Pezet converts.
Kane Bradley picks up a bouncing ball on full-time.
No goal for Pezet.
Solomona Faataape crosses for a consolation four-pointer.
Six again for the Tigers.
Hawkins adds the extras.
Shaquai Mitchell produced a great offload to send Duncan over next to the posts.
Duncan scores!
Brisbane come up with an error.
No Try.
Tyrone Munro is claiming a try - the referee will check the grounding.
Hawkins converts.
Tom Carr swoops on a loose ball and races the length of the field.
Souths come up with an error inside their own half.
Shaquai Mitchell comes up with an important intercept with the Tigers close to scoring.
Jacob Gagai throws a forward pass to Tyrone Munro.
Brisbane throw the ball around on the last, but Souths manage to survive on their own line.
Pezet converts.
Rafter runs a nice line to get the Tigers back in the contest.
Blake Taaffe comes up with an intercept but is penalised for not being square at marker.
Tahj Wood is tackled close to the Rabbitohs line and earns a six again.
Jonah Pezet can't pounce on a grubber that would have seen the Tigers halfback score.
Hawkins adds the extras.
Munro collects a hat-trick!
Souths make a break...
Hawkins converts.
The five-eighth manages to get the ball down close to the posts.
Souths go the length!
Hawkins swings his kick between the posts.
O'Neill pounces on a grubber to put the Rabbitohs further ahead.
Tyrone Munro races down the sideline and puts a kick in for Blake Taaffe, but the ball rolls dead to give the Tigers a seven tackle set.
A forward pass is ruled against the Tigers.
No Try. The bunker rules Pulu was held up over the line.
Leivaha Pulu is claiming a try; the referee will check to determine the grounding.
Brisbane get a penalty after a South Sydney obstruction.
George Jennings has failed his HIA.
Play is back underway for the second half.
Souths leads by six at the break.
Hawkins misses again.
Souths run the ball on the last and score a crucial try.
Pezet attempts a short drop out that goes out on the full.
Souths force a line drop out after great kick from Blake Taaffe.
South Sydney earn a penalty.
Joe Chan loses the ball inside the Rabbitohs half.
Tyrone Munro does well to prevent a 40/20 from Pezet.
The Tigers stop Tyrone Munro close to the goal line on the last tackle.
...Brisbane lose the challenge.
Faataape is challenging the decision...
Solomona Faataape loses the ball inside his own half.
Dion Teaupa overpowers a grubber which gifts the Tigers a seven tackle set.
Gagai is on report. Jennings is coming from the field with Marion Seve his replacement.
Jacob Gagai is penalised for a swinging arm.
Kane Bradley can't hold onto an attacking bomb close to the Rabbitohs line.
Pezet converts.
Geyer scores a much-needed try for the Tigers.
Cole Geyer is over the line; the referee will check to see whether the interchange hooker got the ball to the ground.
Tallis Duncan comes up with an error inside his own half.
Hawkins is off the mark once again.
Great work from the Rabbitohs to spread the ball to the left for their second of the day.
Carr touches down for the Rabbitohs second!
Blake Taaffe catches a kick from Pezet in-goal; Souths get a 20 metre restart.
Brisbane get a much-needed penalty.
Tahj Wood fields a chip kick from Munro after the Rabbitohs elected to run the ball on the last.
Souths get the ball back from the short drop out.
Dion Teaupa has botched the kick-off again!
Hawkins' first kick hits the posts.
Munro catches a bomb from Hawkins for first points.
Souths survive a scare on their own line.
Six again for the Tigers.
Souths come up with a forward pass on the last tackle.
Kane Bradley catches the short drop out by Jonah Pezet... Bradley immediately offloads to George Jennings who knocks on!
Brisbane are able to clean up an attacking kick from Hawkins in-goal; play will resume with a line drop out.
Souths Sydney get a penalty coming out of their own end.
Blake Taaffe manages to get out of his in-goal after an unexpected attacking set early in the match from the Tigers.
Dion Teaupa drops the kick-off!
Dean Hawkins takes the South Sydney Rabbitohs out - play is only moments away.
Ryley Jacks leads the Brisbane Tigers onto the field at Accor Stadium.
Brisbane, who serve as the feeder club for the Melbourne Storm, upset Burleigh 22-18 a fortnight ago.
South Sydney confirmed their place in the State Championship with a 22-18 win over North Sydney last Sunday.
This is the eighth time the State Championship has been held on NRL Grand Final Day; NSW teams have won five of the seven meetings with QLD last prevailing in the fixture back in 2015.
Welcome to League Unlimited’s coverage of the 2023 State Championship between the South Sydney Rabbitohs and the Brisbane Tigers from Accor Stadium.
Referees & scorers:
Referee: Wyatt Raymond
Touch Judges: Tyson Brough, Cameron Paddy
Video Referee: Chris Butler
Tries: Cole Geyer, Thomas Rafter, Solomona Faataape, Kane Bradley
Field Goals:
Two Point Field Goals:
Conversions: Jonah Pezet (3/4)
Penalty Goals:
Tries: Tyrone Munro (3), Tom Carr (2), Ethan O'neill, Dion Teaupa, Tallis Duncan
Field Goals:
Two Point Field Goals:
Conversions: Dean Hawkins (5/8)
Penalty Goals: