Dearden fires a forward pass to bring the match to a close.
McLean pulls off a strip.
Feldt kicks the ball dead as the Rabbitohs get a seven tackle set.
The kick is good from the sideline.
Feldt gets a consolation try after a lovely kick from Drinkwater.
Blake Taaffe comes up with a mistake.
The Cowboys make a break and almost get a consolation try, but the Rabbitohs are able to clean up the danger.
Marshall puts an attacking kick in, but Drinkwater has it covered.
The kick is good from the touchline.
Benji Marshall delivered a superb cut-out pass to give Johnston his third.
Alex Johnston is claiming his third but the bunker will need to adjudicate.
South Sydney penalty.
Alex Johnston kicks in-field, but Dearden is able to wrap up the ball in-goal.
Cody Walker is off the field for the final 11 minutes.
The kick is waved away.
Great work from Walker with an audacious bat on to send Milne over for his third.
Before tonight Milne had scored three tries - he's doubled his career tally with a hat-trick.
Asi attempts a second kick, but Mark Nicholls gets to the young half first.
Murray Taulagi is met 10 metres out from his goal line.
Walker is met with strong pressure and produces a dud kick.
Connelly Lemuelu attempts an intercept, but can't latch onto the ball.
Scott Drinkwater comes up with an error after good pressure from Benji Marshall and Jacob Host.
Another strong set after points from the Rabbitohs.
Reynolds gets his sixth goal of the night.
Tom Burgess breaks through some feeble defence and evokes Greg Inglis with his post-try celebration.
Taumalolo is put on his back by Knight and Sele.
Burns forces a pass over the sideline.
Walker kicks for Johnston, but Feldt is able to bat the ball dead first.
The contest has gotten away from the Cowboys.
Lemuelu attempts an intercept only to lose the ball inside his own half.
Taaffe almost exposes the left edge again.
Dearden catches a bomb from his opposite number.
The kick is good.
Great work from Reynolds and Burns to set that one up for Johnston.
Johnston extends his lead at the top of the NRL try scoring ranks with a determined finish.
Daejarn Asi eyes a 40/20, but Taaffe is on the spot for the Bunnies.
Scott Drinkwater does well to field a high ball.
Kyle Feldt makes strong contact on Braidon Burns.
Burns tries to set up Johnston only to put the ball over the sideline.
Benji Marshall is on for Mamouzelos.
Reynolds puts the Bunnies out by two converted tries.
Liam Knight has been placed on report for an earlier challenge on Tom Dearden.
Luki is sent for 10.
Mamouzelos takes a scurry and collects a hit around the head from Heilum Luki.
Mamouzelos gets away with a forward pass from dummy half.
Drinkwater is collected by two South Sydney defenders.
Both teams are back out for the second half.
Keaon Koloamatangi is tackled as the halftime siren sounds.
The skipper makes amends for his last miss.
Walker delivers his third try assist in ten minutes to put Johnston away.
Six again for the Rabbitohs.
The kick is wide.
History repeats! Milne collects his first double.
Six again for the 'home' side.
Reynolds locks up the scores at 12-all.
A right side shift allows Milne to run off a nice pass from Walker.
Kyle Feldt loses the ball 10 metres out from his own line.
Drinkwater and Lemuelu have produced two terrible passes to put the Cowboys on the back foot.
The Cowboys put a bomb up, get the bounce before giving the ball back to Souths on their goal line
Robson fires a forward pass close to the try line to release the pressure on the Rabbitohs.
Keaon Koloamatangi loses the ball in his own half.
The kick is well wide of the posts.
Johnston puts a kick in-field which allows the young playmaker to get his maiden NRL try.
Taafe fields a high ball from Asi on his 30 metre line.
The kick is wide.
The Cowboys have come to life! Taumalolo charges into space, spreads the ball left and Wright gets on the board!
Jason Taumalolo break into the backfield.
The kick is good.
Scott Drinkwater goes high, Hess knocks the ball back which allows Dearden to run 20 metres for the first try.
Drnkwater gets his first goal in the NRL.
The Cowboys will kick to level the scores.
Daejarn Asi puts a kick in and draws a penalty.
Burns is deemed to have lost the ball - Souths are without a challenge for the remainder of the game.
The Rabbitohs dispute the call and use their captain's challenge.
Braidon Burns comes up with an error inside his own half.
Drinkwater takes another bomb from Reynolds.
Drinkwater does well to defuse a mammoth high ball from Reynolds.
The kick is good from in front.
Drinkwater's drop out goes over the sideline - Reynolds will kick from in front for first points.
Cody Walker rolls a kick in-goal and gets a line drop out.
South Sydney penalty.
Tom Dearden shanks a kick over the sideline out on the full.
The Cowboys go short with the drop out and get the ball back.
Adam Reynolds manages to trap Scott Drinkwater in-goal with a superb chip kick.
Blake Taaffe returns the ball up to the 30 metre line.
Six again for the visitors.
Adam Reynolds is taken over the sideline as the Rabbitohs opt to run the ball on the last tackle.
Alex Johnston is tackled just short of his 40 metre line.
Coen Hess takes the first carry of the night.
Adam Reynolds takes the Rabbitohs out - kick-off is only moments away.
Jason Taumalolo leads the Cowboys onto McDonald Jones Stadium (for the second time in as many weeks!)
South Sydney have won their past four matches in Newcastle.
South Sydney have won 6/22 matches in Newcastle; North Queensland hold a 6/21 record at the same venue.
Three of the past five clashes between these two sides have been decided by a single point.
South Sydney have won the past five clashes against North Queensland in succession.
North Queensland will line up 1-17, however there is speculation Daejarn Asi and Scott Drinkwater could switch positions.
South Sydney have made a positional change with Peter Mamouzelos starting ahead of Benji Marshall.
This is the third time a premiership match not featuring the Knights has been played in Newcastle; St George and Canberra faced off in 1985, while Sydney and Melbourne clashed last week.
Tonight’s fixture was originally scheduled to be played at Stadium Australia, however due to the COVID-19 outbreak in Sydney the match has been relocated to Newcastle.
Welcome to League Unlimited’s coverage of Round 17 Friday Night Football between the South Sydney Rabbitohs and the North Queensland Cowboys from McDonald Jones Stadium.
Referees & scorers:
Referee: Matt Cecchin
Touch Judges: Chris Butler, Ziggy Przeklasa-Adamski
Video Referee: Steve Chiddy
Tries: Blake Taaffe, Taane Milne (3), Alex Johnston (3), Thomas Burgess
Field Goals:
Two Point Field Goals:
Conversions: Adam Reynolds (5/8)
Penalty Goals: Adam Reynolds (2/2)
Tries: Tom Dearden, Shane Wright, Kyle Feldt
Field Goals:
Two Point Field Goals:
Conversions: Scott Drinkwater (2/3)
Penalty Goals: Scott Drinkwater (1/1)