FULLTIME! Titans get a much needed win.
PENALTY TITANS! Strip from Bateman.
Bateman kicks for himself and Tino falls on it.
PENALTY TIGERS! High tackle.
Simpkins invents a kick and forces a dropout.
Wakeham fakes the pass and gets drilled. He loses it.
Titans try to strip numbers on the left but it goes forward.
Tigers keep it alive on last. To'a rolls a kick in for Tupou but it went dead.
Kelly spills it as Nofa goes on a mazy run.
Talau spills it again.
Wakeham looks to convert quickly. He slides it inside the right post.
Something for the Tigers there. Jahream Bula explodes through the gap and gets to the line.. just.
Todd Smith decides no further action besides a stern talking to.
Here we go. Bateman and Tino Fa'asuamaleaui come head to head. They are separated and then things almost get going again.
Tigers and short kick-offs aren't friends. They go short again and Titans capture it.
Meanwhile in the chase, Luke Brooks has done a hammy. Back on field, Boyd converts again.
Campbell vs Bula match race. The Titans five-eighth catches the intercept and spies the tryline. He is caught by Bula. Titans just spread it wide and Phillip Sami scores in his milestone game.
Titans try to shift it wide right and throw it over the sideline. Tigers ptb.
Boyd adds the easy two.
Big Tino gets one! Sam Verrills spies some space on last and gives the prop a wonderful pass through the gap.
Tommy Talau spills it trying to get it wide.
Brooks is tackled on fifth tackle again. Simpkins tries to fashion what I will generously describe as a kick.
Schoupp spills it.
Tigers were starting to find some rhythm but Junior Tupou knocks on.
Tigers were threatening in that set but they literally threw it away.
Tigers tried to steal the ball but it is knocked on.
The second half has started with an arm wrestle.
KICK-OFF! Tigers kick off and we're off.
We're back for the second half! Can the Tigers add to the Titans second half misery or will the Titans hold on in this one? Lets find out.
That was a chaotic end to the half. Tigers roost a kick high which is batted straight to Phillip Sami. He tries to race away but it is tackled. Titans go left and the ball is knocked down. HALFTIME.
Good counter attack from Jahream Bula. He catches it low and stretches out for 40 metres.
Tigers have not had much luck with the short kick-off. Again, it is too deep.
Brimson is kick happy tonight. They give it air on last then AJ kicks through again but Tigers swat it dead.
One-on-one stealathon! Tigers snatch it then Titans get it right back. They can end the half on a high here.
Boyd makes the lead ten.
Titans further add to their lead! AJ Brimson spun around like a top after contact then kicks through and a flying Jayden Campbell touches down.
PENALTY TITANS! They will look to extend the lead.
AJ Brimson kicks early again. This time the Tigers recover.
Tommy Talau gets a promising Tigers attack with a drop ball.
Boyd puts this one through.
Another try scoring Haas. Klese Haas gets the short ball and goes through the gap.
Tanah Boyd punches it low again and forces a dropout.
Api Koroisau has been ruled out of the game. That is a big loss for the Tigers.
Tigers are missing their hooker Api Koroisau after he went up the tunnel. He is being looked at as we speak.
Luke Brooks kicks for himself and AJ Brimson cops some knees but gets the ball.
Wakeham puts the Tigers in the lead.
Tigers got a pair of set restarts then go boom. Short ball to Klemmer who crashes over.
Tigers give the ball some air and spread it wide. Wakeham tries to kick for his winger but it deflects off a Titan and out. Tigers get the ptb.
That was definitely a sequence of rugby league. Tigers fail to find touch then the Titans get it stripped one-on-one. So Tigers have it back again.
Tino Fa'asuamaleaui is also on report for late contact.
Boyd fades his kick wide from mid range.
Straight from the scrum, Titans make their possession count. AJ Brimson skipped on the outside of his man and sliced through.
Tigers go short again. Tupou gets to this one but spills it.
Titans try to go through the front door here. Boyd puts it on the toe again and Brooks is trapped in goal now.
AJ Brimson in his return goes for the early kick. Tupou is there to cover. Dropout. Tigers go shortish. No good.
Shawn Blore hands it right back.
Titans get the ball back from an error. Tino takes it to the line and throws a late offload to Joe Stimson who is judged to spill it. CHALLENGE from the Titans. UNSUCCESSFUL. Titans burn one early.
PENALTY TITANS! Tigers were offside.
Both sides through their first set tonight.
Here we go for what should be a fascinating Thursday night football game!
Good evening everyone! We have some rugby league game for you to enjoy! Two sides who say that defense is optional do battle in the Gold Coast. Both are coming off last start losses which saw the Titans concede another first half lead while the Tigers went down in a heartbreaker against the Raiders. So who knows what they will serve up tonight?
Referees & scorers:
Referee: Todd Smith
Touch Judges: Michael Wise, Liam Kennedy
Video Referee: Adam Gee
Tries: AJ Brimson, Klese Haas, Jayden Campbell, Tino Fa'asuamaleaui, Phillip Sami
Conversions: Tanah Boyd (4/5)
Tries: David Klemmer, Jahream Bula
Conversions: Brandon Wakeham (2/2)