Cleary wins it for Penrith!
Newcastle kick off and Leniu takes the first run of extra time.
Crowd: 26,084
It's 15-all at the end of 80 minutes. GOLDEN POINT TIME.
Cleary is off target - we're going to golden point.
Hastings is off target - Penrith will get a seven tackle set,
Cleary's kick is defused by Muller.
Things are getting heated between the two sides.
Cleary locks the scores up at 15-all.
Penrith have the ball from the restart.
Cleary is off target with his attempt.
Play has stopped with Turuva and Young engaging in a fracas.
Dominic Young knocks on after a towering bomb from Cleary.
Turuva catches a bomb from Hastings.
Luai puts in a kick; it ricochets off Hastings and the Knights have the ball.
The Panthers get the ball back from the drop out.
Miller is off target - the Panthers will have a 20 metre drop out.
Miller is having a shot at goal.
Hastings puts up a bomb, Tago checked Young off the ball and the Knights have an opportunity to go back in front.
The Knights survive again.
Stephen Crichton is tackled close to the try line.
The Panthers are coming home strong but the Knights aren't giving up!
Lachlan Miller is taken over the dead ball line.
Dane Gagai makes an important tackle on Dylan Edwards.
Dane Gagai makes an important tackle to stop Izack Tago close to the line on the last tackle.
Jack Johns loses the ball 20 metres out from the Panthers line.
Newcastle get a welcome penalty.
Turuva catches a bomb from Hastings despite strong pressure from Dominic Young.
The Knights win the challenge and will play the ball ten metres out from their line.
The Knights are challenging a knock on ruling.
The referee rules a knock on against the Knights.
We're locked up at 14-all.
Jaeman Salmon charges over through the middle of the field.
Frizell is penalised for an accidental hair pull.
Jarome Luai is tackled by the hair by Tyson Frizell.
Cleary makes it a six-point game.
Nathan Cleary will take the points on offer to reduce the deficit to a converted try.
Tyson Gamble is penalised for a high shot on Nathan Cleary.
Lachlan Miller comes up with an error.
Dominic Young makes a galloping run.
Greg Marzhew comes up with a brilliant read in defence to stop a try.
Greg Marzhew can't hold onto the ball.
Newcastle have been great and Penrith have been off their game - that said, there's still a long way to go in this one.
Stephen Crichton drops the ball as the Panthers were attacking the Knights line.
Penrith get a penalty.
Jack Johns loses the ball.
Lachlan Fitzgibbon picks up a dropped ball and bursts down the field.
Brodie Jones is out for the remainder of the game with a quad injury.
Penrith get a penalty.
Spencer Leniu drops the ball.
Greg Marzhew can't hold onto a pass. The Panthers will start a set inside the Knights half.
Newcastle stand up to the challenge.
Lachlan Miller compounds the error by failing to kick the line drop out 10 metres.
We're back underway for the second half - Lachlan Miller drops the ball from the kick-off.
This has been a stirring performance from Newcastle so far - can they keep it up for another 40 minutes?
The bunker rules Sorenson lost possession while grounding. NO TRY.
The bunker is checking the try.
Soni Luke puts a kick in and the Panthers have struck on halftime!
Lachlan Miller loses the ball on halfway. The Panthers will get one last chance before the change of ends.
Penrith knock on inside the Newcastle half.
A crazy moment - Jackson Hastings put up an attacking chip kick. Tyson Gamble was taken off the ball. Spencer Leniu was sent to the sin bin. Penrith challenged the call and won!
Kurt Mann spins in a tackle and almost gets to the line.
Newcastle penalty.
Stephen Crichton catches the line drop out but can't hold onto the ball.
Brian To'o is trapped in-goal after a sensation chase from Bradman Best.
Soni Luke throws a pass to Liam Martin with the try line in sight - but the Panthers lose the ball to let the Knights off the hook.
Dane Gagai is penalised for a high tackle on Jerome Luai.
Nathan Cleary nails a 40/20 to put the Panthers on the attack.
Turuva catches a bomb and is wrapped up by Lachlan Miller.
Jack Hetherington is on the field for his 50th NRL appearance.
Miller gets his first conversion of the evening.
Phoenix Crossland puts in a grubber from dummy half and gets to his own kick first.
Izack Tago loses the ball on halfway.
The Knights put too much on an attacking kick and the Panthers get a seven tackle set.
Greg Marzhew is held up over the line.
Newcastle get a penalty close to halfway.
Liam Martin knocks on an attacking kick from Cleary; the Knights survive.
Cleary is off target from the sideline. Newcastle remain in front.
The Knights will rue giving the Panthers an opportunity due to poor discipline from a senior player.
Penrith capitalise on their opportunity with a right-side shift.
The Knights concede a penalty while in possession; the Panthers are on the attack.
Miller is safe under a bomb from Cleary.
Hastings kicks long; Turuva returns the ball near his 30 metre line.
Miller is off target with his second attempt.
Great work from Dane Gagai to deliver a great pass to send Frizell over.
Frizell charges over from the quick play the ball to put the Knights further ahead.
Dominic Young is tackled in a try-saver
Bradman Best swoops on the ball and releases the pressure on the home side.
Penrith get the ball back from the drop out.
Nathan Cleary gets a result with his kick-off - the ball bounced in-goal and went dead for a line drop out.
Miller's kick is waved away.
Tyson gambled with a dummy and came up with a four-pointer.
Tyson Gamble takes on the line, throws a dummy and scores!
Lachlan Miller chips ahead for himself; Dylan Edwards is able to get to the ball first but is taken dead in goal.
Nathan Cleary has the length for a 40/20, but Lachlan Miller is on the spot to clean up and earns a penalty for good measure.
Tyson Gamble kicks for Dominic Young but Sunia Turuva is on the spot to catch for the visitors.
Newcastle get a penalty and the crowd lets their enthusiasm known.
Lachlan Miller puts up a bomb, Dominic Young knocks it back but the Panthers are able to clean up.
Stephen Crichton almost gets into space but ends up losing the ball after good defensive effort from Lachlan Fitzgibbon and Leo Thompson.
Cleary gets the Panthers on the board.
Nathan Cleary will elect to get points on the board.
Penrith get another penalty - this one is in kicking distance.
Penrith receive a penalty and find touch on halfway.
Greg Marzhew is up to the task of defusing a high ball from Nathan Cleary.
Matt Eisenhuth takes the first carry of the night.
Newcastle are on the field - kick-off is only moments away.
Penrith are greeted with boos as they make their way onto the field.
Interchange players Jack Hetherington and Jaeman Salmon will make their 50th appearances in first grade.
The last time the Knights defeated the Panthers in Newcastle was 2015.
Penrith have dominated clashes against Newcastle since Ivan Cleary returned to the club in 2019; the Panthers have won five and drawn one of the six matches contested in that time.
The Panthers have received a welcome boost with representative forward Liam Martin returning from injury. Scott Sorenson reverts to the bench with Lindsay Smith dropping to 18th man.
The Knights will line up as per program from the team selected on Tuesday afternoon.
Welcome to League Unlimited’s coverage of Round 7 Saturday Night Football between the Newcastle Knights and Penrith Panthers from McDonald Jones Stadium.
Referees & scorers:
Referee: Peter Gough
Touch Judges: Jon Stone, Cameron Paddy
Video Referee: Ashley Klein
Tries: Tyson Gamble, Tyson Frizell, Phoenix Crossland
Field Goals: Tyson Gamble (1/1), Jackson Hastings (0/1)
Conversions: Lachlan Miller (1/3)
Penalty Goals: Lachlan Miller (0/1)
Tries: Brian To'o, Jaeman Salmon
Field Goals: Nathan Cleary (2/4)
Conversions: Nathan Cleary (1/2)
Penalty Goals: Nathan Cleary (2/2)