FULL TIME - Well the late drama saves an otherwise dour match as Brisbane steal a 18-14 win.
Isaako slots the kick.
Turpin wins it for the Broncos! He scoops up a sloppy pass and steps through to score!
James Segeyaro almost breaks through, throws it back to Jake Turpin who also pops a late offload and the Cowboys touch it. Six again. Broncos 10 out.
Michael Morgan finds touch 10 out from the Broncos line.
Anthony Milford almost trapped in-goal but regardless Brisbane with little field position. Jake Turpin forced to kick from inside the 30 and Cowboys have it on their own 40. Milford seems the likely candidate to break this game open for the away side.
Anthony Milford tries the tap on but it goes into touch. Cowboys survive.
Tevita Pangai with the one-on-one strip! Broncos 20 out!
Clifford makes no mistake from right in front.
Brisbane concede a gift penalty right in front of the posts.
Michael Morgan with a well-placed grubber towards the in-goal area but the chase isn't the best and Anthony Milford gets into the field of play. Brisbane struggling to get any metres though and Tevita Pangai drops the ball. Cowboys 10 out.
Anthony Milford with a towering bomb to complete this set but Scott Drinkwater is under it and takes it well.
Locked up once more.
A powerful effort from Fifita who surges up on an angle to reach out and score.
The Cowboys haven't been the best at finishing games as of late, having conceded seven tries while only scoring one in the final 20 minutes of their last three games.
Gideon Gela-Mosby drops a bomb and Brisbane get a chance to hit back. They are 10 out.
An error from Payne Haas now... this game has seriously dropped off a cliff. Cowboys ball on their own 30.
Scott Drinkwater tries to force a goal-line dropout but the ball skips dead.
Now Patty Carrigan loses it... Cowboys on their own 40.
Jake Granville with a massive break through the middle and the Cowboys are just 40 out. Gavin Cooper forces an offload though and Brisbane have it back.
Clifford converts his own try.
Clifford won't be denied this time! He grubbers for himself and finds enough space to score.
Anthony Milford rushes a pass late to David Fifita who kicks and it goes dead.
Jake Turpin puts up the bomb, it's batted back and Anthony Milford does spectacularly well to stay inside and chip over the top to force a dropout.
Coen Hess tries to offload but the ball comes out in the tackle and the knock-on is ruled. Broncos ball on their own 40.
Jake Turpin looks to force a repeat set but it goes dead. Seven-tackle set Cowboys.
Brisbane lose it bringing it up, Michael Morgan with a massive rush of blood kicks straight away on the first play for Kyle Feldt but Gehamat Shibasaki has it. They hand it straight back to the Broncos, who get a relieving penalty.
Jake Clifford slices right through to score but it's pulled up for an obstruction. Gavin Cooper stops in the line.
Another penalty for the Cowboys.
Thomas Flegler with a careless hit on Jake Clifford putting away his kick on the last and the Cowboys have a full set 10 out.
Andrew McCullough is caught running on the last and rushes a kick which finds touch 25 out from the Cowboys line.
Gehamat Shibasaki clears up a grubber on the last play and Brisbane have it back.
The Cowboys earn the first penalty of the second half and are just 10 out.
Michael Morgan with the clearing kick on the last and Anthony Milford has it. Brisbane to start their first set inside their own 20.
Back underway at Townsville.
HALF TIME - Honestly a very ordinary game with neither side threatening much in attack. The close score line is all it has going for it.
Milford with a late shot at field-goal that sails towards the posts but falls right.
Matthew Lodge short to Rhys Kennedy and the ball is dropped. A terrible pass. This game has reached no heights whatsoever.
Scott Drinkwater tries a tap-on to Gideon Gela-Mosby but it goes forward.
Tevita Pangai slides in late to hit Scott Drinkwater on the head. Penalty. Cowboys 40 out.
A pretty uninspiring set from the Cowboys in response and Brisbane have it back.
Michael Morgan with a towering bomb that dips late and Anthony Milford does very well to take it. But it means little as Kotoni Staggs comes up with an error on the following play. Cowboys 10 out.
Locked up at Townsville.
Well that is a bit controversial... Gehamat Shibasaki loses the ball bringing it out of the in-goal area. Wright appeared to have dropped it into Tom Opacic but it is ruled a try.
Brisbane are offering nothing in this set but Jake Turpin explodes out of nowhere, kicking for himself and then beating the Cowboys to the ball but he drops it.
Jake Turpin catches out some lazy defenders through the middle and bursts right through. He looks inside with Thomas Flegler in support but Scott Drinkwater does well to drag him down. They eventually force a dropout.
It comes to nothing though. They shift it right and Scott Drinkwater throws it to Coen Hess with men right around him and he drops it.
Jake Turpin lies in the ruck for too long. Penalty. Cowboys 30 out.
Brisbane with six-again close to the North Queensland line but Thomas Flegler comes up with a simple drop. This game has been very ordinary so far.
Isaako hooks it to the left.
Brisbane will shoot for two.
The Cowboys are starting to win the positional battle, once more 30 out from the Brisbane line on the last. Anthony Milford has the bomb on the last well covered but the Broncos are struggling for metres in this set coming out of trouble. Jake Turpin slices it towards the sideline and kicks a 40-20. That is the most low-key 40-20 ever.
Brisbane going nowhere in this set. They are on the 20 on the fourth. Anthony Milford kicks early. It's a good one that goes over the top of Scott Drinkwater who eventually takes it and brings the ball up to the 30.
Jake Turpin goes... to Gideon Gela-Mosby of course on the last. The ball spills out but it has been batted back by the Broncos before GGM dived on it. Cowboys with it and a massive run by Kyle Feldt helps his side over halfway before Josh McGuire surges top the 30. Michael Morgan goes to the air on the last but Corey Oates is under it.
Jake Clifford now finds the touchline and this has been a very stop-start game to start. Both sides have looked more threatening when popping offloads but neither are really pushing the other much with the ball in hand.
Jake Turpin kicks towards Gideon Gela-Mosby's corner once more but it finds touch instead, right near the corner.
Jason Taumalolo barges up over the 30 as the Cowboys draw closer to the Brisbane line but the ball comes loose.
Nothing comes of the set though and the Cowboys survive.
Gideon Gela-Mosby fumbles another bomb but in the lead-up Coen Hess is caught for an escort on a Brisbane player. Penalty Broncos 10 out.
Tom Opacic pushes a pass off the scrum and Brisbane get it back.
Jake Clifford with an awkward bomb that bounces in no-man's land. Gavin Cooper ends up with it and tries to link inside but finds Anthony Milford. He can't clean it up though, dropping it. Cowboys 20 out with a full set to come.
Anthony Milford goes to the air and targets Gideon Gela-Mosby once more, the catch isn't the most convincing but the Cowboys winger has it.
Isaako converts the try.
Tevita Pangai offloads to Anthony Milford who fires it out to Jamayne Isaako in space. The winger bursts down the touchline and finds Milford backing up in support.
Michael Morgan kicks and finds touch five short from the Broncos line.
Payne Haas with a strong carry over the 40 on the fifth. Jake Turpin then kicks and finds Gideon Gela-Mosby who takes it this time and is crunched on his own 20.
Michael Morgan clears it on the last down towards Anthony Milford who is trapped 10 out from his own line.
Jake Turpin fires a pass to Payne Haas who had a wall of Cowboys defenders there and he drops it.
Anthony Milford with a towering bomb and Gideon Gela-Mosby puts it down. Broncos with a big chance to strike straight away. They will be 10 out from the Cowboys line.
Underway here at Townsville.
Gehamat Shibasaki replaces Alex Glenn in the centres in the only change for Brisbane.
In terms of late mail, Jordan McLean is a late scratching for the Cowboys. He is replaced in the starting side by Matt Scott while Peter Hola makes his NRL debut off the bench.
A big game for both sides - if the Cowboys lose their season is over. The Broncos 2019 campaign won't be over with a loss tonight but it will certainly make things harder for them.
Good evening and welcome to tonight's live blog of the clash between the Cowboys and Broncos.
Referees & scorers:
Referee: Matt Cecchin, Gavin Badger
Touch Judges: Todd Smith, David Munro
Video Referee: Steve Chiddy, Bryan Norrie
Tries: Shane Wright, Jake Clifford
Field Goals:
Conversions: Jake Clifford (2/2)
Penalty Goals: Jake Clifford (1/1)
Tries: Anthony Milford, David Fifita, Jake Turpin
Field Goals: Anthony Milford (0/1)
Conversions: Jamayne Isaako (3/3)
Penalty Goals: Jamayne Isaako (0/1)