Manase Fainu is tackled as the full-time siren sounds.
The Sea Eagles repel an attacking chance from the Knights.
The Knights get tackled close to the line.
The Knights get a penalty and will start a set just over halfway.
Shaun Kenny-Dowall manages to deny a rampaging effort from Jorge Taufua close to the line.
Walker bombs and in a sign of how dismal today has been for the Knights, the ball falcon's Mason Lino.
Garrick converts to put the Sea Eagles up 30-6.
Garrick gets another to bring his season total to 13.
It's been a sorry second half for the Knights - they were in this at halftime, but haven't been able to stay with the Sea Eagles.
Pearce kicks the ball dead to give the Sea Eagles a seven tackle set.
Fitzgibbon does well to dive on the ball close to his own goal line.
The kick goes wide to leave the score at 24-6.
Taufua continues his love affair against Newcastle, bagging his 11th try from nine appearances.
Jorge Taufua is claiming a try, but the referee wants to check for a possible obstruction.
Pearce comes up with a lacklustre last tackle play to give the Sea Eagles a seven tackle set.
Watson makes a great bust to send Ponga close to the tryline.
The Sea Eagles get another penalty - it's all becoming a bit much for the Knights.
Sea Eagles get another penalty and elect to tap and go.
The Sea Eagles get a penalty for an escort.
The Sea Eagles are surging at the moment.
Garrick converts to put the home side up by 14.
Taupau exploits the Knights retreating defence to all but assure the Sea Eagles a place in the finals.
The Knights give up an attacking chance with a forward pass inside the Sea Eagles' half.
Jorge Taufua comes up with an error to release the pressure on the Knights.
DCE is taken by Mason Lino 15 metres out from the Knights line.
Pearce bombs, but Garrick is up to the tack on his goal line.
Ponga can't quite get through the Manly defence.
After missing his first two kicks, Garrick puts the Sea Eagles out beyond a converted try.
Joel Thompson punishes the Knights with a powerful run to score an important try for the home side.
James Gavet loses possession to put the Knights under serious pressure.
Kalyn Ponga gets a penalty despite protestations from the Manly crowd over a possible escort.
Kurt Mann does well to get the ball out of the in-goal.
Compounding the poor finish to the set, the Knights concede a penalty.
Mason Lino comes up with a poor kick to gift the Sea Eagles a seven tackle set.
The Knights get a penalty coming out of their own end.
Ponga makes a leaping catch inside his own half.
Shaun Kenny-Dowall makes a good effort close to the Sea Eagles' line, but the Manly defence forces a turnover.
James Gavet gets an offload away.
Shaun Kenny-Dowall does well to put the Knights on the attack.
The Sea Eagles are on the field with play set to resume in a matter of moments.
Mitchell Pearce takes the Knights back out for the second half.
SKD takes Tom Trbojevic over the sideline as the first half comes to a close.
The Knights fail to make the most of an attacking opportunity as the first half winds down.
Dylan Walker does his best gridiron audition to give up possession inside the Knights' half.
Ponga shows he is human by coming up with an error.
The Sea Eagles come up with an error in an attacking position.
Ponga fires a cut-out pass akin to his effort in Origin I - but the pass is deemed forward.
The Lottoland faithful let their feelings known about a pass to James Gavet near halfway.
Hymel Hunt gets a penalty with the Sea Eagles deemed offside from DCE's kick.
Jorge Taufua manages to stay in the field of play after a bouncing bomb from Pearce after points.
Ponga's footwork to score that try would earn him a place in the Belarusian Ballet from John Wick 3!
Lino gets the Knights back within two points.
Ponga dances his way to the line with brilliant footwork.
Barnett is taken in a great tackle by Walker.
Newcastle get a penalty 30 metres out from the Manly line.
Tom Trbojevic comes up with another error inside his own half.
Manase Fainu replaces Apisai Koroisau at dummy half.
James Gavet is on for the visitors.
From the touchline Garrick pushes the kick left of the posts.
Garrick gets his 12th try of the season.
Reuben Garrick is claiming a try after a pinpoint chip from DCE.
DCE bombs for Kurt Mann who comes up with an error inside the Knights' half.
Daniel Saifiti loses possession a metre out from the goal line.
Sione Mata'utia is on for David Klemmer.
Ponga kicks for Mann inside the Sea Eagles half.
Ponga loses possession on halfway only for the referee to award the visitors a penalty.
The Knights manage to come up with possession after an attacking kick from DCE.
Lino puts a well-timed kick onto the chest of SKD, but the Newcastle winger can't maintain possession.
The Knights get a penalty on halfway.
Suli pops an offload to Tom Trbojevic who can't hold onto the ball.
Tom Trbojevic gets a penalty after Hymel Hunt pushes the Manly Sea Eagles' fullback in the act of contesting the ball.
Lino kicks for Kenny-Dowall, who bats it back to Barnett who give possession back with a well-intentioned kick to the posts.
Tom Trobojevic loses possession inside his own half.
Taupau is hit in strong contact off the kick-off by Hunt and Barnett.
Garrick is well wide of the posts to leave the home side up 4-0.
Good work from Sironen to score his fifth of the season exposing Moga and Pearce defensively.
DCE puts his second rower over with a nice pass to expose the Knights' retreating defence.
The Sea Eagles get a repeat set inside the Knights' half.
The Knights have the ascendancy over the early stages.
Tom Trbojevic is taken inside his 10 metre zone.
DCE kicks from inside his own 20 metre zone.
Mason Lino puts the ball in goal only for Tom Trbojevic to get out in time.
David Klemmer earns a penalty inside the Sea Eagles' half.
Daly Cherry-Evans kicks downfield as Ponga gets a pass away to Moga.
Ponga goes high but Tom Trbojevic is up to the task.
Curtis Sironen can't latch onto Dylan Walker's chip close to the tryline. The Knights will start a set 10 metres out from their own end.
The Sea Eagles get a penalty coming out of their own end.
Daniel Saifiti gets an offload away in the Sea Eagles half.
Moses Suli comes up with an error just over halfway.
Mitchell Pearce kicks downfield where Tom Trbojevic is tackled just shy of the 30 metre line.
Reuben Garrick kicks off as David Klemmer takes the first carry of the afternoon.
Daly Cherry-Evans leads the Sea Eagles out through a Golden Eagles entrance of former club legends.
The Knights are on the field.
The Knights are as per program after coach Nathan Brown swung the selection axe during the week.
The Sea Eagles have made one change with Apisai Koroisau returning for his 100th game at hooker as part of a reshuffle that sees Manase Fainu drop to the bench in place of Lachlan Croker.
The Sea Eagles come into today's contest off the back of a golden point victory over Melbourne last Saturday, while the Knights succumbed to their fourth straight loss last Friday against the Tigers.
Manly and Newcastle boast one of the strongest rivalries in the competition stemming from several fiery clashes during the mid-90s - most notably the 1997 ARL Grand Final won by the Knights with seconds left on the clock.
Welcome to League Unlimited's coverage of Round 20 Saturday Afternoon NRL between the Manly Sea Eagles and the Newcastle Knights from Lottoland.
Referees & scorers:
Referee: Henry Perenara, Phil Henderson
Touch Judges: Nick Morel, Liam Nicholls
Video Referee: Steve Chiddy, Ben Galea
Tries: Curtis Sironen, Reuben Garrick (2), Joel Thompson, Martin Taupau, Jorge Taufua
Field Goals:
Conversions: Reuben Garrick (3/6)
Penalty Goals:
Tries: Kalyn Ponga
Field Goals:
Conversions: Mason Lino (1/1)
Penalty Goals: