Hastings misses a long range shot on full-time.
Gamble chips kicks from the scrum but the ball goes dead.
The Raiders throw the ball forward to give the Knights one last chance to score.
Corey Horsburgh reaches out to score - but ground the ball short and loses control.
Tyson Gamble produces a stellar tackled to deny Hudson Young.
Six again for Canberra.
Canberra penalty
Ponga is back on the field.
Tyson Gamble is on the spot to clean up an attacking kick from the Raiders.
Greg Marzhew loses the ball.
Kalyn Ponga has passed his HIA.
No try. Dominic Young is ruled to have put a foot on the sideline.
Great work from Jackson Hastings to kick for Young.
Dominic Young gets try 21 and slam dunks ala Timana Tahu!
Canberra come up with another error.
Bradman Best come sup with an intercept.
Canberra get a penalty for a strip.
Hudson Young loses the ball - this has been a horrible day for the home side.
Jack Wighton throws a pass over the sideline - the referee rules a touch against Dominic Young.
Six again for the Raiders.
Dom Young drops a pass from Kurt Mann.
Brodie Jones, playing his 50th game in first grade, tackles Seb Kris.
Kalyn Ponga is being sent for a HIA.
Dane Gagai is tackled five metres out from the Raiders line.
Kurt Mann is held up over the try line.
Greg Marzhew returns a bomb from Jamal Fogarty almost to his 40 metre line.
Ponga is on target.
Newcastle will kick to go further ahead.
Canberra lose their challenge.
Canberra are challenging the ruling of a strip.
Newcastle penalty.
Six again for the Knights.
Seb Kris is on report for tackling the legs of Kalyn Ponga.
Kalyn Ponga is tackled in the air.
Croker converts from the sideline.
The Raiders finally get on the board.
Six again for the Raiders.
The Knights lose their challenge.
The Raiders force an error but immediately drop the ball themselves; Newcastle are challenging the original knock on against Kurt Mann.
Hudson Young loses the ball after a kick from Rapana towards the posts.
The referee rules a forward pass against the Knights.
Pasami Saulo drops the ball.
The try is overturned with Tyson Gamble ruled to have tackled Albert Hopoate in the air.
Bradman Best gets to the line but there may be a bit to check before the try is confirmed.
Hopoate loses the ball...
Hopoate catches a high ball from Gamble ten metre out from the Raiders line.
Ponga is perfect with the boot once again.
Ponga sent Gagai into space before finding Gamble in support to score.
Gamble races away and it's all coming up Newcastle.
Emre Guler has to kick on the last tackle... Dominic Young defuses but the Raiders aren't helping themselves with poor last play options.
Both teams are back out for the second half.
The Knights are in control at the break, leading 20-0!
Bradman Best loses the ball narrowly short of the try line.
The Knights survive. This has been a horrible first half for the home side.
Canberra get a penalty and find touch 30 metres out from the Newcastle try line.
Hastings defuses an attacking kick from Fogarty close to the Newcastle line.
Kurt Mann loses the ball on halfway.
Ponga swings the ball back between the posts.
Great work from Young to stay in the field of play and ground the ball before the corner post.
Dominic Young scores his 20th try of the season following a right side shift.
Make is 20 for Dominic!
Mat Croker swoops on a loose ball; Dominic Young earns a penalty.
Ponga comes up with an error attacking down the right side.
Hudson Young fails to play the ball which gifts the ball to Newcastle inside the Raiders' half.
Elliott Whitehead pounces on an attacking kick from Jackson Hastings.
Greg Marzhew gets a penalty with Elliott Whitehead ruled to be offside. Gamble finds touch close to halfway.
Hudson Young loses the ball and the Knights survive again.
Another six again call for Canberra inside Newcastle's half.
Lachlan Fitzgibbon loses the ball on halfway; the Raiders get a six again.
Jack Hetherington is on for the Knights; Emre Guler is on for Canberra.
Albert Hopoate is taken over the sideline by Dominic Young - the Knights defend their error!
Six again for the Raiders.
The Knights have been able to dictate terms during the first quarter, but can they defend their errors?
Adam Elliott comes up with an error - this is the test now for the Knights.
Ponga converts from the sideline.
Hastings fires a pass out wide that is tapped by Bradman Best into the arms of Marzhew.
Newcastle make the Raiders pay!
Oh no! The Raiders have made an absolute meal of the last tackle - they don't get a kick away and throw a pass that allows Phoenix Crossland to pounce on the ball inside the Raiders half.
Kris is tackled five metres out from his goal line. The Knights are in control at the moment.
Fogarty puts up a bomb on the last that is dropped by Rapana; it's been a poor start from the home side.
Newcastle complete another set after points with a strong kick.
Ponga converts from in front.
Ponga will take the two points on offer.
The Raiders fail to kick the line drop out before the kick clock - Newcastle penalty.
Hastings executes another great kick that results in a line drop out.
Tyson Frizell is cut down a metre from the line.
Gamble puts in a perfectly weighted chip that results in a line drop out.
Ponga converts from next to the posts.
Hastings puts Fitzgibbon into space with a short ball, the second-rower finds Ponga in support to give the Knights first points.
The Knights strike first!
Hudson Young is cut down short of the try line after the Raiders elected to run the ball on the last.
Rapana makes a strong run close to halfway and earns a set restart for his efforts.
Tyson Frizell loses the ball on the Raiders 30 metere line.
Ponga makes a superb kick return into the Raiders half.
Jordan Rapana is collected on his 20 metre line after a solid first set from the visitors.
Jacob Saifiti takes the first carry of the afternoon.
The Viking Clap has reverberated around GIO Stadium, the Raiders are on the field and kick-off is moments away.
Newcastle make their way onto the field led out by Kalyn Ponga.
The Knights last won in Canberra in 2018; Kalyn Ponga, Jacob Saifiti and Lachlan Fitzgibbon are the only survivors from the Knights side that prevailed 30-28.
Newcastle have won four of their past six clashes against Canberra, including a 24-14 victory at McDonald Jones Stadium back in March.
Both teams will line up as per program, 1-17.
Welcome to League Unlimited's coverage of Round 22 Saturday Afternoon Football between the Canberra Raiders and the Newcastle Knights from GIO Stadium.
Referees & scorers:
Referee: Adam Gee
Touch Judges: Jon Stone, Belinda Sharpe
Video Referee: Grant Atkins
Tries: Jordan Rapana
Conversions: Jarrod Croker (1/1)
Tries: Kalyn Ponga, Greg Marzhew, Dominic Young, Tyson Gamble
Field Goals: Jackson Hastings (0/1)
Conversions: Kalyn Ponga (4/4)
Penalty Goals: Kalyn Ponga (2/2)