FULLTIME! Knights win 66-0.
BUNKER TIME! Jacob Kiraz tries to get it down but some swarming Knights defence stops him.
Leo Thompson hit and loses it.
Kurtis Morrin spills it again.
Ponga kicks his eleventh.
This is a precession. Kurt Mann slices through and sends Phoenix Crossland over for his second.
Leo Thompson thought he had his first try but it is ruled forward.
Perham is having a shocker. He takes a bomb then loses it passing. Knights ball.
Ponga kicks his tenth of the afternoon.
Enari Tuala runs a wonderful line and goes over.
PENALTY KNIGHTS! Taking out a player without the ball.
Jack Hetherington loses it. CHALLENGE from the Knights. SUCCESSFUL. Knights ball.
DOgs finally get a result from a kick then it is knocked on inside by Morrin.
Ponga adds two more.
Okay now, Bradman Best has his hat-trick. Alamoti spills it right to the centre. He had no thoughts of passing. He goes the length.
Ponga tries to find Fitzgibbon but he spills it. He was through the gap.
Time off here. Ponga has gone up and his leg has contacted Perham in the face. Play on after some treatment.
Ponga remains perfect kicking.
This is a murder at Stadium Australia. Bradman Best explodes down the left, cuts inside and wants his hat-trick. He is tackled and offloads to Hastings for the easiest try.
Ponga swings it over.
They score a few tackles later. Hands on the left and Marzhew powers over.
Perham's blushes are saved with a double knock on. Still Knights ball.
Young spills the ball.
Ponga converts.
Knights pick up where they left off. Lachlan Fitzgibbon showing off the range. Inside pass to Kurt Mann who strolls over.
PENALTY KNIGHTS! Holding down.
KICK-OFF! Here we go!
We're back for the second half. Will the Knights go on with this? or can the Bulldogs get some bite.
HALFTIME! Knights lead 30-0 at the break as boos ring around Stadium Australia.
Ponga converts.
Knights killing them on the left. Ponga slices through from an offload then positions Best to the tryline.
Ponga adds two.
Crossland gets the score but that was all Ponga. He speeds off the line, steps several men and gives it to the hooker to score.
Alamoti loses it.
PENALTY BULLDOGS! High tackle first tackle from the restart.
Knights look to get Fitzgibbon over again. This time Bulldogs make the tackle. Changeover.
Now the Bulldogs kick it out on the full.
Ponga adds the extras.
Lachlan Fitzgibbon spins and goes over.
PENALTY BULLDOGS! Averillo throws it away and gets a strip penalty. Knights CHALLENGE. There was no strip action. Averillo threw it away. Scrum. SUCCESSFUL.
That was a strange sequence. Okunbor kicks through for some reason, Marzhew just watched him take it and then the Bulldogs kick it deep.
Ponga from wide. He keeps it straight and goes over.
Simple play on the left. Hastings, Ponga then Best crashes over.
PENALTY KNIGHTS! Mahoney brings Marzhew down in an awkward action.
Ponga converts.
Knights strike first! Jackson Hastings sold the Bulldogs a dummy and slices through.
The Foxx knocks down a pass where Ponga tried to fire one to Dom Young.
The Knights halves combine. Hastings' kick for Gamble sees the latter knock on.
Adam Elliott digs into the line and tries to shovel a pass back but he knocks on.
Paul Alamoti now turns it over.
Dom Young not having a good start with his hands. Another error.
Dogs throw a few things at the Knights in that set. The kick from Burton is too deep again.
Averillo is caught high from the scrum. PENALTY BULLDOGS!
Dom Young with a dogs breakfast play the ball.
Both sides through their first sets. Burton's first kick was too big and Ponga dragged his leg in-goal to get seven tackles.
KICK-OFF! Here we go!
Here come the Knights onto the turf. They are in their blue, red and white away jersey and look prime for a big performance. Who let the dogs out blares through the PA as the Bulldogs head out in their majoiryt blue jersey!
Good afternoon everyone! We have a fascinating game for you between Canterbury and Newcastle, two sides fighting for their lives in this year's premiership. It is a bright afternoon at Stadium Australia so we should get some attacking footy. Kick-off is ten mins away.
Referees & scorers:
Referee: Ziggy Przeklasa-Adamski
Touch Judges: Darian Furner, Chris Sutton
Video Referee: Matt Noyen
Field Goals:
Two Point Field Goals:
Penalty Goals:
Tries: Jackson Hastings (2), Bradman Best (3), Lachlan Fitzgibbon, Phoenix Crossland (2), Kurt Mann, Greg Marzhew, Enari Tuala
Field Goals:
Two Point Field Goals:
Conversions: Kalyn Ponga (11/11)
Penalty Goals: