The Knights throw the ball around but the Broncos survive at the death!
Phoenix Crossland is tackled on the final play - but the referee rules the Broncos were offside.
Hastings bombs and the Knights will have one final chance!
Reynolds finds touch inside the Knights half.
The Broncos have the ball from the short kick-off.
Reynolds adds the extras.
Reynolds passes to Mam, who flick passes to Reynolds for the try that should win Brisbane the game!
Reynolds scores!
Ponga smashes Walsh with a great hit.
Adam Reynolds kicks but Adam Elliott is on the spot to clean up for the visitors.
Kotoni Staggs makes a strong carry over halfway.
Corey Oates is wrapped up by three Newcastle defenders.
Reynolds bombs and Marzhew makes a great catch for the Knights.
Reynolds narrows the margin to two points.
Piakura crosses to get the Broncos back in the contest.
The Knights lose the challenge; the Broncos have a scrum ten metres out from the line.
Bradman Best knocks on. The Knights will challenge the decision.
Tyson Frizell is back on for Newcastle.
Kalyn Ponga gets out of his in-goal; the Knights are gaining confidence and can see the finish line.
Kalyn Ponga makes a crucial tackle on Ezra Mam.
Smoothy comes up with a poor kick on the last play.
Tyson Smoothy is on for his club debut at hooker.
Brisbane penalty.
Payne Haas and Patrick Carrigan are back on for Brisbane.
Sewyn Cobbo comes up with an error.
Hastings nails the kick from touch.
Young is in and the Knights have consecutive tries!
Ponga returns a kicks from Reynolds up to his 20 metre line.
Hastings is off target from the sideline.
Dominic Young runs down the sideline and finds Mat Croker in support to give the Knights the lead back.
Greg Marzhew makes a bulldozing run down the sideline but Walsh is up to the challenge of denying the winger.
Reynolds finds touch 10 metres out from the Newcastle line.
Tyson Frizell is off the field for Newcastle.
Kotoni Staggs belts Tyson Gamble with a great tackle on halfway.
Reynolds puts the Broncos back in front.
Great work from Reece Walsh to deliver the final pass for points.
Cobbo touches down in the corner to lock the scores up.
Jackson Hastings makes a horrible error by dropping the ball inside his own half.
Hastings kicks; Crossland kicks for Dominic Young but Corey Oates is up to the task.
Corey Oates is wrapped up on his 20 metre line.
The second half is underway.
The halftime siren beats the Knights before they could pack a scrum.
Hastings bombs; Corey Oates drops the ball and the Knights will have one final chance.
Gamble puts up a bomb; Walsh grabs the ball and is driven back by the Newcastle defence/
Hastings adds the extras.
Kalyn Ponga does it all himself with a solo effort from 60 metres out!
Ponga breaks away...
Reynolds puts the Broncos in front.
Adam Reynolds puts up a bomb; the ball bounces for Reynolds who finds Cobbo in support.
Dylan Lucas passes the ball to Selwyn Cobbo instead of Bradman Best - the Broncos survive.
Kalyn Ponga is tackled a metre from the line.
The Knights do a great job to deny the Broncos on their line; Adam Reynolds comes up with a poor kick that goes dead.
NO TRY. Marzhew is ruled to have put an arm into touch before grounding the ball.
The bunker is checking the try...
Marzhew uses his strength to get the ball down after Ponga and Best combined in the lead up.
Newcastle penalty.
Newcastle penalty.
Selwyn Cobbo catches a bomb from Adam Reynolds; Cobbo offloads to Kotoni Staggs, who is dragged over the sideline by the Newcastle defence.
Hastings gets a rushed kick away after a horrible pass from dummy half by Crossland; the Knights compound the play by conceding a penalty.
Kalyn Ponga catches a short kick off; Bradman Best loses the ball but the Knights will retain the ball after Reece Walsh dropped the line drop out.
Gamble grubbers for himself; the ball contacts Ezra Mam's hand resulting in a line drop out.
Selwyn Cobbo makes an error; the Knights will get another attacking set.
Hastings puts up a bomb; Walsh makes a speedy kick return close to his 40 metre line.
Hastings is off target with his first attempt.
Great work from Gagai to use his footwork and offload to Young for the opening try.
The Knights shift the ball right and Young gets first points.
Reece Walsh drops a bomb; the Knights get a penalty with a Broncos player touching the ball in front of Walsh.
Herbie Farnworth knocks on trying to catch a bomb close to the Newcastle try line.
Tyson Gamble makes an error on halfway to put his side under pressure.
NO TRY. Dane Gagai does a superb job to prevent Oates from scoring.
Corey Oates is claiming a try but the Knights may have done a remarkable job to dislodge the ball.
Jordan Riki belts Greg Marzhew as the Newcastle winger collected a high ball.
The Broncos win the challenge and continue the set close to halfway.
Payne Haas knocks on while playing the ball; the Broncos will challenge the decision.
The Knights squander an attacking chance close to the line.
Hastings puts up a bomb for Dominic Young; Corey Oates makes the catch but the Knights get a penalty for Young being run off the ball by Herbie Farnworth.
The Broncos come up with an error inside the Knights half.
Selwyn Cobbo catches an attacking kick from Tyson Gamble to give the Broncos a 20 metre re-start.
Reece Walsh overpowers an attacking kick intended for Selwyn Cobbo; the Knights earn a seven tackle set.
The Broncos are on the attack just inside the Knights half.
Phoenix Crossland can't hold onto an offload close to the Broncos try line.
Tyson Gamble earns a penalty after contact after kicking by Patrick Carrigan.
Greg Marzhew makes a good catch under pressure close to his try line.
Reece Walsh makes an incisive run through the middle.
We have kick-off - Thomas Flegler takes the first run of the evening.
Adam Reynolds is greeted by the Suncorp faithful as the Brisbane Broncos make their way out of the sheds.
Kalyn Ponga takes the Newcastle Knights onto the field.
The Knights have won 5/14 matches at Suncorp against the Broncos historically.
The Broncos have won 10 of the past 13 meetings between the two teams.
Billy Walters will play his 50th NRL game.
The Knights have lost Lachlan Fitzgibbon in the second-row; Dylan Lucas will start in his second career game.
The Broncos have made a change on the bench with former Melbourne hooker Tyson Smoothy making his club debut in place of Cory Paix.
Welcome to League Unlimited’s coverage of Round 15 Saturday Night Football between the Brisbane Broncos and the Newcastle Knights from Suncorp Stadium.
Referees & scorers:
Referee: Chris Butler
Touch Judges: Jarrod Cole, Wyatt Raymond
Video Referee: Grant Atkins
Tries: Selwyn Cobbo (2), Adam Reynolds, Brendan Piakura
Conversions: Adam Reynolds (4/4)
Tries: Dominic Young (2), Kalyn Ponga, Mathew Croker
Conversions: Jackson Hastings (2/4)