Reynolds with the final kick of the game. He takes his time and misses. FULLTIME.
An exclamation mark on the game! Latrell strolls over.
Souths tried to find one final four pointer. It is kicked dead.
Reynolds swings it over.
Keaon Koloamatangi rampages over.
Reynolds from mid range. He adds two more.
That was all Latrell! He bumped off five defenders and is taken one metre out. Quick pass wide to Jai Arrow adds four more.
Reynolds drags it wide.
Reynolds chips and chases for himself and gets there!
Norman goes down the shortside and kicks it out on the full.
Sullivan has taken the kicking duties! He misses too.
Something to savour for the Saints! Burns offloads finds a rampaging Sloan to finish.
Milne loses it.
Dragons lost their way on last. A tepid kick is taken easily from Mansour in-goal.
Souths throw it forward! PENALTY DRAGONS! Backchat.
Hunt tries to pilot a kick right to Beale. It hit him on the chest but he's taken over the sideline.
Good defensive stand from the Dragons as they take him over the sideline.
Reynolds put up a huge bomb and Sloan makes a meal of it. He misses the bomb and then slides into touch. Souths scrum.
Renolds adds two more!
Mansour strolls over. The numbers were shot and it was simple work.
Dragons were building there but a bad kick sees Jaxon Paulo sees them counter.
Souths sweep right and Milne knocks on.
Souths earn a repeat set after a chipped kick is retrieved by Feagai.
Souths strip the numbers left but Mansour is taken over the sideline.
PENALTY RABBITOHS! Dangerous tackle.
KICK-OFF! Here we go!
Here come the teams for the second half! Dragons have plenty of work to do! Rabbitohs are comfortable and ready to pile on points!
HALFTIME :: Souths put together enough to lead by 14 by the break.
Another easy kick for Reynolds to put the lead to 14.
He just kept rolling and Su'A extends the lead. Norman tried his best to hold him up but the backrower rolls over.
Cook just ran across right the sideline then dabs one through. He earns a repeat set.
Easier kick for Reynolds. He salutes.
Rabbitohs strike back quickly! The ball is short from Walker to Milne. He strides over.
PENALTY RABBITOHS! Fuimaono clips Davvy Moale high. He is ON REPORT.
Hunt goes the short ball and Fuimaono loses it.
Tyrell Sloan lets it roll enough and the Rabbitohs kick goes dead.
Dragons tried the powerplay and it goes forward. Souths ball.
Hunt smashes a 40/20!
Norman from besides the posts. Smacks the post.
Dragons get back in the contest. Hunt pilots a kick across the field which Walker knocks on and Tyrell Fuimaono falls on.
Dragons have found some spring in their step now! Hunt dribbles one through for a repeat set.
PENALTY DRAGONS! They get a piggyback again.
Norman slides it just inside the posts.
Dragons get some possession and points! Hunt kicks one behind and Billy Burns touches down.
PENALTY DRAGONS! Strip against the Rabbitohs.
PENALTY DRAGONS! Crowding in the play the ball. Not good in the game or in outside areas in Brisbane.
Souths looking dangerous again! Keaon Koloamatangi goes through the gap but loses it.
Further issues for the Dragons. Kade Ellis is off for a HIA.
Dragons can't even complete the set. Sullivan spills it.
PENALTY DRAGONS! Souths were offside. It bails out an error.
Reynolds has a similar kick to his first. Further inside this one. Same result.
Souths are on fire! Quick play the ball to Cook who sets it in motion and Walker slices through.
Early kick from Walker and it dribbles along before Sloan takes it over the sideline.
Hunt tries to put one high in the air but it takes enough bounces to go dead. Seven tackle set for the Rabbitohs incoming.
Reynolds takes it to the line and loses it.
First kick from the left for Reynolds. He studies the kick and fades it over.
Too big, too strong! Latrell Mitchell feigned to pass and just rolled through to the line.
It hasn't been a vintage start from the Rabbitohs. Walker gets a dodgy pass which he spills.
PENALTY RABBITOHS! Sloan gets clipped by Mitchell. He was pushed first the referee says.
How did that happen?! Dragons kick bounces and is touched by the Souths man. It is scooped up by Norman into the hands of Faegai to finish. It is getting checked. Norman knocks on. Souths ball.
KICK-OFF! Here we go! Tariq Sims 200th game is underway. Dragons first to use the ball.
Here we go for the final game in the Sunday triple header! Dragons are wounded while Souths are firing. Can they create an upset tonight? Let's find out.
Referees & scorers:
Referee: Chris Butler
Touch Judges: Belinda Sharpe, Drew Oultram
Video Referee: Grant Atkins
Tries: Billy Burns, Tyrell Fuimaono, Tyrell Sloan
Field Goals:
Two Point Field Goals:
Conversions: Corey Norman (1/2), Jayden Sullivan (0/1)
Penalty Goals:
Tries: Latrell Mitchell (2), Adam Reynolds, Cody Walker, Taane Milne, Jaydn Su'A, Josh Mansour, Jai Arrow, Keaon Koloamatangi
Field Goals:
Two Point Field Goals:
Conversions: Adam Reynolds (7/9)
Penalty Goals: