Cleary with a kick that is big for some people here. He swings it over. FULLTIME.
Koroisau puts the icing on the cake with a dive over try.
Panthers tried to get a wide play going but it goes over the sideline. Souths can finish with some points here.
Panthers scramble well and find an errors somewhere in that manic play from the Rabbitohs. Panthers can work it out for the win now.
Cleary pilots through the field goal. Well set up from the Panthers.
Johnston knocks on into a Panther. Penrith can finish this off now.
Walker throws an errant pass. Souths haven't fired a shot in this second half.
Souths have spent the majority of this second half rucking it away. They geta set restart to help them.
Mansour is being assisted from the field. Souths will have to play this just from their goal line.
Mansour is having a nightmare under the high ball. He let it bounce again and might have done his knee.
Cleary from the sideline. He can stretch the advantage to eight. He misses again.
Panthers make it count! Swift hands on the left and Naden goes over untouched.
it looked like Cleary was going to kick another penalty goal. He was overruled by Koroisau. Tap and go.
PENALTY PANTHERS! Mansour drops it and Mitchell is offside.
Not surprisingly Panthers take the two. Cleary puts them ahead.
PENALTY PANTHERS! Downtown penalty. Panthers get away with one there!
Great scramble from the Rabbitohs! Leota went close. Panthers tried to go left and the scramble doesn't allow Burton to get a good pass away.
No one wanted that! Cleary sent that one to orbit. No one wanted to catch it. It bounced and Mansour has to whack it dead. Dropout.
Cleary choses the posts this time. We're level.
PENALTY PANTHERS! Tom Burgess clips Sorensen high.
Cleary kicks through and earns another repeat set. Keaon Koloamatangi taken in goal.
PENALTY PANTHERS! Walker with the high tackle.
PENALTY PANTHERS! Escort from Mansour.
Souths tried to just penetrate the left side. The first foray worked then Mitchell dropped it trying to stroll forward.
Good work all round there! Cleary stabs a kick through and forces Mitchell to go low and get back in the field of play. Souths have to work it out from their own end again.
Panthers kept alive on last. It was batted back into the path of Kikau. The second rower is tackled. Changeover.
PENALTY PANTHERS! Cook wasn't square at marker then steals the ball.
PENALTY RABBITOHS! Late contact after it was passed.
KICK-OFF! Panthers kick us off and we're back underway!
We're back for what will be a wonderful second half! Will the Rabbitohs edge ahead or will the Panthers show why they have been the class of the competition for the last two seasons.
Cleary has the chance to kick us level. The siren has sounded. He takes his time, fades it. HALFTIME.
That was magic! Panthers went left to right. Cleary took it to the line. Once again the kick from Momirovski is perfect for Crichton to finish.
PENALTY PANTHERS! Crichton tries to charge back at the defense. Souths done for a facial.
Panthers peppered the left side. Cleary hoists one up for Burton. He bats it back as Luai fumbles.
PENALTY PANTHERS! Walker is told to get outta his face. Hey! He was playing here.
PENALTY PANTHERS! Crusher against Keaon Koloamatangi
Cleary converts his own effort.
Something from nothing for the Panthers! Lovely pass on the right. Momirovski got into space and puts a deft touch on the kick inside. Cleary is able to be first to the ball and score!
Tom Burgess coughs it up!
Kikau has had an inglorious start to this one. He spills it.
Reynolds tried to kick for his outside man. Mansour is called offside. On replay he wasn't? Oh well. Panthers working it away from their line.
The flying mop is on! Kikau has his first carry which is a strong one. The kick is well taken from Latrell Mitchell. Now we have time off as Dylan Edwards has collided with Kikau.
Reynolds from mid range makes it a dozen.
Can't stop the Thicc King! It was some superb work from Keaon Koloamatangi who flicks it to the fullback to dive over.
That was class from Reynolds. He was under pressure, stepped back and whacks it for a 40/20!
First chance for the Panthers to attack. Cleary tried to stab through an early kick but Johnston was there to swoop before any of the chasers. Wasted.
Keaon Koloamatangi spills it trying to roam. Souths compound it with a PENALTY!
The beach sprinter breaks free! Damien Cook created some space and chewed up the metres. Walker tried to finese a kick which Crichton takes.
It just felt like groundhog day there. Panthers tried the same scrum play. This time Naden left it behind him. There was a few words exchanged there. Maybe some recipes for later?
PENALTY PANTHERS! Souths broke the scrum early. Panthers opt to repack the scrum.
Souths tried to spread it left from the restart. It is knocked on. Chance for the Panthers here.
Reynolds from the left side. Misses.
Quick as you like. Souths hummed into position and Gagai slides over.
Panthers haven't found their groove yet. Luai spills one.
Souths go for the sticks. Reynolds grabs the tee. Pilots it over.
PENALTY RABBITOHS! Cam Murray earns it with his quick feet.
Been a sedate start from both sides. Happy to get to their kick and nothing flashy been thrown at the defense.
KICK-OFF! Souths kick it high into the Brisbane sky. Panthers first to use it.
This is a mouth watering contest! Second takes on third! Panthers are almost unstoppable and the Rabbitohs have been a points scoring machine thus far in 2021. We're set for a wonderful contest. So sit back, relax and enjoy! It might be a finals preview!
Referees & scorers:
Referee: Grant Atkins
Touch Judges: Liam Kennedy, Chris Butler
Video Referee: Henry Perenara
Tries: Nathan Cleary, Stephen Crichton, Brent Naden, Apisai Koroisau
Field Goals: Nathan Cleary (1/1)
Conversions: Nathan Cleary (2/4)
Penalty Goals: Nathan Cleary (2/2)
Tries: Dane Gagai, Latrell Mitchell
Conversions: Adam Reynolds (1/2)
Penalty Goals: Adam Reynolds (1/1)