The match ends with a forward pass.
SCRUM PANTHERS - Hunt drops the ball after a failed 1-on-1 strip attempt.
He's staying on and will play out the last 60 seconds.
Play stopped as Fitzgibbon clutches at his shoulder.
SCRUM KNIGHTS - They'll have to work it out from inside their 20m
SCRUM PANTHERS - Klemmer drops the ball, 12m from the Panthers line.
Egan makes a good tackle to save a try, but has got injured in the process. Play has stopped while he gets treated.
SCRUM KNIGHTS - Panthers finally give the Knights a play with the ball.
Cleary converts from right in front.
Tamou makes a bust through the middle before passing to his right to Cleary and the halfback races away to score his 4th try of the game
Cleary converts from right in front.
Luai steps inside, sends a great ball to Egan who then draws and passes to Burns and he races away to score under the posts.
Cleary from the left, nails the extras.
Cleary bags a hat trick of tries! He receives a pass off the back of a good offload close to the line, dummies and then darts through a gap to dive over on the left side.
SCRUM PANTHERS - Knock on by the Knights inside their own half.
Cleary nails the goal from right in front.
Leota receives a nice short ball close to the line and walks through a big gap to score under the sticks.
PENALTY PANTHERS - They take the tap 25m from the Knights line.
Crichton makes a break but is brought down by Watson, who then holds down in the tackle too long.
Luai goes close to the tryline on the left side, but his foot goes into touch before he gets to the line.
Cleary nails the sideline conversion
In the first set from the restart Cleary's kick is charged down and the Panthers regather, Penrith then makes a break down the left through Burns, who then passes to Kikau down the wing. Kikau tiptoes down the sideline, avoids going into touch despite two tackle attempts, then casually flicks a pass behind his back that finds Egan perfectly and he strolls over for an easy try.
Cleary from wide on the left side, nails another goal.
Luai kicks across the field and Burns, fresh on the field, is in the right place at the right time as the ball lands in his arms, despite not jumping for it, he then falls over the line for a try.
PENALTY PANTHERS - Illegal strip against Saifiti. Penrith now starts their set inside the Knights half.
PENALTY KNIGHTS - Newcastle gets a piggy back out of their half.
Lino converts
First hit up off the penalty tap goes to Ese'Ese who barges through a tackle and looked to be tackled in the field of play, but he reached out and planted on the line
PENALTY KNIGHTS - They'll keep the pressure on the Panthers here with a full set inside their 20m
PENALTY KNIGHTS - Kikau's tackle is a bit high
Panthers kick is too big and the Knights get a 7 tackle set.
Second half underway
Both sides, especially in the opening 25 minutes, were very good defensively, but with the ball in hand, they've been sloppy.
SCRUM KNIGHTS - Penrith with a dropped ball 8m their side of halfway
Play stopped as Kurt Mann gets some attention after copping a head clash into his mouth.
Cleary from almost right in front, converts
Cleary gets the ball at second receiver, brushes off one defender who rushed up on him, he then stepped past Ponga and scored beside the posts.
SCRUM PANTHERS - Hunt drops a bad pass, 23m from his own line
Panthers making big easy metres down the Knights edges
Cleary from the right of the posts, adds another goal
To'o with a powerful, barnstorming try. Stepped inside 3 defenders, coming back against the grain and then defies the attempts of 4 tacklers to get across the stripe. Brilliant!
PENALTY PANTHERS - Spencer Leniu makes a beeline for the tryline but has the ball stripped illegally 2m shy
PENALTY PANTHERS - Ponga ruled to have taken advantage of an obstruction. Penrith finds touch almost near halfway
Pearce grubbers into the Panthers ingoal but To'o takes it dead. Panthers drop out.
PENALTY KNIGHTS - A towering bomb by Cleary is dropped by Ponga, however Egan is ruled to have been in front of the kicker.
Cleary nails the easy goal.
Cleary takes on the line, steps inside Ponga and dives over for a try near the posts.
Tamou grubbers for himself, Ponga cleans up but submits in the tackle ingoal. Knights drop out.
Penrith with a semi short restart and get the ball back through Edwards.
Lino from out wide on the right side hits the upright and misses
Toa takes an intercept and the streaks down the sideline to score his first try on debut.
Edwards takes a clean catch...
PENALTY PANTHERS - Penrith finds touch just inside the Knights half.
SCRUM PANTHERS - Knights drops it stone cold deep in their own half. Panthers on the attack.
PENALTY KNIGHTS - Panthers offside. Knights take the tap. It's their 4th set in a row inside the Panthers 20m
SCRUM KNIGHTS - Edwards knocks on the kick on his own line.
PENALTY KNIGHTS - They take the tap 12m from the Panthers line.
Ponga grubbers and Edwards cleans up before he gets cleaned up in-goal. Panthers drop out.
Lino almost gets a try but is pulled down by Kikau
PENALTY PANTHERS - Knights trying to work the tackled player over. Panthers find touch 25m from the Knights line.
SCRUM PANTHERS - 25m from their own line.
Play stopped early as Mata'utia gets treated for a leg injury.
Panthers kick off
Referees & scorers:
Referee: Adam Gee, Jon Stone
Touch Judges: Nick Morel, Phil Henderson
Video Referee: Ashley Klein, Bryan Norrie
Tries: Nathan Cleary (4), Brian To'o, Billy Burns (2), Wayde Egan, Moses Leota
Field Goals:
Conversions: Nathan Cleary (9/9)
Penalty Goals:
Tries: Starford Toa, Herman Ese'ese
Field Goals:
Conversions: Mason Lino (1/2)
Penalty Goals: