FULLTIME! Titans win!
Karapani spills it! Titans will win this.
This has been a chaos end to this game! Broncos had it stripped then the Titans throw it forward on last. Broncos have one last chance.
Wow! Josiah Karapani streaks through and finds his support but what a tackle from Tom Weaver to corrall him. Mam drops it on last.
David Fifita is off for a HIA! Big loss for the Titans.
That was easy from the Broncos. Walsh takes it to the line then finds Cobbo to score.
Oh dear. Brian Kelly loses it trying to wrestle in the tackle. Big chance for the Broncos.
Kini has a chance to put them up eight, misses.
Titans add to their lead! The kick goes high, Mariner loses it and Alofiana Khan-Pereira with a spectacular put down.
Kini from out wide. misses.
Titans give it out wide and Brian Kelly goes over untouched.
Kini adds the two.
Palasia with the four-pointer against his old club! Kini weaved through the defence then offloaded to the forward to score.
Titans tried to get the move going and it touches a Bronco in flight. Broncos CHALLENGE. It is UNSUCCESSFUL.
Beau Fermor gets hurt in a tackle.
Madden converts.
Mam streaks away off a Titans error.
Kini brings them within two.
Titans make the most of the penalty. Fifita drew his man well then Randall goes over.
PENALTY TITANS! Holding down.
Oh dear. Broncos looked certain to score but Billy Walters loses it.
PENALTY BRONCOS! Easy passage out for the hosts.
Back underway!
Kini misses.
Erin Clark kept his legs pumping and got it down? somehow! He does!
Madden converts.
Simple ball. Simple try. Walsh put it on a platter for the second rower.
Walsh kicks for himself and forces an error from Kelly.
Brian Kelly spills it trying to ruck it out. CHALLENGE from the Titans. Unsuccessful.
RED LIGHTS.. NO TRY! Loose carry from Walsh.
BUNKER TIME! Reece Walsh gets going again surging through a hole, the ball pops free and Jock Madden cleans up the spoils. We're checking how the ball came out.
Kini kicks it.
Fermor does it himself! It just opened up for him and he goes over.
Haas spills it then Kini is caught high. PENALTY TITANS!
PENALTY BRONCOS! Dangerous tackle.
Brave take from Kini there. He and Mam collide. PENALTY TITANS! Tackled in the air.
It was a great catch from Cobbo who then has the smarts to find Mam. He kicks it out to Mariner who is taken out by Fermor in the air. PENALTY TRY.
Broncos just out compete the Titans in the air and Deine Mariner might get a penalty try.
Madden adds the easy two.
Madden swings it over.
Broncos are giving the ball a lot of air. Walsh and Mam involved again then Karapani finds Oates for the simple finish.
Kini kicks it!
That is a dream debut for the kid! Titans who looked like the walking wounded shifted it right and Tony Francis walks it in.
PENALTY BRONCOS! Strip and Walters taps quick.
The game has gone set for set since the opening try. Broncos settling into their rhythm.
Jock Madden converts.
That will be a Payne in the Haas for the Titans defence. The hulking forward plunges over.
Walsh shows how dangerous he can be! He surges downfield and Broncos are on the attack with a six again.
Titans tried to get the debutant on the scoreboard but he is tossed over the sideline.
Late six again for the Titans. They will get the first chance.
KICK-OFF! Here we go after Alf forgot the tee. Titans with first use.
Another wonderful Welcome to Country ceremony to kick off this game. Both teams exchanged gifts and we're ready to go!
Good afternoon! We head off to Brisvegas again for another Queensland rivalry game. Both teams come into this game off close wins and look for some entertaining football in the Sunday sun. Grab your snacks, drinks and anything else and strap in.
Referees & scorers:
Referee: Peter Gough
Touch Judges: Damian Brady, Michael Wise
Video Referee: Kasey Badger
Tries: Payne Haas, Corey Oates, Deine Mariner, Brendan Piakura, Ezra Mam, Selwyn Cobbo
Conversions: Jock Madden (5/6)
Tries: Tony Francis, Beau Fermor, Erin Clark, Chris Randall, Keenan Palasia, Brian Kelly, Alofiana Khan-Pereira
Conversions: Keano Kini (4/7)