Stanley again has the final kick of the half. She strides in, nails it. FULLTIME.
Olivia Wood slices through and has her first England score.
Brazil knock on and England have a chance to finish this off in style.
Stanley from mid range, kicks it.
Hollie Dodd with some smart work to slice through then sends Courtney Winfield-Hill across.
Tara Stanley looking to kick one from the sideline. She was so close. It hit the crossbar!
A good moment for Leah Burke who gets her first try in England colours!
Stanley adds her sixth conversion.
The hard running Hardcastle makes it a hat-trick.
Stanley from close range, nails it.
Tara Jones gets in on the act. She burrows over from close range.
Oliveria misses.
BRAZIL HAVE THEIR FIRST TRY! It was a fantastic slight of hand from Paula Oliveria to find Natalia Momberg to make history.
PENALTY BRAZIL! High tackle.
Tara Jones spills it.
Brazil give the ball some air in this set. They stretched it wide to the wing but England's scramble was good. They are caught on last again. Changeover.
PENALTY BRAZIL! High tackle from England.
Stanley from the left touchline, just wide.
England stripped the numbers on the left and Amy Hardcastle has the score.
It was deemed to be a dropout. The ball came off the England players knees and was hammered over the sideline by Brazil.
The final pass goes to ground again for England.
Stanley from close range. Kicks it.
Francesca Goldthorp is on the spot to dive on a grubber which is spilled by the Brazil defence.
England go the length of the field in the first set. A chip kick is almost swooped on. Knocked on though.
KICK-OFF! Here we go again.
Here come the sides for the second half! England trot out with a 34-point advantage while Brazil will want to limit the damage.
Stanley has the last kick of the half. She hasn't helped herself with a sideline kick. She strides in, misses. HALFTIME.
Tara Stanley with some fabulous footwork to get her second.
Stanley kicks her third straight.
Straight from the scrum, Amy Hardcastle runs a fantastic line and strolls over.
Brazil spill it again. They will CHALLENGE the ruling.
England look to build again but it is curtailed by a forward pass.
Let off for Brazil after Rudge spills it.
Brazil are trapped behind in-goal. They go short but England recover.
Stanley with another easy assignment. She raises the flag.
England get another restart from the klaxon. Grace Field doesn't take long to swoop on a pass in support and stroll over.
Brazil get some field positon. They go down the right and looks to be held up!
Stanley from close range. Nails her first conversion of the afternoon.
Winfield-Hill has a double. She slices through again and goes close to the posts.
PENALTY ENGLAND! Brazil with some ruck interference after some good scramble defence.
Amanda Welter tries to get outside her defender but hits the sideline.
Brazil try to attack from the scrum and get the six again klaxon.
PENALTY ENGLAND! Strip from the Brazil defence.
First attempt from the left for Stanley. She hits the post.
England have their third! Courtney Winfield-Hill slices through and beats the defender to the corner.
It has been a scrappy game thus far. Another knock on this time. From England.
Brazil try to get expansive but lose it.
Brazil spill it again coming from their own end. Lucky Amy Hardcastle loses it as well. Brazil scrum.
Emily Rudge kicks early in the count with the Brazilian defence up in the line. The ball beats everyone to the sideline though.
The hosts look primed again for another score. Amy Hardcastle bursts through but the pass was forward.
Stanley attempts to convert her own try. She strides in, fades wide.
England go to the left side again, this time, Tara Stanley dummies and goes herself.
PENALTY ENGLAND! Brazil trying to stop the momentum holding down.
Six again klaxon goes off right from the kick-off for England.
Tara Stanley has her first kick and fades it wide.
England make immediate inroads. It was a swing to the right and Caitlin Beevers has the first four-pointer on her home ground!
Brazil try to spread it wide in the first set and spill it.
KICK-OFF! The ball is in the air and Brazil has the first use.
Anthems done, sung beautifully. The England chant has gone up around Headingley. Here we go!
What a wonderful atmosphere as the teams walk onto the pitch! It is a bumper crowd to watch England kick off their campaign and Brazil make their debut steps. We are getting ready for the anthems then it will be game time.
Welcome everyone! We kick-off the Womens portion of the Rugby League World Cup this year! It kicks off with a history making clash. Hosts England take on debutants Brazil in a game being hosted in Leeds. Grab all your snacks and drinks and get ready for kick-off half past the hour.
Referees & scorers:
Referee: Rochelle Tamarua
Touch Judges: Tom Grant, Jack Smith
Video Referee: Marcus Griffiths
Tries: Caitlin Beevers, Tara Stanley (2), Courtney Winfield-Hill (3), Grace Field, Amy Hardcastle (3), Francesca Goldthorp, Tara Jones, Leah Burke, Olivia Wood
Conversions: Tara Stanley (8/14)
Tries: Natalia Momberg
Conversions: Patricia Oliveria (0/1)