FULLTIME! Roosters win 26-16.
Garrick has the conversion from the right. Shanks it. Sums up Manlys night.
That was a mess of a play. Haumole Olakau'atu holds it long enough and finds Koula to score.
PENALTY SEA EAGLES! Another high tackle.
DCE kicks for Parker and forces a dropout.
We're going back for a PENALTY! SEA EAGLES! High tackle.
Sea Eagles have gone chip crazy. DCE kicked for his winger who in turns kicks inside and Croker spills it.
Garrick misses.
Another chip kick from Schuster. Parker dives over.
PENALTY SEA EAGLES! Roosters spill it and Collins is done for dissent.
Roosters with a complete performance. Saab tries to stretch out and gets tossed over the sideline.
Sea Eagles try a short kick off for Saab. No good.
Suaalii can't convert his own try.
Simple scrum move and Suaalii is over.
Koula tries to take a slips catch but bobbles it.
Schuster chips and chases for himself to score.
Garrick adds the two quickly.
That was a quick shift from Nathan Brown. Fresh on the field, came off the line with intent and goes with a swinging arm. Brown is SENT OFF.
PENALTY SEA EAGLES! Brown catches someone high.
HANG ON. BUNKER TIME! Checking for a double movement. Yep. RED LIGHTS.. NO TRY!
Hutchinson kicks a 40/20.
Garrick kicks from the scrum and Tedesco has it on the bounce.
Nat Butcher spills it now.
Toafofoa Sipley to compound that has been SIN BINNED.
Toafofoa Sipley is down after a tackle. Ref asks someone else to play ot. Sipley recovers to do so and the Sea Eagles lose it.
PENALTY SEA EAGLES! Strip again. JWH basically roared CHALLENGE at his captain. UNSUCCESSFUL. Ruck interference.
Suaalii from the left side. Shanks it.
That might be the knockout blow. Sea Eagles again spill it. Roosters go left and Billy Smith powers over.
Last tackle. Keary tries to find Tupou again with a kick but he bats it over the sideline.
RED LIGHTS.. NO TRY! Always held up. PTB.
BUNKER TIME! Joey Manu tries to push himself over again. Checking grounding.
Good catch from Suuaalii who dumps it back for Manu to dribble a kick which forces a dropout.
Double knock on. Billy Smith spills it for the Roosters then on the counter DCE drops it. CHALLENGE from the Roosters. SUCCESSFUL. Koula knocked on. Roosters scrum.
Bunker has a quick look and changes it to a 20 metre tap. Roosters ball.
DCE tries to go high for Saab but a Rooster gets in the way. Dropout.
Wong tries to offload and it goes forward.
DCE tries to reef one deep and it goes dead.
KICK-OFF! Here we go again.
We're back for the second half. Sea Eagles need a big effort to turn it around.
Suaalii swings it over. HALFTIME.
Another fantastic finish from Tupou! Roosters sweep left again and the winger dives over.
PENALTY ROOSTERS! Not releasing the tackle.
Roosters look to bust through from a few restarts. Radley spills it.
Keary punches one through for Wong but it is taken by the Sea Eagles. Dropout.
Ben Turbo is caught on last. Changeover.
PENALTY SEA EAGLES! JWH hits Jake Turbo late.
Ball goes to ground. Koula kicks through and after his second one is knocked down by a chasing Tupou. PENALTY SEA EAGLES!
PENALTY ROOSTERS! Easy passage for the hosts.
RED LIGHTS.. NO TRY! Croker was short then loses it. Good tackle from Tedesco.
BUNKER TIME! Lachlan Croker might have a four-pointer in his 100th.
Sea Eagles go short and get it back. PENALTY Sea Eagles right away.
Suaalii on the right side this time. Kicks it.
Pure power from Manu! Wong gets the Roosters on the front foot. Manu scoops it over next tackle and goes over.
Suaalii has the kicking duties. He curls it over.
Daniel Tupou hits back for the Roosters! He plucks the kick out of the air, steps inside and scores.
Roosters repelled them and get a PENALTY! Offside.
Sea Eagles racking up the set restarts here. Can they punch through.
Sea Eagles spill it coming out of their own end. CHALLENGE from the visitors. SUCCESSFUL. PENALTY SEA EAGLES!
Billy Smith went closer than expected. He catches the bomb and tries to crawl to the line. Changeover.
Sea Eagles opt for the two. Garrick converts.
Roosters go short. Tupou rises highest above the pack but his foot was out. PENALTY SEA EAGLES!
Jason Saab fashions a kick on the wing and Tedesco is trapped in-goal.
Roosters sweep the ball to the left to their record try-scorer. Daniel Tupou tries to dive over and is taken over the sideline.
PENALTY ROOSTERS! Pair of Sea Eagles caught offside.
Been a solid start between these two sides. Both getting to their kicking games and forcing a territorial battle.
Sea Eagles get a restart bell and surge into the Roosters half. They decide to run it on last and are captured well. Changeover.
PENALTY SEA EAGLES! Easy piggyback for the visitors.
KICK-OFF! Sea Eagles kick it high into the Sydney sky and the Roosters have first possession.
Both teams have headed onto the field at the SCG in front of a sparse crowd. Sea Eagles wearing their white away kit while the Roosters have their usual tri colours on.
Good evening all! We kick off Round 23 with an interesting clash. Sydney Roosters host the Manly Sea Eagles in a game where the visitors need to win to keep their finals hopes alive. The Roosters might have left their run too late and will look to play spoiler for the rest of the season and even keep their jobs for 2024.
Referees & scorers:
Referee: Ashley Klein
Touch Judges: Kasey Badger, Ziggy Przeklasa-Adamski
Video Referee: Grant Atkins
Tries: Daniel Tupou (2), Joseph-Aukuso Suaalii, Joseph Manu, Billy Smith
Conversions: Joseph-Aukuso Suaalii (3/5)
Tries: Josh Schuster, Brad Parker, Tolutau Koula
Conversions: Reuben Garrick (1/3)
Penalty Goals: Reuben Garrick (1/1)