FULL TIME - The Tigers are back into the eight with a 28-4 win over the Cowboys.
Coen Hess takes on the line and is dragged into touch. That will be the game.
David Nofoaluma is dragged into touch and the Cowboys have one final chance to score. They're 10 out.
The Tigers force a dropout but the Cowboys find touch and get the ball back now. A good sign with the game over, showing some effort despite a tough night.
He can't get this.
Luke Brooks plays it short to Lawrence who crashes over. Soft try with the game over.
He bends it back through.
Marsters charges through to score and that's the game.
Time is quickly running out for the Cowboys - their forwards have been constantly pushing upfield to try give their outisde backs a chance of creating something but execution has been seriously lacking. Now they concede a penalty against the run of play.
Clifford hooks it to the left.
After threatening to go over on two occasions during the game Feldt slices over out wide. Kick to come - an important one. Nice tip on from Tom Opacic there to create space.
The ball is knocked down as the Cowboys shift it right and they have a great chance here to post their first points of the game.
The Cowboys nab a relieving penalty to march up outside of their own 20. They still have time to at least send this to Golden Point but look little chance of troubling the Tigers, who have impressed in defence.
Mbye puts it through.
The Tigers will shoot for two points.
The Cowboys come up with a mistake inside their own half - Jason Taumalolo the man - things are getting pretty messy and they look no hope of reducing the gap.
Luke Brooks with a nice kick finding touch 10 out, rewarding his big men with a rest after lots of work in defence.
Moses Mbye flies out of the line and pressures Scott Drinkwater into an error. A disappointing result for them after a heap of possession on the Tigers' line.
Another penalty, this one for a high hit on Coen Hess.
Back-to-back penalties for the Cowboys - if they don't score here it will be a serious hit to their confidence and boost to the opposition's.
An error from the Tigers - Michael Chee-Kam it looks like - Cowboys 10 out.
They spread it right and the Cowboys look certain to score, Kyle Feldt goes towards the corner but the Tigers force it out as he steps back inside. Luke Brooks the man to come up with the big play. They have it back as a result.
Michael Morgan clears it from inside their own 30 and it's a great kick. Corey Thompson has trouble keeping it inside, perhaps thinking it was a 40-20 despite it being closer to the 30-metre mark. He goes out and a potential momentum swing here. Cowboys 30 out.
Luke Brooks with a deft grubber, Esan Marsters and David Nofoaluma chasing it down but Murray Taulagi does well to dive on it under pressure. The Cowboys are once more trapped well inside their own half.
An error from the Cowboys bringing it up, they look no hope of putting together a comeback. Tigers 20 out.
Luke Brooks with a towering bomb on the last, this time it's Kyle Feldt who flies above to take it under enormous pressure. They are still inside their own 20 though.
Michael Morgan kicks it towards the sideline on the last. Corey Thompson is there to take it, the Tiger starting their set past their own 20.
Esan Marsters again! He is the perfect target for kicks. Luke Brooks sends it to him, no Cowboys contest it, he takes it with ease and flicks the ball back inside but the Cowboys fortunately dive on it.
Open space and Scott Drinkwater slices through, Cowboys 40 out but there's an error as a poor pass from dummy-half is dropped by Jake Clifford.
A powerful set to start the second half for the Tigers. They are 15 out on the last. Benji Marshall puts it into the air, Esan Marsters bats it back to Benji who kicks ahead and the Cowboys have it but again it is the Tigers with dominant field position early.
Back underway as North Queensland's season goes on the line.
HALF TIME - A dominant forty minutes from the Tigers who lead 16-0 and temporarily sit inside the eight.
Jake Clifford now finds touch 20 out from the Tigers line.
Kyle Feldt - what a play - he takes the kick on the last and beats three Tigers defenders to make his way into the field of play. Cowboys again working it out from deep inside their own half.
Michael Morgan takes on the line, fights in the tackle and throws an offload but Moses Mbye scoops it up.
Jake Clifford puts it up into the air and David Nofoaluma puts it down. Big chance for the Cowboys, 10 out right before the break.
Tigers to kick inside their own 30. Luke Brooks does well to find ground off the kick but Kyle Feldt brings it up to the 30 on the first play.
A dangerous kick from Jake Clifford to end the set but Benji Marshall is back to clean it up. Tigers right on their own line under pressure in a rare opportunity for the Cowboys to make a defensive statement.
Cowboys relieved after an error from Thomas Mikaele.
Luke Brooks with a smart grubber, forcing Jake Clifford in-goal.
NO TRY - Kyle Feldt goes over out wide but it is pulled up for an obstruction from Coen Hess. Luke Brooks looks to have made the initial contact but the ruling stands. Tigers penalty and a massive kick sees them 30 out.
Now they earn a penalty and after a poor start can get back into the contest.
Robbie Farah with a lovely kick out of dummy-half, it almost threatens to pull up but just goes dead. Chance here for the Cowboys to march upfield and build more pressure.
Cowboys big men doing a lot of the heavy lifting as they take their side over halfway. Jake Clifford kicks it straight to Corey Thompson on the last and the Tigers get it back.
Chance here for the Tigers - Luke Brooks creates space for Moses Mbye with a nice pass but he falls over and links with Paul Momirovski who throws it back inside and Jake Granville dives on it.
Cowboys completely unravelling - they run it on the last, Jake Clifford is caught out and throws a forward pass. Now the Tigers get a penalty and another chance to go further ahead.
Luke Brooks with a clearing kick, potentially going for the 40-20, but Kyle Feldt reads it well and takes it up to the 20.
Another good opportunity for the Tigers as Luke Brooks puts it into the air and Luke Garner has a good grab at it but it comes free. Cowboys back with it and still inside their own half struggling to earn any back-to-back sets.
Mbye puts it straight through.
Momirvoski steps back inside off a long ball from Luke Brooks and beats four defenders to the line. Poor defence really, they over chase and are caught out.
Robbie Farah with a smart run out of dummy-half as he picks up 20 metres and brings the Tigers closer to the North Queensland line. Up to the air on the last and Murray Taulagi drops it. Wests 10 out.
Not the best attempt there as he hooks it left.
Farah sneaks out of dummy-half and forces his way over for a relatively soft try in the end.
Late penalty to the Tigers - they're 20 out.
Benji Marshall with a testing bomb on the last - all of the right-hand chasers were offside - but no call is made. Fortunately for the Cowboys they have it back and work it out of their own half. Michael Morgan with an awkward kick on the last and Corey Thompson takes it in unconvincing fashion.
Six more for the Cowboys after there is a touch from a Tigers hand as the ball comes out. They're still inside their own 40 though. But Jason Taumalolo then barges right through and runs 40 metres - he split them right open! They shift it right but Tom Opacic comes up with an error.
Composed set after points as Robbie Farah finds touch close to the Cowboys line.
Mbye slots it.
Luke Brooks with the cross-field bomb, Marsters takes it cleanly in front of some pretty disinterested Cowboys players and he then shrugs them off to score.
Scott Drinkwater under the kick on the last and the Cowboys work it out from inside their own half. Jordan McLean with the best run of the set, surging up to the 40. Jason Taumalolo then over halfway on the fifth. Jake Clifford goes to the air on the last and it's out on the full.
Michael Morgan shapes to go long but then plays it short to Shane Wright who is over to score but the pass is called forward.
Jake Clifford with a nice kick towards the corner and David Nofoaluma is forced to take it into touch with Murray Tualagi looming. Another set for the Cowboys close to the line. An early try would be the perfect way to silence a vocal home crowd at Leichhardt.
The ball spills loose as Kyle Feldt goes for the corner and a penalty is blown. They wil tap.
Penalty to the Cowboys. They find touch over halfway with a chance to respond.
Michael Morgan's kick on the last is charged down and Robbie Farah chases it down. Tigers 20 out. Big chance here to build pressure but Benji Marshall's kick goes dead.
A great opening set from the visitors, their pack getting them upfield well as was expected coming into this one and they are over halfway.
Underway here at Leichhardt Oval.
A loss will all but see the Cowboys' finals hopes go up in smoke while a victory for the Tigers will see them move into the eight.
Both sides are 1-17 tonight. Kick-off in a few minutes.
Referees & scorers:
Referee: Grant Atkins, Jon Stone
Touch Judges: Belinda Sharpe, Rickey McFarlane
Video Referee: Steve Chiddy, Ben Lowe
Tries: Esan Marsters (2), Robbie Farah, Paul Momirovski, Chris Lawrence
Field Goals:
Conversions: Moses Mbye (2/3), Paul Momirovski (1/2)
Penalty Goals: Moses Mbye (1/1)
Tries: Kyle Feldt
Field Goals:
Conversions: Jake Clifford (0/1)
Penalty Goals: