Newcastle bounce back with a big win after the bye!
Miller nails the kick.
Dominic Young goes the length!
Lachlan Fitzgibbon makes a great tackle on Isaac Liu.
Boyd misses.
The rookie winger gets another.
Titans penalty.
Tino Fa'asuamaleaui comes up with the ball from the kick off.
Miller seals the result for Newcastle.
Hastings puts in a grubber, Tanah Boyd tries to clean up but makes a mistake that Best pounces on.
Moeaki Fotuaika drops the ball and the Knights are breathing sigh of relief.
Boyd is off target.
Lachie Miller puts in a grubber that allows Fifita to race the length to keep the Titans in the contest.
Brian Kelly loses the ball.
Crossland tries a sneaky grubber but can't outfox Jayden Campbell.
Alofiana Khan-Pereira drops the ball.
Hastings chips high but Campbell is up to the task for the visitors.
Miller has found his kicking radar now!
It's all coming up Newcastle! Kieran Foran is deemed to have not been impeded.
The bunker is checking for an obstruction.
Dane Gagai is claiming a try.
The Knights produce one of the best defensive sets you'll see with outstanding line speed.
Campbell defuses an attacking kick for the Titans.
Miller puts the Knights up by 10.
Ponga throws a dummy, bamboozles Jayden Campbell and send the Newcastle faithful into raptures!
Lachie Miller manages to avoid a 40/20 by throwing the ball back in field.
The Knights come up with a good set after points.
Miller is on-target from out wide.
Great work from Ponga to expose the Titans - that's the KP the Newcastle faithful want to see!
Ponga takes on the line and finds Best in support to put the Knights back in front.
Newcastle get a penalty.
Miller's kick hits the posts.
The Titans tried in vain to hold up their former team-mate.
Marzhew powers his way over the line.
Kalyn Ponga loses the ball, but the referee rules a knock on against the Titans.
Greg Marzhew loses the ball, but the Knights fortunately get a penalty for the Titans being downtown.
Boyd is on target.
Great footwork from Brian Kelly; Alofiana Khan-Pereira does well to position Campbell to score.
Campbell is on the spot to finish off an attacking raid down the left edge.
Phoenix Crossland finds touch 35 metres out from the Titans line.
Lachlan Miller is driven back after a good catch.
Iszac Fa'asumaleaui takes the first run of the second half.
We're all locked up at the break.
Kalyn Ponga puts in a brilliant kick that sits up for Frizell to score!
Newcastle get a penalty.
Kieran Foran finds touch to give the Titans a breather.
Greg Marzhew makes a good catch.
Jacob Saifiti spills the ball.
The Titans attempt a right side shift but the ball goes over the sideline.
The Titans get a penalty.
Play has resumed while the bunker checked for a possible punch between Jackson Hastings and Chris Randall.
The Titans are playing with a lot of attacking confidence at the moment.
Boyd adds the extras.
Sami leaps above Marzhew to put the Titans in front.
Tyson Frizell has been placed on report for a tackle around the legs of Tino Fa'asuamaleaui.
Dominic Young loses the ball and the Titans will get a chance to attack.
Boyd levels the scores at 6-all.
Fifita breaks through the arms of Frizell before charging over Lachie Miller as the last line of defence.
David Fifita barges over in his 50th game for the Titans.
The Titans earn a penalty in good attacking territory.
The Knights are deemed to have knocked on despite Brian Kelly losing the ball.
Tyson Frizell comes up with another great tackle on Campbell.
Miller converts to put the Knights up 6-0.
The Knights will kick to go ahead by two.
The Knights get a penalty after David Fifita collected Leo Thompson high.
Jacob Saifiti draws a set restart with his first involvement of the day.
Kieran Foran is trapped in-goal forcing a line drop out.
Tanah Boyd puts in a kick that travel out on the full.
Jayden Campbell makes a strong carry over his 30 metre line.
Great work from Hastings in the try-saving tackle as well.
Alofiana Khan-Pereira is dragged over the sideline by Tyson Frizell with the try line in sight.
The Titans get a penalty and find touch close to halfway.
Alofiana Khan-Pereira cops a hit from Gagai after fielding a bomb from Hastings.
Miller is off target with his first attempt.
Crossland kicks cross field, the ball is bat back into the hands of Hastings, who puts in a kick for Young to narrowly get the ball down.
Dominic Young!
Phoenix Crossland nails a 40/20; Campbell tries to keep the ball in but has a foot on the line to give the Knights attacking territory.
Ponga puts up a bomb; Campbell is up to the task before receiving heavy contact from Tyson Frizell.
Greg Marzhew puts in a kick on the last tackle.
Greg Marzhew comes up with ball as the Titans were attacking.
Newcastle come up with an error at the play-the-ball - this has been awful from the Knights to start the game.
Jayden Campbell is tackled on the last ten metres out from the Newcastle line.
Jack Hetherington throws an offload that is put down by Lachlan Miller on halfway.
Jayden Campbell loses the ball from a scrum play on tackle one.
Newcastle allow the kick-off to bounce and the Titans will get the ball 20 metres out from the try line.
Kalyn Ponga is back in Newcastle for the first time this season.
Tino Fa'asuamaleaui takes the Titans onto the field.
The Titans haven't won at McDonald Jones Stadium since 2016.
The Titans are chasing three straight wins for the first time since 2021.
The Knights are looking to break a run of three straight losses.
The Titans have called Iszac Fa'asumaleaui into the side in place of Erin Clark. David Fifita will make his 50th appearance for he club.
The Knights have a late positional change with Jack Hetherington starting at lock ahead of Mat Croker. Off-season recruit Adam Elliott will play his second match of the season after aggravating a groin injury in the season opener.
Welcome to League Unlimited's coverage of Round 11 Sunday Afternoon Football between the Newcastle Knights and the Gold Coast Titans from McDonald Jones Stadium.
Referees & scorers:
Referee: Peter Gough
Touch Judges: Chris Sutton, Kasey Badger
Video Referee: Chris Butler
Tries: Dominic Young (2), Tyson Frizell, Greg Marzhew, Bradman Best (2), Kalyn Ponga, Dane Gagai
Field Goals:
Two Point Field Goals:
Conversions: Lachlan Miller (6/8)
Penalty Goals: Lachlan Miller (1/1)
Tries: David Fifita (2), Phillip Sami, Jayden Campbell, Alofiana Khan-Pereira
Field Goals:
Two Point Field Goals:
Conversions: Tanah Boyd (3/5)
Penalty Goals: