Gutherson takes the last carry as the Eels run out winners.
The Storm challenge a call to no avail.
Olam kicks prematurely and the ball goes dead.
Melbourne get a penalty after the Eels made contact with the ball before it broke the 10 metre plane.
The Storm still have a chance, however slim, but a chance nonetheless.
The kick is wide.
Cometh the hour, cometh the man. Sivo is on the spot to lead above George Jennings for the match winner.
Munster goes high, Gutherson is met by the purple defence.
Brandon Smith with a strong charge.
We could be headed to golden point for the first time this season.
The kick is good!
Papenhuyzen kicks, the ball ricochets off Parramatta defenders, and Olam is on the spot to score.
Justin Olam is claiming a try!
The Storm will have a big change to score points.
Ferguson attempts an intercept that results in a knock on.
Olam is collected a few metres shy of the goal line.
Moses is hit when kicking, but the contact is deemed acceptable.
Moses puts the home side out by 6.
The big man crashes over after a flat pass from his hooker.
Six again for the Eels.
Parramatta penalty.
Will Smith latches onto an offload from Jesse Bromwich.
Ryan Papenhuyzen is down again.
Blake Ferguson can't hold onto a pass down a short side.
Papanhuyzen is down as play is halted.
Tyson Smoothy is on for Melbourne.
Moses puts the ball high, but Addo-Carr does phenomenally to clean up.
Opacic is pulled down just short of the line.
George Jennings passes to Keegan Hipgrave - you read that right.
Mahoney comes up with a great kick to find the line close to Melbourne's goal line.
Keegan Hipgrave is getting ready to enter the field.
Forward pass.
Blake Ferguson comes up with an important save - had Justin Olam got his pass away Addo-Carr was into space.
Play has stopped as Shaun Lane receives treatment from the trainer.
Will Smith is on for the Eels.
Dylan Brown makes a crucial tackle to bring down Ryan Papenhuyzen.
Addo-Carr makes a great catch with the rain driving down.
Moses runs and kicks for Ferguson, but the Storm are able to regain the ball.
Gutherson slips over and is met by several Melbourne defenders.
Asofa-Solomona pops an offload that is pounced on by the Eels.
Hughes kicks high to Sivo who is collected by Reimis Smith.
Dylan Brown coughs up possession.
Olam makes a good shot on Niukore.
Matterson is being assisted from the field.
Kaufusi is on report and remains on the field.
Kaufusi will be lucky to remain on the field after slamming Matterson into the ground with his elbow.
Felise Kaufusi has slammed Matterson into the ground.
Parramatta get a penalty. Matterson is down injured in the back field.
Olam loses the ball in-goal. Play to resume with a line drop out.
The winger is cut down on Melbourne's 40 metre line.
Sivo is into space.
A wayward pass from Papenhuyzen goes into the grandstand.
Munster is wrapped up in a great tackle.
Papenhuyzen does well to clean up a Matterson kick.
Both sides are back out for the second half.
Niukore is collected as the halftime siren sounds.
Papenhuyzen hits his opposite number with a good shot.
Hughes makes a short side run.
We're all level heading to the sheds.
Smith may have scored the try, but Gutherson did phenomenally well to deny Munster a play earlier.
The former Bulldogs gets his first try for the Storm.
Melbourne come within a pass of scoring.
Addo-Carr puts a grubber in, only for Mahoney to beat the Foxx to the ball.
Papenhuyzen gets a penalty after being tackle without the ball.
Jahrome Hughes has copped a hit with blood stemming from his face.
Sivo manages to beat Reimis Smith to a high ball.
No Try. The Fijian prop is deemed to have lost the ball short, despite some concerns Gutherson may have used his leg to dislodge the ball.
Kamikamica looks to have lost the ball short of the goal line. The referee has sent the play up No Try.
A nicely weighted kick from Munster forces a line drop out.
Niukore comes up with another great tackle on Olam.
Melbourne get a repeat set after a Parramatta charge down.
The Eels are looking the better so far.
Oregon Kaufusi takes his first run of the evening.
Marata Niukore forces an error out of Justin Olam.
George Jennings makes a nice run.
Tom Eisenhuth is on for Melbourne.
Isaiah Papali'i is on for Parramatta.
Gutherson makes a good kick return up to his 20 metre line.
Mitchell Moses can't hold onto the ball after some skilful offloading through the middle of the field.
Moses nails the kick from the sideline.
The Fijian flew through the air to field a bomb from Mitchell Moses, before using his power to get to the line.
Sivo is claiming a try.
Hughes kicks long but puts too much on the ball as the Eels get a 7 tackle set.
Melbourne get a penalty coming out of their own end.
Tui Kamikamica is on for the visitors.
Josh Addo-Carr makes a break, puts a kick in that is collected by Gutherson, and gives away a penalty! It's all happening at Bankwest tonight!
Melbourne get away with a wayward offload due to Niukore knocking on trying to pick up the loose ball.
Ryan Papenhuyzen loses the ball backwards; fortunately Jennings is on the spot to cover up for his fullback.
Nelson Asofa-Solomona looked certain to score, but Gutherson denies the big man with an inspired effort to get under the ball.
The bunker upholds the original call - Melbourne will start a set 15 metres out from the Eels' line.
The Eels are challenging the call.
Blake Ferguson is forced to take the ball into touch.
Reagan Campbell-Gillard does well to nullify an attacking threat from the visitors.
Brandon Smith makes a great run through the middle.
Jesse Bromwich makes an error on the last tackle.
Ryan Matterson comes up with a dropped ball to kill a promising attacking raid.
Hughes kicks inside his 40 as Sivo takes a run coming out of his own end.
George Jennings comes up with a great take to defuse a promising Parramatta set.
Munster eyes a 40/20 but the kick finds touch short of the mark.
Niukore, playing at centre, works it out of his own end.
Reed Mahoney makes a great run up to the halfway line.
Blake Ferguson manages to collect a high ball from Hughes despite pressure from the Melbourne defence.
George Jennings fields Mitchell Moses' high ball.
Gutherson is collected just shy of his own 20 metre line after a strong first set from the Storm.
The milestone man, Bromwich, takes the first carry of the evening.
Clinton Gutherson is greeted to a king's welcome as the Eels come out for their first home match of 2021.
Jesse Bromwich leads the Storm onto Bankwest Stadium.
Tonight is only the second time Melbourne have played at Bankwest Stadium. The Storm suffered a 14-0 defeat last year with a number of established stars sidelined through injury and suspension.
The Storm have dominated the Eels with eight wins from 11 meetings during Brad Arthur’s tenure.
The Storm will line up 1-17 in Jesse Bromwich’s 250th appearance in the NRL. The elder Bromwich brother becomes only the sixth Melbourne player to reach the milestone.
The Eels have been dealt a major positional blow with strike centre Waqa Blake ruled out prior to kick-off. Marata Niukore, traditionally known as an edge/middle forward, will play his match of 2021 in the outside backs. Keegan Hipgrave takes the vacant bench position in jersey #18.
Both teams enter tonight’s contest after winning their opening matches by eight points.
Welcome to League Unlimited’s coverage of Round 2 Thursday Night football between the Parramatta Eels and the Melbourne Storm from Bankwest Stadium.
Referees & scorers:
Referee: Ashley Klein
Touch Judges: Phil Henderson, Chris Sutton
Video Referee: Henry Perenara
Tries: Maika Sivo (2), Junior Paulo
Field Goals:
Two Point Field Goals:
Conversions: Mitchell Moses (2/3)
Penalty Goals:
Tries: Reimis Smith, Justin Olam
Field Goals:
Two Point Field Goals:
Conversions: Ryan Papenhuyzen (2/2)
Penalty Goals: