Brendan Piakura is tackled and the Broncos are gone...
Dragons error.
Cody Ramsey beats Selwyn Cobbo to Reynolds' kick - it's all over for Brisbane.
Reynolds kicks from a scrum.
Dragons error.
Kotoni Staggs has been sent to the sin bin for high contact on Andrew McCullough.
Lomax converts.
Mathew Feagai has produced a remarkable run, extends his arm and seals the deal for the Dragons.
Brendan Piakura loses the ball.
Cody Ramsey gets out of his in-goal.
No Try - Broncos penalty due to Hunt being offside.
The bunker is checking for a knock-on from Lomax.
The Broncos make an error, Lomax swoops and scores - the Dragons should win it.
Lomax is away!
Rhys Kennedy is on for the Broncos.
The Dragons challenge the decision and lose.
The Dragons move the ball right only for Tyrell Sloan to lose the ball.
The Broncos come up with the worst last tackle play of the season and then give away a penalty.
Play is halted with the bunker checking for high contact on Adam Reynolds.
Broncos penalty.
The short drop out goes over the sideline.
Cody Ramsey makes a bad error by touching an Adam Reynolds' kick that was going over the dead ball line.
Ben Hunt makes a try-saving tackle to deny Zac Hosking on the last tackle.
Broncos penalty.
Tyrell Sloan makes a strong kick return up to his 20 metre line.
Patrick Carrigan puts a kick in on the last tackle; Mathew Feagai is on the spot to clean up.
Selwyn Cobbo has gone to fullback with Te Maire Martin off the field with a back issue.
The margin is less than a converted try...
Walters takes on the line, throws a dummy, and slides over for an important score.
Broncos penalty.
Mathew Feagai attempts an intercept but knocks on.
Dragons penalty.
Tyrell Sloan cleans up a threatening last-play raid from the Broncos.
Dragons knock-on.
Brisbane get a result from the short drop-out with Ben Hunt knocking on.
Zac Hosking takes the ball over the dead ball line.
Tyrell Sloan is into space and is narrowly cut down close to the line.
Mathew Feagai is forced over the sideline, but Hunt could have sent the winger over for another try.
Dragons penalty.
Brisbane come up with another error through Kurt Capewell.
Selwyn Cobbo makes an important catch to defuse an attacking kick from Hunt after points.
Lomax converts.
Ramsey is on the spot to run onto an offload from Hunt.
Blake Lawrie applies great kick pressures which results in Te Maire Martin coming up with an error inside the Broncos half.
Hunt completes the first set of the second half with a solid kick.
Play is back underway.
Hunt kicks for touch as the first half comes to a close.
Cody Ramsey catches Adam Reynolds' kick with minimal pressure applied.
Jayden Sullivan is on the field for the Dragons.
Lomax pushes the kick from the sideline.
Feagai, back on the field after passing a HIA, finishes off a left side shift involving Hunt, Amone, Ramsey and Lomax.
Hunt nails his sixth 40/20 of the season.
Te Maire Martin breaks through the defence before being cut down close to the try line.
Hunt's kick bounces over the sideline, 10 metres out from the Broncos line.
Adam Reynolds throws a forward pass on the first play from a scrum.
Cody Ramsey spills a kick from Reynolds and the Broncos will get another attacking set.
Reynolds locks the scores up at 6-all.
Delouise Hoeter comes up with a much-needed try to get the Broncos back in the contest.
Adam Reynolds forces another line drop out off the boot.
Billy Walters grubbers and forced Cody Ramsey to knock the ball dead.
Zac Hosking is tackled by Josh McGuire a metre from the line.
Broncos penalty - Staggs is ruled to have been impeded close to the Dragons goal line.
Broncos penalty.
Te Maire Martin manages to clean up an attacking grubber and get out of his own in-goal.
Thomas Flegler is back on the field.
Selwyn Cobbo knocks the ball on to prevent Zac Lomax racing into space.
Adam Reynolds takes on the line, passes to Jake Turpin, but the Dragons wrap the man up on the last tackle.
Kurt Capewell comes up with another error.
Talatau Amone is hit and throws a forward pass.
Dragons penalty.
Kurt Capewell drops the ball with the Broncos on the attack.
Broncos penalty.
Delouise Hoeter makes a nice run into the Dragons half.
Cody Ramsey can't hold onto a pass from Ben Hunt - the Broncos survive.
Mathew Feagai is off for a HIA.
Ben Hunt puts in a beautifully-placed kick which forces Te Maire Martin to kick the ball dead.
Thomas Flegler has been sent to the sin bin for making forceful contact to the head of Mathew Feagai - things are going from bad to worse for the Broncos.
Selwyn Cobbo catches an attacking kick from Adam Reynolds, but the Dragons are able to wrap up the winger on the last tackle.
Lomax converts from next to the posts.
Four Brisbane defenders were unable to stop Bird from getting the ball down - that does not auger well for a team playing for a spot in the finals.
Jack Bird powers his way over to give the Dragons first points.
Tautau Moga is playing in the centres with Mathew Feagai moving onto the left wing.
The Dragons force an error close to the Broncos goal line.
Carrigan throws an offload which Jake Turpin is unable to hold on to.
Both teams are trading sets in the early stages.
Payne Haas takes the first carry of the evening.
Ben Hunt leads the Dragons out of the dressing rooms.
Adam Reynolds takes the Broncos onto the field.
The Broncos have never defeated the joint venture at Kogarah in four previous attempts.
The Dragons have won five of their past six matches against the Broncos; however the Broncos prevailed 32-18 when the two teams clashed prior to Origin III earlier in the season.
The Broncos have shaken up their forward pack with Jordan Riki, Kobe Hetherington and Corey Jensen all out. Zac Hosking starts in the second-row, Rhys Kennedy joins the bench and Brendan Piakura will play his first game of the season.
Andrew McCullough comes into the side with Jayden Sullivan dropping to the bench.
The equation is simple - the Broncos have to win to have a realistic chance of playing finals football.
Welcome to League Unlimited’s coverage of Round 25 Saturday Night Football between the St George Illawarra Dragons and the Brisbane Broncos from Netstrata Jubilee Stadium.
Referees & scorers:
Referee: Ben Cummins
Touch Judges: Nick Morel, Matt Noyen
Video Referee: Gerard Sutton
Tries: Jack Bird, Mathew Feagai (2), Cody Ramsey
Field Goals:
Two Point Field Goals:
Conversions: Zac Lomax (3/4)
Penalty Goals:
Tries: Delouise Hoeter, Billy Walters
Field Goals:
Two Point Field Goals:
Conversions: Adam Reynolds (2/2)
Penalty Goals: