The Rabbitohs have prevailed and ended the Roosters season.
Kevin Naiqama gets out of the in-goal.
The Roosters come up with an error.
Keary puts in an attacking kick in; the Roosters manage to hold onto possession.
Jared Waerea-Hargreaves loses the ball.
Kodi Nikorima finally gets on the field with minutes left on the clock.
Paul Momirovski kicks for himself only for Johnston to bat the ball back first.
Roosters penalty.
Cameron Murray makes a break but can't find support.
Mitchell converts.
Isaiah Tass gets into space, dummies to pass to Johnston, and scores the try that will send the Rabbitohs into the second week of the finals.
Tevita Tatola and Victor Radley are back on the field.
Egan Butcher loses the ball inside the Roosters half.
The Roosters win the challenge with Joseph Suaalii deemed to not played at the ball.
Alex Johnston gets into space, kicks ahead and the Roosters are challenging the decision.
Kevin Naiqama claims a try, but the referee rules a forward pass.
Souths challenge the decision and lose.
Latrell Mitchell is driven back contesting a bomb and loses the ball.
Kevin Naiqama is cut down close to the try line.
This is not what rugby league should look like. This is not fun. It's aggression without a point.
Taane Milne has been binned twice - we're up to SEVEN sin bins!
Taane Milne hits Connor Watson high.
Jared Waerea-Hargreaves loses the ball.
Michael Chee Kam is on the field in jersey 21.
That is a premiership record - SIX sin bins in a game.
Victor Radley has been sent to the sin bin.
Tevita Tatola has been sent to the sin bin for inflaming the scuffle.
Roosters penalty.
Both teams are getting physical.
Egan Butcher loses the ball.
Jared Waerea-Hargreaves is back on the field.
Roosters penalty.
Taane Milne manages to get out of his in-goal after a good kick from Sam Walker.
Joseph Suaalii catches a kick in-goal; the Roosters get a seven-tackle set.
Tom Burgess has failed his HIA; Michael Chee-Kam is able to enter the game due to JWH being placed on report.
Walker kicks his first goal of the day.
The Roosters aren't dead yet - Keary kicks to send Butcher over!
Siosiua Taukeiaho has passed his HIA and is back on the field.
Lachlan Ilias drops the kick off.
Mitchell kicks his fourth goal.
Arrow is on the spot to pounce on a grubber from Cody Walker - the Rabbits are surging!
Lachlan Ilias is claiming a crusher tackle.
Burgess is coming from the field for a HIA.
Jared Waerea-Hargreaves has been sent to the sin bin for head slamming Tom Burgess into the ground.
Matthew Lodge is on report for high contact.
Mark Nicholls has slipped and copped a massive shot from Matthew Lodge.
Alex Johnston has achieved a piece of history as the only player in rugby league history to score 30 tries in multiple seasons.
Mitchell converts from the sideline.
Cody Walker throws a beautiful pass to put the Rabbitohs beyond a converted try.
30 for Johnston!
The Rabbitohs are over halfway.
Keary throws a pass forward to Connor Watson.
The Roosters get a new set, Sam Walker kicks, Damien Cook drops the catch and he may be injured - IT'S ALL HAPPENING!
Adam Keighran is preparing to enter the field with SST almost certain to fail his HIA.
Siosiua Taukeiaho is dazed after a head clash with Hame Sele.
Angus Crichton has failed his HIA.
Joseph Suaalii cops a high shot from Tom Burgess.
40 minutes left in the season for one of these rivals.
Souths kick for the sideline to end a spiteful first half.
Taane Milne intercepts a pass from Joseph Suaalii.
Lachlan Ilias aims for a 40/20 and ends up kicking out on the full.
Daniel Tupou is down, it appears he's aggravated the groin he injured against Melbourne.
Both teams trading sets in the closing stages of the half.
Kevin Naiqama makes a strong catch on his goal line.
Latrell Mitchell makes a try-saving tackle to deny Daniel Tupou.
Jai Arrow is tackled on the last play close to the goal line.
Angus Crichton has come from the field.
Angus Crichton is looking dazed after copping Tom Burgess' shoulder.
Siosiua Taukeiaho hits Latrell Mitchell high - Souths Sydney penalty.
Latrell Mitchell catches a bomb despite plenty of pressure from Joseph Suaalii.
James Tedesco is out of the game! The Roosters fullback is showing more concussion symptoms.
Burgess and Milne are back on for Souths - and they've got the lead!
Drew Hutchison makes a strong run down the sideline but is powerless against Latrell Mitchell, who throws the utility into touch.
Kevin Naiqama cleans up a kick from Cody Walker; Latrell Mitchell won't get off Naiqama and gives away a penalty.
The Rabbitohs have forced another error.
No Try. The bunker rules Keaon Koloamatangi lost the ball prior to Graham scoring.
The referee has referred the play to the bunker as No Try.
Campbell Graham is claiming a try!
Latrell gets a penalty on halfway after a high tackle from Sam Walker.
James Tedesco has passed his HIA.
Mitchell converts.
Despite playing with two less men, the Rabbitohs are in front!
Latrell bursts through a hole and puts the Rabbitohs back in front.
Souths get a much-needed penalty coming out of their own half.
Angus Crichton loses the ball after solid contact from Keaon Koloamatangi and Lachlan Ilias.
Taane Milne joins Burgess in the bin after whacking Suaalii around the head.
Joseph Suaalii, filling in at fullback, is tackle close to the line and gets a penalty.
Burgess is off the field for 10 after two consecutive high shots.
Thomas Burgess hits Matt Lodge high - the crowd are calling for Burgess to go.
James Tedesco is off the field; Kevin Naiqama comes onto the field.
Thomas Burgess has been placed on report - no sin bin.
Thomas Burgess cops James Tedesco around the head on a kick return.
Souths are working to get back in the contest.
Latrell Mitchell makes a good catch coming off his line.
Walker is off target with his first two attempts.
Brilliant work from Sam Walker to deliver a cut-out pass from dummy half to put the Roosters over.
Tupou touches down to put the Roosters in front.
Joseph Suaalii catches a bomb, passes backwards to JWH and the Roosters get a fresh set of six.
Walker's kick is wide of the posts - we're tied up at 4-all.
Drew Hutchison delivers the pass that sends Angus Crichton into space to crash over.
Alex Johnston cleans up a grubber kick from Paul Momirovski in-goal.
Six again for the Roosters on halfway.
Mitchell nails his first kick from close to the sideline.
Latrell Mitchell throws a great pass to Isaiah Tass, who uses the space created to send Johnston over for first points.
Alex Johnston finishes off a left-side raid on the last tackle.
The crowd is acting as though Scott Morrison walked into the Greens National Conference - and they're not saying "boo-urns!"
Victor Radley has been sent to the sin bin for allegedly throwing a punch in a scuffle with Taane Milne.
Victor Radley and Taane Milne are getting feisty - play has been halted as the players disperse.
Drew Hutchison claims a try but Luke Keary's pass is deemed forward.
Latrell Mitchell fields a clearing kick and immediately kicks it downfield - whether he was eyeing off a 20/40 or starting a kicking duel we'll never know.
Alex Johnston returns the ball following a solid first set by the Roosters.
We're underway...
James Tedesco and the Roosters are greeted to rapturous applause by the Allianz Stadium faithful.
Cameron Murray takes the Rabbitohs onto the field.
Prior to last week's 26-16 win over South Sydney, the Sydney Roosters lost the four previous meetings.
The Rabbitohs will line up as per program with Campbell Graham and Damien Cook returning after missing last week's clash against the Roosters.
The Roosters have made two changes with Matthew Lodge, celebrating his 100th appearance in first grade, starting ahead of Siosiua Taukeiaho, while Kevin Naiqama comes onto the bench for Adam Keighran as cover for Drew Hutchison in the centres.
The winner of today's Elimination Final will face Cronulla next Saturday, venue TBC.
Welcome to League Unlimited's coverage of Sunday Afternoon Finals Football between the Sydney Roosters and the South Sydney Roosters from Allianz Stadium.
Referees & scorers:
Referee: Ashley Klein
Touch Judges: Kasey Badger, Dave Munro
Video Referee: Grant Atkins
Tries: Angus Crichton, Daniel Tupou, Nat Butcher
Field Goals:
Two Point Field Goals:
Conversions: Sam Walker (1/3)
Penalty Goals:
Tries: Alex Johnston (2), Latrell Mitchell, Jai Arrow, Isaiah Tass
Field Goals:
Two Point Field Goals:
Conversions: Latrell Mitchell (5/5)
Penalty Goals: