Newcastle stay in the top eight with a 42-6 win at home.
Jack Hetherington drops the ball.
Braidon Burns knocks on - Newcastle will get one last attacking chance.
Greg Marzhew catches in-goal for a seven tackle set.
Tyson Gamble is tackled on the last.
Daniel Saifiti is denied a try for a forward pass.
Six again for Newcastle.
Six again for Tyson Gamble.
Kalyn Ponga gets an early shower.
Burton finds the sideline.
Crowd: 23,464
Averillo is tackled inside his ten metre zone.
Ponga converts.
Averillo can't hold onto a kick from Ponga, so Hetherington swoops for a try.
Phoenix Crossland is holding his wrist.
Mahoney kicks for Addo-Carr, but the Foxx can't get the bounce.
Burton is on target with his first shot of the day.
Mahoney burrows over from close range.
Six again for Canterbury.
Lachlan Fitzgibbon spills the ball just over halfway.
Ponga adds the extras from in front.
The referee has sent the try to the bunker, claiming a possible knock on.
Leo Thompson is claiming his first try!!!
Jacob Kiraz knocks on while trying to field a cross field kick from Crossland.
Josh Addo-Carr is tackled over the sideline.
Brodie Jones is on after being activated as 18th man.
Burton puts up a bomb that give Ponga no issues.
The Knights win the challenge with Fitzgibbon ruled to have stripped one-on-one.
The Knights are challenging a knock on call against Lachlan Fitzgibbon.
Six again for the Bulldogs.
Newcastle knock on close to their goal line.
The Knights have lost all intensity in attack since returning for the second half.
Adam Elliott loses the ball on tackle one.
The Knights will get a set inside the Bulldogs half.
Dane Gagai is away - he gets tackles on halfway.
Bulldogs penalty.
Daniel Saifiti knocks a grubber kick dead with Reed Mahoney in quick pursuit.
Tyson Frizell knocks on.
Toby Sexton loses the ball inside the Knights 20.
Viliame Kikau belts Phoenix Crossland to dislodge the ball close to halfway.
Newcastle penalty.
Viliame Kikau loses the ball just as the Bulldogs were beginning to look threatening.
The Knights come up with an error on the last.
Play is back underway.
Ponga misses.
The try is upheld - Tuala goes the distance to score for Newcastle
The bunker is checking for a knock on...
Jacob Preston is claiming a try but he may have knocked on.
Tuala has run the length of the field.
Enari Tuala is streaking away but the Bulldogs may have scored up the other end.
Viliame Kikau is cut down a metre from the line.
Greg Marzhew knocks on a kick from Burton; the Bulldogs will get an attacking set before halftime.
Bulldogs penalty.
Reed Mahoney is tackled on the last without getting a kick away - this has been a horrible half for the Bulldogs.
Jacob Preston is back on the field for the visitors.
Hastings is back on the bench with ice on his ankle.
Ponga kicks his fifth of the day.
Viliame Kikau put a massive shot on Adam Elliott; it didn't matter because Daniel Saifiti went into space and found Gamble in support.
The try is awarded.
Gamble gets his second... it hasn't been given yet.
The Bulldogs are pinged for a forward pass.
Gamble kicks long and high but Averillo has it covered.
Blake Wilson can't hold onto a cut out pass from Burton.
Newcastle come up with an error inside their own half.
Ponga adds the extras.
Mann makes an immediate impact with a barge over effort close to the line.
Hastings is on his feet but is coming from the field.
Jacob Preston has been sent to the sin bin for a hip drop on Jackson Hastings.
Hastings had his season ended last year after a hip drop by Patrick Carrigan.
Jacob Preston has done a hip drop on Hastings.
Jackson Hastings is writhing in pain. This may be a huge moment in Newcastle's season.
Penalty Newcastle
Blake Wilson knocks on try to catch an offload from the Knights.
Burton tries to find the sideline but his kick rolls dead to give the Knights a seven tackle set.
Averillo is tackled on his 20 metre line after a solid kick from Gamble.
Kalyn Ponga flies through the air to catch a bomb from Sexton.
Dominic Young got the ball down fwiw
NO TRY. The bunker rules Tyson Frizell obstructed Matt Burton.
The bunker is checking to see if Matt Burton was obstructed.
Dominic Young is claiming a try...
Six again for Newcastle
Greg Marzhew swats off a few Bulldogs players in his own half.
Ponga goes 3 for 3.
The Knights elect to take the points on offer with a. penalty goal.
Harrison Edwards has been sent to the sin bin for a professional foul on Leo Thompson.
The bunker is checking for a professional foul...
Leo Thompson looked certain to score his first try!
Jacob Kiraz comes up with an error inside his own half.
Dominic Young can't gather in a grubber from Dane Gagai with the try line in sight.
The Knights make metres down the left edge.
Hastings puts up a bomb; Blake Wilson returns the ball up to his ten metre line.
2/2 for Ponga.
Tyson Gamble takes on the line and splits the Bulldogs defence!
Six again for the Knights.
Newcastle get a penalty coming out of their own end and find touch just shy of halfway.
Ponga converts from in front of the posts.
Dane Gagai breaks a few tackles to open the scoring.
Tevita Pangai Junior tried to offload to Josh Addo-Carr, but Enari Tuala was on the spot to swoop.
Jake Averillo is tackled on his ten metre line.
The Bulldogs attack down the left edge on the last tackle; Blake Wilson couldn't keep control of the ball.
Adam Elliott loses the ball inside the Newcastle half.
The Bulldogs put another bomb up for Marzhew; the winger is up to the task once again.
Greg Marzhew does well to collect a bomb from Toby Sexton despite plenty of kick pressure.
Max King takes the first run of the afternoon.
The Knights take the field and kick-off is only moments away.
The Bulldogs are led out by Reed Mahoney.
Luke Thompson will start in place of Ryan Sutton; Harrison Edwards comes onto the bench.
Daniel Saifiti returns for the home side with Brodie Jones dropping to 18th man.
The Bulldogs have dominated at McDonald Jones Stadium in recent years with seven wins from their past eight visits.
Newcastle have won four of the past five meetings against Canterbury-Bankstown, including a club record 66-0 victory in Sydney earlier this season.
Welcome to League Unlimited’s coverage of Round 24 Sunday Afternoon Football between the Newcastle Knights and the Canterbury-Bankstown Bulldogs from McDonald Jones Stadium.
Referees & scorers:
Referee: Peter Gough
Touch Judges: Drew Oultram, Damian Brady
Video Referee: Kasey Badger
Tries: Dane Gagai, Tyson Gamble (2), Kurt Mann, Enari Tuala, Leo Thompson, Jack Hetherington
Field Goals:
Two Point Field Goals:
Conversions: Kalyn Ponga (6/7)
Penalty Goals: Kalyn Ponga (1/1)
Tries: Reed Mahoney
Field Goals:
Two Point Field Goals:
Conversions: Matt Burton (1/1)
Penalty Goals: