FULL TIME - Canberra to third position after a big 36-14 win over the Dragons.
Host hooks it.
A mistake from Canberra, Leilua pops the offload and Dufty races away. Great chase from CNK though with the game all but over now.
Siliva Havili surges towards the line for a double but has the ball stripped out. Penalty Raiders.
Korbin Sims with an error and this game is in quite the lull period now.
A miracle pass from Elliott Whitehead doesn't go to hand and the Dragons have it back on the 30.
A chip kick ahead for Matt Dufty who chases but is taken down by Aidan Sezer who has it for Canberra.
Josh Hodgson is off with a potential injury. Fingers crossed for Canberra fans.
Croker misses that one and it's a 26-point lead.
BOOM! Raiders running riot despite being reduced to 12 men, CNK grabs his second and this is a bit of a rout now.
Croker nails the two extra and it's now a 22 point lead.
Havili powers over for the Raiders despite being down a man! That is the GAME! Raiders will win from here.
Now for the Dragons - can they use the extra man advantage with 20 to go and bridge the gap?
Cotric sent off for a spear tackle on his opposite number!
Time off. Lafai has been dumped in a very dangerous tackle here. Cotric in a bit of trouble.
Dragons are suddenly a different team. Looking positive in attack and another try could have the Raiders on shaky ground.
Lafai resumes kicking duties and nails this one to reduce the margin to 16 points.
LUCIANO! Hits the gap perfectly and the Dragons have two tries in a short space of time!
Dragons with a bit of a roll on now, a couple of sets at the Canberra line.
An easy kick but Norman can't get it to go through. Clank into the post.
Korbin finally gets the Saints on the board.
Croker gets one!
CNK reaches out and plants it! Oh boy. Dragons in all sorts.
No dice for Croker.
Wighton does a wonderful job and it ends up with Croker, who clears space for Simonsson to score in the corner!
Bunker for Canberra! Has Simonsson got the Raiders' fourth try?
Play resumes and Canberra will have the ball first in the second half.
Try as they might, nothing is doing for the Dragons who just don't seem to be able to match it with the Green Machine. Siren sounds and that's halftime in the 'Gong.
Croker nails the extras and it's not looking good for the Red V now.
Joe Tapine crosses for Canberra's third try and it's a bit of one-way traffic now.
Norman puts a pinpoint grubber which forces the Raiders to concede a GLDO. Dragons need a try here.
And then Guler stuffs up, failing to get up to play the ball properly and Klein blows the penalty against him. Dragons off the hook.
Hodgson with a 1-on-1 strip just inside the Dragons half and there's another chance for the visitors!
Canberra all over the Dragons at the moment, looking likely every time while the Dragons are lacking serious polish when they do get a chance to attack.
Canberra's attack breaks down and the Dragons are off the hook.
Jeremy Latimore off injured, lower leg in strife there.
Another miss from the Raiders' star centre though!
Croker scores and he now holds the record for most Raiders tries of all time!
Ravalawa looks to go over in the corner but there's an error in attempting the put down. Canberra off the hook and will have a 20m restart.
An early set kick from Ben Hunt and Bailey Simonsson grounds it, GLDO Raiders. Chance for the home side to mount pressure here.
Lui can't properly handle a Hodgson dummy half pass on tackle four and is met by the Dragons defence, losing it and handing the Dragons scrum inside the opposition half.
Not a great kick from Croker this time and it's waved away.
Cotric gets over with a superb individual effort, shrugging off four defenders to plant it down.
Dragons hand possession over coming out of their own end and Canberra now have a set inside the opposition half.
Sims can't take a short ball before the line and Canberra will have a scrum on their own 10m.
Hodgson loses it with an easy pass... and then Canberra concede a penalty. Dragons on the attack.
Croker opens the scoring for the Raiders!
Canberra with three penalties in a row and they're going to take a shot for goal.
Each side with a solid set to start off.
We're underway - Lachlan Croker puts boot to ball and it's returned by St George Illawarra prop Jeremy Latimore.
Late changes are aplenty for the Saints - Hunt starts at half with Nicholls out, Vaughan and Frizell join the pack with Lawrie moving to lock and Host/Leilua benched. Canberra have a couple of switches with Soliola starting in favour of Papali'i, who is benched. Guler replaces Sutton (injured) on the interchange.
Good evening! Round 17 wraps in Wollongong, with the Raiders having abseiled down the Illawarra escarpement to reach tonight's venue. Canberra will commemorate NAIDOC week by wearing their Indigenous jersey, while the Dragons are in the Red V.
Referees & scorers:
Referee: Ashley Klein, Todd Smith
Touch Judges: Kasey Badger, Nick Beashel
Video Referee: Jared Maxwell, Ben Galea
Tries: Korbin Sims, Luciano Leilua, Matthew Dufty
Field Goals:
Conversions: Corey Norman (0/1), Timoteo Lafai (1/1), Jacob Host (0/1)
Penalty Goals:
Tries: Jarrod Croker, Nick Cotric, Joseph Tapine, Bailey Simonsson, Charnze Nicoll-Klokstad (2), Siliva Havili
Field Goals:
Conversions: Jarrod Croker (3/7)
Penalty Goals: Jarrod Croker (1/1)