Mark Nicholls puts up a bomb, Tedesco is trapped in goal but the Roosters win!
The Dolphins are challenging a knock on call against Sean O'Sullivan.
Isaako adds the extras.
Isaako gets a consolation try.
Tupou is trapped in goal - line drop out.
The penalty is upheld.
The Roosters are challenging,
Dolphins penalty.
Dolphins penalty.
Joseph-Aukuso Suaalii can't catch Keary's bomb.
Sandon Smith forces a repeat set with a great grubber.
Roosters penalty.
Joseph Manu defuses an attacking kick close to his own posts.
Dolphins penalty.
Joseph-Aukuso Suaalii converts another.
It worked the first time, so Hutchison does it again to seal the win for the Roosters.
Terrell May makes an intercept and gets up to the halfway line.
Dolphins penalty.
Jamayne Isaako manages to prevent a 40/20 from Keary.
No Try. Tabuai-Fidow is ruled to have knocked on.
Hamiso Tabuai-Fidow is claiming a try. The bunker is checking for a knock on.
Hamiso Tabuai-Fidow is kicking ahead...
Napa carries the ball over halfway with his first run.
Roosters penalty.
Dylan Napa takes the field.
Jarrod Wallace is on report.
Kenny Bromwich has been ruled out with a HIA; Herman Ese'ese has been activated as 18th man.
4/4 for Suaalii.
Drew Hutchison takes on the line and scores!
Sandon Smith pulls off the 40/20 after review from the bunker.
Kodi Nikorima does a great job to prevent a 40/20, however Hamiso Tabuai-Fidow is unable to get out of the in-goal.
Suaalii maintains his perfect record with the boot.
Keary kicks, Suaalii scores.
Radley is challenging the decision, citing a kick before the ball hit the ground; the bunker upholds the on-field call.
Victor Radley drops a pass from Lindsay Collins.
The Dolphins knock on close to their own line.
Ray Stone has been sent to the sin bin for making contact to the head of Drew Hutchison.
Ray Stone is penalised for high contact on Drew Hutchison.
Suaalii's kick bounce in off the post.
Smith did a great job to fend off Valynce Te Whare to score.
Billy Smith puts the Roosters ahead.
Jamayne Isaako does a phenomenal job to beat Daniel Tupou to a ball in the air.
Both teams are back on the field; play is moments away.
Joseph-Aukuso Suaalii converts to narrow the margin to two points.
Tedesco sends Manu over on halftime.
Jamayne Isaako is trapped in-goal after a skilful grubber by Billy Smith.
Roosters penalty.
Isaako puts the Dolphins further in front.
Terrell May is penalised in possession for passing off the ground.
Hamiso Tabuai-Fidow burns Suaalii with his pace, but loses the ball with the try line in sight.
James Tedesco loses the ball on halfway.
Connelly Lemuelu has been ruled out with a Category 1 concussion.
The Roosters come close to scoring the Dolphins survive.
Billy Smith loses the ball close to the try line.
Sean O'Sullivan overpowers a kick intended for Hamiso Tabuai-Fidow; the Roosters get a seven tackle set.
Connelly Lemuelu has been sent from the field for a HIA.
Isaako converts to bring up 200 points for the season.
Ray Stone barges over for first points.
Six again for the Dolphins.
Nat Butcher loses the ball inside the Roosters half.
Valynce Te Whare is tackled on the last inside the Roosters 10.
The Roosters manage to clean up an attacking kick close to their own line.
Dolphins penalty.
Daniel Tupou is taken over the sideline by Isaako and Te Whare.
Jamayne Isaako has been placed on report.
Nat Butcher puts in an attacking grubber; the Dolphins manage to clean up to force a line drop out.
Roosters penalty.
Kodi Nikorima puts in a kick that is swooped on by Joey Manu, who races 40 metres up the field.
Tesi Niu catches a bomb in-goal; the Dolphins get a seven tackle set.
Felise Kaufusi belts Luke Keary with a great shot.
Billy Smith is wrapped up on the last tackle close to the Dolphins line.
Billy Smith loses the ball just as the Roosters were looking threatening through the middle of the field.
Isaiya Katoa knocks on.
Jamayne Isaako fields a cross field kick from Drew Hutchison with ease to give the Dolphins a seven tackle set.
Roosters get a penalty on their 30 metre line.
Jamayne Isaako contests a bomb but knocks on close to the Roosters line.
The Dolphins get a fresh set close to the halfway line.
Both teams have traded sets in the early minutes.
Play is underway at Allianz.
Luke Keary is greeted by a guard of honour in recognition of his 200th NRL game.
Jesse Bromwich leads the Dolphins onto Allianz Stadium.
Both teams will need to win tonight to have any chance of playing finals football.
The Dolphins defeated the Roosters in the opening round of the season.
Dylan Napa will make his first appearance for the Roosters since the 2018 Grand Final off the bench.
Roosters playmaker Luke Keary will make his 200th appearance in first grade; the three-time premiership winner debuted with the Rabbitohs in 2013 before joining the Roosters in 2017.
Both teams will line up as per program, 1-17.
Welcome to League Unlimited’s coverage of Round 24 Saturday Night Football between the Sydney Roosters and the Dolphins from Allianz Stadium.
Referees & scorers:
Referee: Todd Smith
Touch Judges: Liam Kennedy, Cameron Paddy
Video Referee: Ashley Klein
Tries: Joseph Manu, Joseph-Aukuso Suaalii, Billy Smith, Drew Hutchison (2)
Conversions: Joseph-Aukuso Suaalii (5/5)
Tries: Ray Stone, Jamayne Isaako
Conversions: Jamayne Isaako (2/2)
Penalty Goals: Jamayne Isaako (1/1)