FULLTIME! Storm win 37-16.
RED LIGHTS.. NO TRY! It was a strip then Fifita knocked it down in-goal. PENALTY TITANS!
BUNKER TIME! Checking if it was a strip and whatever happens afterwards.
Brian Kelly tries to steam over and loses it.
Munster adds a field goal.
Titans go short but it doesn't make the ten.
Meaney adds the extras.
Coates out jumps his man and gets a hat-trick.
Slips catch from Munster!
Titans tried to spread it wide. Kelly offloads and hits a Storm player. Called a knock on. CHALLENGE from the Storm. UNSUCCESSFUL.
Titans go short and volleyball it back to themselves.
Meaney nails the kick.
Harry Grant waves his wand again. He stabs through and Eli Katoa touches down.
Foran after his head knock will go off for HIA. He won't be back today.
Meaney converts.
Papi is back and so are the Storm! Grant with the quick ptb and finds Welch to score.
PENALTY STORM! Ruck interference.
Here is the moment everyone has waited for! Ryan Papenhuyzen is back!
Storm go the powerplay on last. Grant to Tonumaipea who is tackled.
Brian Kelly tries to punch through but loses it.
PENALTY STORM! High tackle.
Kini stabs through a kick and forces another dropout.
Weaver is taking the kicking with Schoupp off. He nails it.
Titans get a four-pointer. Brimson takes it to the line, passes it late and Jojo Fifita goes over.
Tino looks like he passed off the ground. Referee says go back. Titans kick through and earn a repeat set.
Storm almost go through again. Garlick throws it forward.
Joe Stimson spills it right away.
Storm go short and Brimson gets it in a wrestling match with Katoa.
Kruise Leeming goes close. Titans kick through on last and Coates has to tap it dead. Dropout.
PENALTY TITANS! Easy passage out for the visitors.
Storm look to get first points of the half but the pass goes to ground.
Both sides through their first sets of the second half.
KICK-OFF! We're back underway!
Both teams are back out for the second half! Here we go again.
Hughes has the ball on a string this afternoon. He sweeps a kick inside and Munster is just beaten to the ball by Brimson. HALFTIME.
Storm were trying to feed Coates again. He gets taken head on by Brimson and goes over the sideline.
PENALTY STORM! Right from the restart and Storm want to get going quickly.
Meaney from close range, nails it.
Cam Munster slices them! He runs through then unfurls the pass to Coates to stroll in.
Storm opt for the two after protracted discussion. Meaney pilots the kick through
Bronson Garlick now spills it. Debate about the CHALLENGE. They do choose to do so. SUCCESSFUL. Ruck Interference. PENALTY STORM!
Titans cough it up through a forward pass from Weaver.
AJ Brimson loses the ball trying to ruck it out. He gets up immediately and calls for the CHALLENGE. It was stripped. PENALTY TITANS!
Schoupp from the left sideline. He drags it wide.
Titans double their delight! Brian Kelly just takes all the room and slams it down.
PENALTY TITANS! Ruck interference. Titans tried to go left but the pass went to ground but luckily goes back to the visitors. Now they get a restart and a penalty to go on the attack.
Meaney from mid range. Kicks it.
Storm left edge gets involved now. Meaney throws it wide to Xavier Coates to go over.
Storm are rolling downfield. They release Coates on the right who takes the tackle. They spread it back inside to get room. Jahrome Hughes takes on the line and is judged to lose it. CHALLENGE from the Storm. SUCCESSFUL. Remains their ball.
Titans get going again with a set restart. They tried to execute a play on the left and Brian Kelly is taken over the sideline.
Aaron Schoupp is taking the kicking duties. He nails it.
Titans strike back! Chris Randall scoops it up and goes over, eventually.
Titans force an error on Young Tonumaipea.
PENALTY STORM! They are kick happy today. They do get a whistle for a dangerous tackle.
Both teams have settled into an arm wrestle since the four-pointer.
Nick Meaney from the right touchline. Misses.
Warbrick picks up where he left off last week. Hughes drills a kick low and the winger bumps off a defender to get there first.
PENALTY STORM! First whistle goes to the hosts.
Both teams through their first sets without any incident.
KICK-OFF! Here we go!
The strains of thunderstruck ring around AAMI Park as the Titans roll onto the field led by Big Tino. Storm quickly follow looking to get another big win headed to the finals.
Good afternoon everyone! We start Super Saturday in Melbourne! The Storm looking to continue their attempt at the top four while welcoming back Ryan Papenhuyzen and the Titans are aiming to play spoiler for the last two weeks.
Referees & scorers:
Referee: Chris Butler
Touch Judges: Nick Morel, Wyatt Raymond
Video Referee: Kasey Badger
Tries: William Warbrick, Xavier Coates (3), Christian Welch, Eliesa Katoa
Field Goals: Cameron Munster (1/1)
Two Point Field Goals:
Conversions: Nick Meaney (5/6)
Penalty Goals: Nick Meaney (1/1)
Tries: Chris Randall, Brian Kelly, Jojo Fifita
Field Goals:
Two Point Field Goals:
Conversions: Aaron Schoupp (1/2), Thomas Weaver (1/1)
Penalty Goals: