Isaako is tackled and the Bulldogs win!
The Bulldogs should hold on after Isaako's kick swung too far.
Isaako misses!
Nikorima cuts through the defence and finds Milford in support - Isaako will have a kick to win the match!
The Bulldogs lose the challenge and the Dolphins will get an attacking set.
The Bulldogs are challenging, claiming Harrison Edwards was a victim of foul play.
Harrison Edwards loses the ball...
Hamiso Tabuai-Fidow puts up a bomb that is caught by Reed Mahoney.
Jacob Kiraz is off with cramp; Kyle Flanagan gets his opportunity late in the game.
Jarrod Wallace drops the ball and the Bulldogs survive.
Six again for the Dolphins.
Dolphins penalty.
Burton converts from the sideline.
The Dolphins are protesting for a forward pass but the try has been awarded.
Blake Wilson scores in the corner!
Bulldogs penalty.
Isaako is claiming a try; the referee rules an obstruction against Kaufusi.
Dolphins penalty.
Jamayne Isaako is off target with his conversion attempt.
Valynce Te Whare charges over to put the Dolphins back in front.
Jeremy Marshall-King is tackled on the 30 metre line after a strong run form Hamiso Tabuai-Fidow.
The Dolphins manage to deny Kikau ten metres from the try line.
Euan Aitken is off the field; Sean O'Sullivan is back on for the Dolphins.
No Try. TPJ is penalised for a double movement.
Tevita Pangai Junior is claiming a try; the referee is checking for a double movement.
Wilson is into space; he kicks ahead and Tesi Liu is able to ground the ball in-goal.
Milford finds the sideline with his kick after points.
Isaako adds the extras.
Milford takes advantage of the quick play the ball and strikes against the retreating defence.
Euan Aitken surges towards the line with a huge run...
Burton converts.
Averillo takes on the line, spins and slams the ball down to extend the lead for the Dogs.
Sean O'Sullivan has been replaced with Anthony Milford coming on the field.
Matt Burton forces a repeat set with a grubber that Kodi Nikorima has to knock dead.
The Dolphins come up with a forward pass inside the Bulldogs half.
Jacob Kiraz backs himself to streak down the sideline, but Jarrod Wallace manages to cut the speedster down and over the sideline.
Jamayne Isaako does well to catch a chip/bomb from Burton.
Jacob Kiraz catches the short drop out and the Dogs are back on the attack.
Jarrod Wallace puts in a grubber and Toby Sexton is trapped in goal. Yes, the front-rower forced a line drop out!
Six again for the Dolphins.
Reed Mahoney attempts a 40/20 but ends up sending the ball out over the sideline.
Josh Addo-Carr is on the spot to clean up an attacking kick from the Dolphins.
Averillo drops the ball and leaves four points on the table!
Jacob Preston is into space and has Jake Averillo in support...
O'Sullivan puts up a bomb that gives Jake Averillo little trouble.
Play is back underway for the second half.
Isaako attempts a long-range shot that is off the mark.
Addo-Carr puts a foot over the dead ball line after catching the kick off.
Burton adds a one-pointer in the shadows of half time.
Jarrod Wallace drops the ball just as the Dolphins were looking threatening in attack.
The Bulldogs can't hold onto the ball and the Dolphin survive.
Six again for the Bulldogs.
Josh Kerr comes up with an error to invite the Bulldogs back on the attack.
Double knock-on; the Dolphins will get the ball after Blake Wilson and Hamiso Tabuai-Fidow traded errors.
The Dolphins get the ball back following a strong set after points from the Bulldogs.
Burton is off target from the sideline.
Braidon burns Euan Aitken with a superb run to put the Bulldogs in front.
Bulldogs penalty; Liam Knight is on for his club debut.
Blake Wilson does well to catch a kick from Sean O'Sullivan close to his goal line.
Dolphins penalty; Kodi Nikorima is run off the ball by Matt Burton.
Viliame Kikau treats Kodi Nikorima like a speed bump with a powerful carry.
Burton narrows the margin to two points.
Kikau scores his first try for the Bulldogs after spending the past four months on the sideline.
Kikau charges onto a short pass from Reed Mahoney and overpowers Kodi Nikorima to score.
Welcome back Kikau!
Bulldogs penalty.
Jarrod Wallace knocks on trying to clean up a grubbed from Reed Mahoney; the Bulldogs will get a new attacking set.
Six again for the Bulldogs inside the Dolphins half.
Bulldogs penalty.
Kodi Nikorima is tackled close to the try line on the final tackle.
Herman Ese'ese is on for the Dolphins.
Dolphins penalty.
O'Sullivan drives the ball downfield after points; Kiraz returns almost up to the 20 metre line.
Isaako slots the goal.
Great work from Isaako to run onto an offload from Aitken and streak 70 metres for a try.
Isaako streaks down the right touchline for the opening four pointer.
Burton puts up a bomb, Kiraz catches and passes to Ryan Sutton, who throws the ball to Mark Nicholls!
Blake Wilson makes a strong kick return almost to his 20 metre line.
Connelly Lemuelu has been ruled out of the match after failing his HIA.
Reed Mahoney loses the ball and the Bulldogs squander an attacking opportunity.
Jarrod Wallace attempts an offload that goes forward - the Bulldogs will start an attacking set inside the Dolphins half.
Connelly Lemuelu is coming from the field for a HIA.
Isaako opens the scoring.
Jamayne Isaako elects to take the points on offer.
Jake Averillo is penalised for high contact on Connelly Lemuelu.
Dolphins penalty.
The Bulldogs fail to find touch with Hamiso Tabuai-Fidow keeping the ball in the field of play.
Canterbury get a penalty.
Euan Aitken throws a pass to Jamayne Isaako with the try line beckoning - however the pass goes to ground resulting in a knock on.
Valynce Te Whare goes down a blind side and gets a penalty close to the try line.
The Dolphins win the challenge and get a penalty.
The Dolphins are challenging the referee's call of a knock on against Kaufusi.
Kodi Nikorima throws a pass intended for Felise Kaufusi that goes to ground.
A horrible pass from the Bulldogs allows Mark Nicholls to swoop on a loose ball.
A six again call turns into the penalty for the Bulldogs.
Felise Kaufusi can't hold onto the ball and the Bulldogs work the ball out of their own end.
The Dolphins earn a penalty and find touch inside the Bulldogs half.
Josh Addo-Carr is wrapped up just over his ten metre line.
Mark Nicholls takes the first run of the afternoon.
This is the second time a premiership match has been played in Bundaberg; Canterbury went down 28-14 to North Queensland almost 12 months to the day last season.
This is the first meeting between the two side.
The Dolphins are unchanged from the team selected on Tuesday afternoon, 1-17.
The Bulldogs have a change in the forward pack with Ryan Sutton replacing Raymond Faitala-Mariner at lock. Mid-season recruit Liam Knight will make his club debut as the new man on the bench.
Welcome to League Unlimited’s coverage of Round 22 Sunday Afternoon Football between the Canterbury-Bankstown Bulldogs and the Dolphins from Slater Oval, Bundaberg.
Referees & scorers:
Referee: Peter Gough
Touch Judges: Nick Morel, Dan Munroe
Video Referee: Ben Cummins
Tries: Viliame Kikau, Braidon Burns, Jake Averillo, Blake Wilson
Field Goals: Matt Burton (1/1)
Conversions: Matt Burton (3/4)
Tries: Jamayne Isaako, Anthony Milford (2), Valynce Te Whare
Conversions: Jamayne Isaako (2/4)
Penalty Goals: Jamayne Isaako (1/1)