Dragons tried to get it out to Ravalawa but he was shunted over the sideline. FULLTIME. Sea Eagles win.
Dragons go short and Billy Burns gets it back.
Garrick will take all the time he wants with the kick. Steadies and kicks it.
PENALTY SEA EAGLES! Musgrove was out of the play. Sea Eagles should wrap this up.
PENALTY SEA EAGLES! High tackle on Garrick.
A weird sequence there. Dragons try a kick through the line which hits the referee. It is called back. Dragons ball. They kick early in the count again and Garrick takes it well.
Manly get some space on the left and go through. Koula tries to step past Sloan but the fullback pulls off the saver and forced an error.
Lomax swings it wide.
Dragons down a man but get a four-pointer. They get a pair of six agains then Sloan slices through from a ball that hits the ground.
Hunt puts a kick high in the air and the chase is good from Lomax. He is able to drag Garrick in goal. Repeat set.
Well something has come up here. Jack De Belin has been pinged for a hip drop earlier in the tackle. He is SIN BINNED. PENALTY SEA EAGLES!
Schuster is too close to the ruck and loses it.
PENALTY DRAGONS! Lomax is escorted off the ball.
Lomax from the left side. He nails it.
Hunt kicks early and Burns wins the race.
Dragons get some slice of luck there. Ball comes back to them after the Hunt break. Zac Lomax stands on the spot, chips for himself and forces a dropout.
Garrick from the near the sideline. Misses.
Sea Eagles have tried that several times and it works this time. Saab has room on the edge and just burns the defense.
PENALTY SEA EAGLES! Dragons were limp in the set and Croker falls on it. Sloan drags him and it is an easy whistle.
Dragons fashion a kick on last. It rebounds off someone and dies with Billy Burns. CHALLENGE from the Dragons. SUCCESSFUL. Touched from Saab.
RED LIGHTS.. NO TRY! We get an extensive look at it. Bunker has said he got it down. Checking if it was over the line. They will support the live decision. NO TRY.
BUNKER TIME! Dan Russell is claiming one. Called held up.
RED LIGHTS.. NO TRY! Croker spilled it at the end. Previous play was called fair and the hooker was denied.
BUNKER TIME! Sea Eagles have had success on the right. Saab gets free again sends it inside to Garrick who can't get there offloads to Croker who claimed it.
Dragons get expansive through Sloan, Lomax and Ravalawa. The latter spills it from a good tackle.
PENALTY SEA EAGLES! Liddle is caught offside.
Garrick adds the two.
Sea Eagles pick up where they left off. They attack on the wing then it slides inside for Garrick to streak away.
We're back for the second half!
Dragons muddle up their play and spill it. HALFTIME.
PENALTY DRAGONS! Obstruction. Sea Eagles thought they were away and Saab has to come all the way back.
Dragons pile on the pressure there to end the half. They are repelled easily by the Sea Eagles.
Garrick spills it in a good tackle.
Garrick slots it.
Sea Eagles take the lead! A pass rolls inside and Olakau'atu just strolls through.
PENALTY SEA EAGLES! Liddle has been bright to start but he doesn't want to see that again. He got turned around in the tackle and played it the wrong way.
Hunt tries to unfurl one out wide to Ravalawa who can't get a hand to it.
Sea Eagles were rolling there, getting a set restart. Sean Keppie spills it trying to go forward.
Dragons attack through the left again and it goes to ground. It is called a PENALTY. Sea Eagles CHALLENGE the ruling. SUCCESSFUL. Knock on from Billy Burns.
PENALTY SEA EAGLES! Dragons broke early from the scrum.
PENALTY DRAGONS! Billy Burns is caught high.
Garrick from the right side. He keeps it straight.
Sea Eagles get going! Jason Saab gets outside his man, feeds Koula who scores.
PENALTY SEA EAGLES! Lawrie is pinged again.
Hunt points to the sticks. Lomax adds the two.
PENALTY DRAGONS! Offside. Lucky though as Liddle spilled it.
Sea Eagles go left and Parker spills it.
PENALTY SEA EAGLES! Easy passage for the visitors.
Dragons attack the left this time. Moses Suli almost nudges over. Hunt kicks it on last and it is dead from the Sea Eagles. Nope. Quick look from the bunker. 20 metre tap.
Sea Eagles tried to get going on the right but the pass goes into the first row.
Game has settled into a rhythm since the four-pointer.
Lomax pilots it over.
Dragons crack them! Hunt holds it enough and Francis Molo steams onto it.
Moses Suli cuts inside and earns the Dragons six more.
PENALTY DRAGONS! They got good momentum from the kick return and catch Manly offside.
Both teams through their first set as Jason Saab brings it back.
KICK-OFF! Lomax kicks it high into the Wollongong sky and the Sea Eagles have it.
Here come the Sea Eagles. They are led out by DCE in his 300th while wearing their maroon jersey with white piping to some rumbling from the locals. The Dragons follow next in their traditional red vee looking to play spoiler.
Good evening everyone! We have the middle game of Super Saturday coming at you from the 'gong here. It is a still evening on the south coast where the Sea Eagles look to keep their top eight hopes alive and the Dragons aim to play spoiler. It is also a huge occasion for Daly Cherry-Evans who celebrates his 300th game in the NRL, the first to do so, in one position! Lastly, it is Women in League Round which showcases the magnificent work women do in the game of rugby league. Anyways, kick-off is 15 minutes away. Grab your drinks, snacks and whatever coping mechanism you need. We're ready to go.
Referees & scorers:
Referee: Chris Butler
Touch Judges: Darian Furner, Kieren Irons
Video Referee: Kasey Badger
Tries: Francis Molo, Billy Burns, Tyrell Sloan
Conversions: Zac Lomax (2/3)
Penalty Goals: Zac Lomax (1/1)
Tries: Tolutau Koula, Reuben Garrick, Haumole Olakau'atu, Jason Saab
Conversions: Reuben Garrick (3/4)
Penalty Goals: Reuben Garrick (1/1)