No goal.
Mulitalo finishes a disappointing day with a positive.
No goal.
Taufua crosses for a consolation effort.
Samoa get a penalty.
Fiji find touch.
Danny Levi comes up with an error.
Luai forces a repeat set.
Moses Leota pops an offload to Martin Taupau close to the line.
Sitiveni Moceidreke adds the extras.
Off the scrum the captain scores a great try!
Mulitalo and Luai have had afternoons to forget.
Mulitalo comes up with another error.
Moceidreke hits the posts with his first attempt.
A nice interchange of passes down the left edge sees Williame bag a four-pointer.
Joseph Leilua is tackled on the last.
Fiji find touch to slow down proceedings.
Danny Levi makes a nice dart, but ends up losing possession.
Luai puts another poor kick in.
Seve forces a restart with a nice kick close to the line.
Lumelume can't hold onto a promising attack raid down the left edge.
Wakeham misses his first kick of the afternoon.
Lumelume hits straight back to restore Fiji's lead.
Fiji force a turnover.
Lafai's kick goes wide.
Lafai pops a great "Gidley flick" to put Taufua over.
Samoa get a repeat set on halfway.
Luai goes high, but Vunivalu is up to the task.
Samoa makes an error close to the Fijian goal line.
Samoa receive a penalty.
Fiji can't hold onto an offload inside the Samoan half.
The Samoan kicking game has been quite poor this afternoon.
Luai puts the ball dead.
Dunamis Lui is tackled just shy of the try line.
Taane Milne is coming off with a HIA.
Samoa get an early penalty.
Joseph Leillua leads Samoa onto Eden Park.
Kevin Naiqama takes Fiji back out for the second half.
Wakeham finds touch as the first half comes to a close.
The two teams come together in a minor scuffle.
Wakeham nails his fifth conversion.
Kikau dives over for his second of the afternoon.
Fiji get a penalty.
If Samoa can complete their sets and improve their kicking game, they can still make this match a contest.
Samoa come up with a mistake once again.
Vunivalu can't latch onto Wakeham's bomb.
Luai comes up with another poor kick that gifts Fiji with a 20 metre restart.
Mulitalo is down after heavy contact from King Vuniyayawa.
Kane Evans loses possession inside the Samoan half.
Luai puts up a horrible bomb that allows Fiji to resume play with a 20 metre restart.
See takes on the line and almost gets through.
Lumelume fields Levi's high ball.
Lafai gets the ball to swing back towards the posts.
Samoa strike back with their first opportunity.
Jarome Luai earns a penalty that will give Samoa their best attacking opportunity.
Samoa have made close to four times as many tackles during the first 25 minutes.
Wakeham adds the extras.
The interchange forward gets a strike of luck on his test debut.
Joseph Ratuvakacereivalu is claiming a try, but appears to have promoted the ball after being tackled.
Samoa attempt an intercept, but can't hold onto possession.
Fiji receive a penalty.
Ronaldo Mulitalo comes up with an error which will see Fiji with another opportunity to score.
Brian To'o is collected inside his own half.
Fiji make another break through Miller.
Wakeham is 3/3 with the boot.
Samoa are being blown off the park during the opening exchanges.
Kikau powers over after a nice pass from his halfback.
Michael Chee-Kam comes up with possession after a poor last-tackle kick from Sitiveni Moceidreke.
Luai loses the ball inside the Fiji half.
Jorge Taufua manages to come up with possession after a few precarious bounces of the ball.
The Bulldogs playmaker adds the extras to give Fiji a 12-point lead.
Miller finishes off a great piece of attacking play from the Bati.
Fiji spread the ball and put the Samoan on the back foot.
From in front of the posts, Wakeham converts.
The hooker throws a few dummies and pounces for the opening try of the afternoon.
Wakeham forces a goal line drop out with a well-placed kick.
Luai drives the ball downfield as Vunivalu is collecting on his 40 metre line.
Mulitalo amends for his earlier error by defusing an attacking kick close to his own line.
Fiji will have an early opportunity to post first points with a set inside the Samoan 30 metre zone.
Ronaldo Mulitalo makes a horrible error dropping Wakeham's clearing kick.
Tui Kamikamica takes the first carry of the afternoon.
Fiji recorded a massive win over Lebanon (58-14) in the mid-season test, along with getting the better of Samoa in 2016 when the two sides last faced off (20-18).
Samoa will be looking to back up their mid-season victory over Papua New Guinea (24-6) by recording their first win over Fiji since 2014.
Welcome to League Unlimited's coverage of International Rugby League between Samoa and Fiji from Eden Park.
Referees & scorers:
Referee: Grant Atkins
Touch Judges: Stephane Vincent, Paki Parkinson
Video Referee: Jared Maxwell
SAMOA (18)
Tries: Timoteo Lafai, Jorge Taufua (2), Ronaldo Mulitalo
Field Goals:
Conversions: Timoteo Lafai (1/4)
Penalty Goals:
FIJI (44)
Tries: Joe Lovodua, D'Rhys Miller, Viliame Kikau (2), Joseph Ratuvakacereivalu, Isaac Lumelume, Brayden Wiliame, Kevin Naiqama
Field Goals:
Conversions: Brandon Wakeham (5/6), Sitiveni Moceidreke (1/2)
Penalty Goals: