Ben Hunt walks the ball over the sideline as the full-time siren sounds.
Townsend kicks over the sideline.
Sloan manages to beat Hamiso Tabuai-Fidow to an attacking kick from Townsend.
The scoreline does not reflect the closeness of this contest for the first hour.
Townsend delivers a lovely ball to send Nanai over for his 16th try of the season.
Nanai adds more salt into the wounds.
The Cowboys will get a scrum inside the Dragons half.
The Dragons are challenging a knock on ruling.
Tyrell Sloan finally gets on the field with the result beyond doubt.
Holmes converts from in front.
Valentine Holmes swoops on a wayward pass, used his footwork to dazzle the defence and finds Drinkwater in support.
Josh McGuire is penalised for running Jeremiah Nanai off the ball.
Cowboys penalty.
Holmes puts the Cowboys out beyond two converted tries.
Jeremiah Nanai straightens his line and touches down for a try that will go a long way towards winning the game for North Queensland.
Jason Taumalolo is away!!!
Ben Hunt snatches a pass from Chad Townsend; the Cowboys survive.
Andrew McCullough tries to burrow over for a try.
Dragons penalty.
Jason Taumalolo is penalised - and placed on report - for a shoulder charge on Blake Lawrie.
Dragons penalty.
Ben Hunt throws a forward pass to Josh McGuire; the Dragons need to remain settled to stay in the contest.
The Dragons get a new set after Valentine Holmes knocks on an offload from Zac Lomax.
Moses Mbye returns the ball just shy of his 20 metre line.
Holmes puts the Cowboys out beyond a converted try.
The Kiwi prop charges through a hole for a vital try in the context of this game.
Hamiso Tabuai-Fidow is on for Kyle Feldt.
Townsend forces a line drop out with a well-placed grubber.
Jaydn Su'A pulls the hair of Luciano Leilua - No Try, Cowboys penalty.
The bunker is checking for a hair pull on Leilua.
Luciano Leilua loses the ball; the referee is checking for foul play.
The Dragons can't execute their final play with Billy Burns putting a kick dead - the Cowboys receive a 7 tackle set.
Dragons penalty.
Peta Hiku flick passes to Kyle Feldt with the try line in sight; Feldt can't hold onto the ball.
Valentine Holmes is tackled on the last - the Dragons manage to hold their line.
Amone manages to knock the ball dead - play resumes with a line drop out.
Nanai combines with Drinkwater and the Cowboys almost scored!
Cowboys penalty - the visitors will start a set 40 metres from the try line.
Lomax fields an attacking kick from Hunt, but can't find a Dragons player in support.
Chad Townsend finds touch with a kick 20 metres from the Dragons line.
Moses Mbye comes up with a poor effort to field an attacking kick from Ben Hunt.
Tom Gilbert comes up with an error just inside the Dragons half.
We're back underway for the second half.
The Cowboys hold a slender lead at the break.
Scott Drinkwater manages to get out of his in-goal.
Mathew Feagai dives for the try line only to lose the ball.
The bunker rules Murray Taulagi lost the ball.
Murray Taulagi loses another ball inside his own half; the Cowboys are challenging the ruling.
Jack Bird loses the ball... the Dragons let the visitors off the hook.
Lomax is tackled close to the try line.
Murray Taulagi loses the ball; the Dragons will get an attacking set 20 metres from the try line.
Lomax narrows the deficit to two with a conversion from next to the posts.
Ben Hunt runs the ball on the last, throws a wayward offload, the ball bounces on the ground and de Belin manages to pounce.
Jack de Belin has scored a bizarre four-pointer.
Mathew Feagai is hit by Kyle Feldt while catching a bomb and earns a penalty.
Tautau Moga is taken over the sideline by a host of North Queensland defenders.
Scott Drinkwater goes short and fails to send the kick 10 metres - Dragons penalty.
Ben Hunt put up an attacking kick; Murray Taulagi touches the ball which will see play resume with a line drop out.
Dragons penalty...
Holmes adds the extras from in front.
Drinkwater is on the spot to support Nanai's bullocking run.
Jeremiah Nanai makes a huge run through the middle of the field!
Holmes' kick can't swing back enough - no goal.
Drinkwater's pass was reminiscent of Michael Morgan in the famous 2015 Grand Final for Feldt.
Feldt finishes off a nice raid involving Scott Drinkwater from the middle to the right edge.
Cowboys penalty - the referee pings the Dragons for being offside.
Jadyn Su'A makes a big run over halfway only to lose the ball.
Lomax gets the Dragons on the board.
Dragons penalty - the home side will kick to open the scoring.
Six again for the Dragons inside the Cowboys half.
Moses Mbye leaps through the air to defuse a bomb from Chad Townsend.
Ben Hunt puts in an attacking kick with Scott Drinkwater defending in the line; Tariq Sims gets to the ball first but can't hold onto possession.
The Dragons force an error on halfway with Jack Bird putting a shot on Scott Drinkwater.
Scott Drinkwater collects a kick in-goal to earn a 20 metre re-start; the Dragons fans wanted a penalty for contact on Ben Hunt after kicking.
Scott Drinkwater manages to hold onto a bomb from Ben Hunt.
The Cowboys spread the ball inside their own half from the kick-off.
The Dragons players are accompanied by important women in their lives as they come onto the field.
Chad Townsend leads the Cowboys onto Netstrata Jubilee Stadium.
Since 2016, both teams have won five matches apiece from the past ten meetings.
The Cowboys hold a historically poor record at Kogarah winning two of nine clashes against all teams. The side last triumphed at the venue in 2003 with a 36-16 victory over the joint venture.
The Cowboys have a major inclusion from the team selected on Tuesday afternoon with Maroons forward Reuben Cotter returning from a hamstring injury sustained in a pre-game warm up six weeks ago. Jamayne Taunoa-Brown starts in place of Luciano Leilua.
The Dragons will line up as per program, 1-17, with talented fullback Tyrell Sloan set to come off the bench for his first appearance since Magic Round.
Today’s match-up shapes as a crucial two points for both teams; the Dragons currently sit two points outside the top eight in a heated field vying for the finals, while the Cowboys will be aiming to secure a home fixture in the first week of the finals by putting distance between themselves and the likes of Cronulla.
Welcome to League Unlimited’s coverage of Round 20 Sunday Afternoon Football between the St George Illawarra Dragons and the North Queensland Cowboys from Netstrata Jubilee Stadium.
Referees & scorers:
Referee: Chris Sutton
Touch Judges: Belinda Sharpe, Phil Henderson
Video Referee: Gerard Sutton
Tries: Jack de Belin
Conversions: Zac Lomax (1/1)
Penalty Goals: Zac Lomax (1/1)
Tries: Kyle Feldt, Scott Drinkwater (2), Griffin Neame, Jeremiah Nanai (2)
Conversions: Valentine Holmes (5/6)