel, Mark Bohan
Video Referee: Jared Maxwell, Ben Galea
Tries: Dean Britt, Dane Gagai, Campbell Graham
Field Goals: Adam Reynolds (1/1)
Conversions: Adam Reynolds (2/3)
Penalty Goals: Adam Reynolds (2/2)
Tries: Cade Cust, Curtis Sironen, Moses Suli, Joel Thompson
Field Goals:
Conversions: Reuben Garrick (2/4)
Penalty Goals: