Meaney has the final say in this one.
The Storm will take the points on offer to wrap this one up.
Tyson Frizell is ruled to have run Tyran Wishart off the ball.
Enari Tuala is tackled in-goal.
Melbourne penalty.
The Knights lose the challenge.
Hastings bombs. Marzhew knocks on. The Knights are challenging. IT'S ALL HAPPENING!
Jacob Saifiti makes a big run over halfway.
Hastings nails the kick.
Hastings kicks on tackle one and the game is not dead yet!
Six again for Newcastle.
Leo Thompson makes a huge run through the middle!
Xavier Coates is wrapped up 10 metres out from the Newcastle line.
No Try. Tuala is deemed to have knocked on over the try line.
Enari Tuala gets to the line but looks to have lost the ball!
Hastings forces a repeat set with Tui Kamikamica unable to hold onto a catch.
Kai Pearce-Paul gets the ball from the short drop out.
Greg Marzhew beats Grant Anderson to a kick, but the Storm will get the ball back from a drop out.
Sualauvi Faalogo earns a penalty for high contact.
Reimis Smith is taken from the field with a HIA.
Crowd: 20,269
Dylan Lucas is tackled close to the try line on the final tackle.
Dane Gagai makes a strong run inside the Melbourne half.
Hastings makes it a 12-point game.
Gagai bamboozles the Melbourne defence to give the Knights a chance.
Newcastle penalty.
The Knights challenge the call of Dane Gagai losing the ball; the bunker rules ruck interference by Tui Kamikamica.
Dane Gagai makes a great run before being tackled a metre from the try line.
Newcastle get a penalty.
Sharpe is allowed to make a clean catch after the referee called Tyran Wishart offside.
Meaney's kick hits the post but bounces through!
Anderson streaks down the sideline and finds Wishart in support!
Fletcher Sharpe makes a great catch under plenty of pressure.
Meaney misses from the sideline.
Coates flies over to extend the lead for Melbourne.
Grant forces a line drop out with a grubber kick that forces Sharpe to knock the ball dead.
Grant puts in a kick; Sharpe gets to the ball but slips and is tackled inside his 10 metre zone.
Fletcher Sharpe makes a nice kick return over his 30 meter line.
Meaney puts the Storm beyond a converted try.
Tyran Wishart takes on the line and strikes!
Melbourne get a penalty after Greg Marzhew runs Grant Anderson off the ball.
Sualauvi Faalogo bursts through the defence; Xavier Coates is cut down just inside the Newcastle half.
Greg Marzhew does well to catch an attacking chip from Hughes.
Hastings is wide of the mark.
Great work from Kai Pearce-Paul to deliver the final pass for Lucas.
Dylan Lucas strikes to get the Knights back in the contest!
Nelson Asofa-Solomona makes an error off the kick-off.
Meaney converts.
Grant Anderson chips down the sideline and Meaney gets to the ball first to put the Storm ahead!
Meaney locks the scores up at 12-all.
Hughes burrows over underneath the black dot!
Six again for Melbourne.
Kai Pearce-Paul is on report.
Melbourne get a penalty on halfway.
Dane Gagai is dragged over the sideline.
Fletcher Sharpe collects a big hit from Nelson Asofa-Solomona who says 'welcome to first grade!'
Jack Cogger does a great job to clean up a bouncing ball close to his try line.
Hastings puts the visitors up by a converted try.
The Knights shift the ball right and the fullback uses his pace to get to the line!
The debutant won't be denied this time!
Newcastle get a penalty.
The crowd recognises the Knights by chanting NEWCASTLE!
The Storm lose the ball and the Knights breathe a massive sigh of relief.
Another Melbourne penalty... the referee warns the captain of the sin bin.
Melbourne get a penalty.
Six again for Melbourne.
Melbourne have the ball ten metres out from the try line.
Tyran Wishart forces a line drop out with a second kick.
Harry Grant is on for Melbourne.
Hastings adds the extras from in front of the posts.
Hastings swoops on the loose ball and finds Lucas in support - the Knights strike straight back!
The Storm make an error...
Fletcher Sharpe is tackled on his 20 after a strong set following points for Melbourne.
Meaney adds the extras.
Meaney burns his former club to open the scoring.
Six again (again) for the Storm.
Six again for Melbourne on halfway.
No Try. Sharpe is deemed to have lost the ball in an attempt to score.
Fletcher Sharpe is claiming a try on debut...
Leo Thompson is tackled close to the line.
Fletcher Sharpe catches the short kick off and earns a penalty for being tackled in the air by Bronson Garlick.
Grant Anderson is tackled in-goal by Dylan Lucas following a great kick by Jackson Hastings.
Newcastle get a penalty and will start a set on their 20 metre line.
The Storm win the challenge; play will resume with a play the ball.
The Storm rules a knock on against Melbourne; the decision is being challenged...
Fletcher Sharpe can't hold onto an offload just as the Knights were looking threatening with the ball.
Tyran Wishart kicks for touch; Newcastle will play the ball 15 metres out from their line.
Greg Marzhew knocks on with the Knights on the attack.
The Storm come up with a forward pass inside their half.
Fletcher Sharpe comes up with a great catch to defuse an attacking chip from Reimis Smith.
Both teams are trading sets early on in this one.
The Knights shift the ball inside their own half before Fletcher Sharpe is tackled close to halfway.
Grant Anderson returns the ball close to his 20 metre line.
Jacob Saifiti takes the first run of the afternoon.
Jahrome Hughes leads the Storm out - kick-off is only moments away!
Tyson Frizell takes the Knights onto the field.
Newcastle haven't won at AAMI Park since 2015.
Melbourne have won 11 of their last 13 games against Newcastle.
Fletcher Sharpe will make his NRL debut at fullback. Dylan Lucas moves to the centres, Tyson Frizell starts, Phoenix Crossland switches with Jayden Brailey. Mat Croker and Jack Hetherington join the bench.
Harry Grant and Christian Welch will start from the bench; Bronson Garlick and Trent Loiero come into the starting pack.
Plenty of changes for both teams...
Welcome to League Unlimited's coverage of Round 14 Sunday Afternoon Football between the Melbourne Storm and Newcastle Knights from AAMI Park.
Referees & scorers:
Referee: Adam Gee
Touch Judges: Phil Henderson, Belinda Sharpe
Video Referee: Ashley Klein
Tries: Nick Meaney (2), Jahrome Hughes, Tyran Wishart (2), Xavier Coates
Field Goals:
Two Point Field Goals:
Conversions: Nick Meaney (5/6)
Penalty Goals: Nick Meaney (1/1)
Tries: Dylan Lucas (2), Fletcher Sharpe, Dane Gagai, Enari Tuala
Field Goals:
Two Point Field Goals:
Conversions: Jackson Hastings (4/5)
Penalty Goals: