Ronaldo Mulitalo is tackled and the Panthers prevail 42-0!
Moses Leota has been sent to the sin bin.
Cronulla penalty
Dylan Edwards knocks on trying to clean up a grubber from Daniel Atkinson.
Izack Tago has been placed on report.
Paul Alamoti comes up with an error.
Accidental offside again Cronulla.
Penrith come up with an error close to halfway.
Edwards adds another two.
Penrith get a penalty in front of the posts.
Penrith have run for almost 1,000 more metres!
Edwards converts to bring up 40.
Jack Cole puts in a chip kick and delivers a perfect bounce for Scott Sorensen to score against his old club.
The Sharks come up with an error inside their own half.
William Kennedy makes a great catch to come up with the ball on his 20 metre line.
James Fisher-Harris loses the ball and Cronulla finally have the ball.
Luai forces another drop out.
The Sharks come up with a knock on in an attempt to clean up a grubber by To'o.
The bunker rules Miulitalo didn't touch the ball.
The drop out fails to go ten metres - Mulitalo is deemed to have contacted the ball, constituting a penalty.
Jarome Luai forces another repeat set with a great kick in-goal.
Lindsay Smith puts in a grubber and forces a line drop out.
Penrith penalty.
Jesse Ramien intercepts the ball to give the Sharks possession.
Six again for Penrith.
Penrith win the challenge.
Izack Tago is penalised for an escort off the line drop out.
Jesse Ramien is driven back in-goal.
Luai makes a great run over halfway.
Matt Eisenhuth is coming from the field after a heavy collision with Royce Hunt.
Edwards adds the extras.
Great work by Mitch Kenny to thread a grubber in-goal for Henry to score.
Henry pounces to collect his first try in the NRL!
Atkinson's drop out goes out on the full.
Luai forces a line drop out.
Dylan Edwards prevents a 40/20 from Daniel Atkinson - great work from Edwards.
Nicho Hynes is out of the match with a calf injury.
Cronulla concede a penalty straight after halftime - Penrith are already on halfway.
Edwards converts.
Jack Cole puts in a kick, it ricochets into his hands for a try!
Tuku Hau Tapuha drops the ball to kill any pressure the Sharks were building.
Sharks get a penalty close to the try line.
Six again for Cronulla.
Matt Eisenhuth comes up with an error after points. The Sharks will get a chance 20 metres out from the try line.
Nicho Hynes has been diagnosed with a Category 2 HIA. He will still need to pass the test to return to the field.
Edwards pushes the kick from the sideline.
Edwards slides over to keep the points flowing for Penrith!
Nicho Hynes is being forced from the field for a HIA.
The Sharks come up with another error - this time on halfway.
Jarome Luai îs unable to get a second kick away with the Panthers on the attack.
Edwards converts.
Alamoti bursts off a scrum and exposes the Sharks.
Jarome Luai îs on fire tonight with his kicking game.
Sione Katoa drops another bomb.
Liam Henry is one for James Fisher-Harris.
Nicho Hynes kicks out on the full again.
Liam Martin comes up with an error ten metres out from the Sharks line.
Jack Cole goes close to scoring and earns a repeat set.
Luai did a great job to force the error and Penrith will have another chance to post points.
Nicho Hynes kicks the ball out on the full...
Luai puts up a bomb; Katoa catches but is driven back by two Penrith chasers.
Lindsay Smith is on for Moses Leota.
Izack Tago cleans up an attacking kick from Hynes close to the Panthers line.
The Sharks get a much-needed penalty and find touch close to halfway.
Will Kennedy does a great job to defuse an attacking bomb from Luai.
Luai hits Hynes as he was kicking; the referee deems the contact legal (to the chagrin of the Cronulla supporters)
Luai gets a kick away after points and the Sharks will work their way off their 20 metre line.
Edwards puts the visitors up by 12.
Luai takes on the line and does it all himself!
Jesse Ramien makes an error inside his own 20 - Penrith with a big opportunity here.
The referee rules play on and Luai gets a clearing kick away.
James Fisher-Harris is playing for a penalty, claiming high contact.
Edwards converts from in front.
James Fisher-Harris powers his way underneath the back dot!
Penrith will get the first opportunity to post points.
Sione Katoa drops the ball attempting to catch a long kick from Jerome Luai.
Both teams have traded sets in the opening minutes.
We're underway!
Penrith have lost their past five clashes at PointsBet Stadium; they last won at the venue in 2012.
Penrith have won six out of eight clashes against Cronulla since Ivan Cleary returned in 2019.
Penrith are looking to avoid consecutive losses for only the third time this decade.
The Sharks are looking to equal their best start to a season (10/11 in 1999).
Both teams will line up as per program, 1-17.
Welcome to League Unlimited's coverage of Round 12 Saturday Night Football between the Cronulla Sharks and Penrith Panthers.
Referees & scorers:
Referee: Gerard Sutton
Touch Judges: Phil Henderson, Matt Noyen
Video Referee: Ashley Klein
Tries: James Fisher-Harris, Dylan Edwards, Jarome Luai, Paul Alamoti, Jack Cole, Liam Henry, Scott Sorensen
Conversions: Dylan Edwards (6/7)
Penalty Goals: Dylan Edwards (1/1)