He's done it!
Burton's kick is charged down - the Bulldogs get the ball back!
Viliame Kikau belts Freddy Lussick with a bone-rattler!
Jazz Tevaga is staying down but doesn't get a penalty.
We're going to even more golden point!
Harris-Tavita's kick is touched by Reed Mahoney and misses!
Burton's kick falls just short of the mark.
Harris-Tavita is just wide of the mark with his shot.
Burton aims for the sideline, but Pompey is able to clean up for the Warriors.
Jacob Kiraz is tackled 10 metres from his line.
Burton goes long and high - Pompet is wrapped up 15 metres from his line.
Kurt Capewell is tackled off the scrum and we're going to golden point!
... Blake Wilson's pass goes forward and the Warriors are rushing to pack the scrum.
The Bulldogs move it from their own half...
Burton puts up a bomb, it bounces but RTS cleans up for the Wahs.
Play has been halted with a spectator coming onto the field.
Burton's kick hits the post!!!
Burton puts up a bomb and RTS drops it!
Te Maire Martin's kick sees Blake Wilson tackled close to his 30 metre line.
Blake Wilson kicks infield, but Chanel Harris-Tavita is on the spot to clean up for the Warriors.
Chanel Harris-Tavita loses the ball after great defensive pressure prevents the Warriors from attempting a field goal.
Marata Niukore is held up over the line.
Martin's kick is charged down.
Freddy Lussick swoops on the ball from dummy half and the Bulldogs lose the ball!
The Warriors lose the challenge.
The Warriors are challenging...
Chanel Harris-Tavita can't hold onto a Mitch Barnett offload.
No Try. Leka Halasima has been held up over the line.
The referee has sent the play to the bunker with an on-field ruling of No Try.
Leka Halasima has made an enormous run and gotten over the try line!
A misguided offload by Jaeman Salmon gifts the ball back to the Warriors.
Roger Tuivasa-Sheck is tackled over the sideline after a great bomb by Toby Sexton.
Connor Tracey returns a kick close to his 20 metre line.
...the ball bounces, Kurt Mann kicks for Blake Wilson - but the referee rules Mann is offside!
Burton puts up a bomb...
Jacob Kiraz is tackles by Kurt Capewell close to the Bulldogs line.
Josh Curran charges down a kick but the Warriors manage to regain possession.
Marcelo Montoya has come from the field.
The Bulldogs will rue that missed opportunity,
Toby Sexton drops the ball close to the goal line.
Te Maire Martin kicks out on the full.
Marata Niukore is down and receiving attention from the trainer.
Connor Tracey knocks on for the Bulldogs.
Blake Wilson makes a bust down the touchline but loses the ball after strong cover defence by Te Maire Martin.
Crowd: 27,223
Burton locks the scores up at 12-all.
Sexton did a great job to land the kick close to the line, allowing Kikau to use his height to get above Adam Pompey for the try.
Viliame Kikau catches a bomb close to the try line to get the Bulldogs back into the contest!
The Bulldogs get a penalty on their 30 metre line.
Leka Halasima is on for his NRL debut.
Wayde Egan is held up over the line.
Dallin Watene-Zelezniak has been ruled out after failing his HIA.
Jackson Ford gets a penalty.
Toby Sexton can't hold onto an offload from Viliame Kikau.
Dallin Watene-Zelezniak has been sent for a HIA following the collision that forced the ball loose from Matt Burton.
Chanel Harris-Tavita throws a no-look pass that goes over the sideline.
Matt Burton is hit and loses the ball - Te Maire Martin makes a strong run in response into the Bulldogs half.
The Bulldogs get a set restart inside the Warriors half.
The Warriors put in a dismal kick that allows Jacob Kiraz to catch the ball in-goal for a seven tackle set.
The Warriors get a new set close to the Bulldogs line.
Wayde Egan is clutching at his face.
Play is back underway.
Charnze Nicoll-Klokstad has been ruled out of the match with a calf injury.
Pompey puts the Wahs up by 6.
Kurtis Morrin is placed on report for a leg pull on Jackson Ford; Adam Pompey will kick to put the Warriors up by a converted try.
Warriors penalty.
Charnze Nicoll-Klokstad has come from the field with an injury.
Reed Mahoney throws a forward pass to Viliame Kikau close to the try line.
Bulldogs penalty.
Josh Curran bursts into space but loses the ball close to the line - the referee rules a knock on against the Warriors.
Jackson Ford is on report for a crusher.
Viliame Kikau is down after being twisted in a tackle.
The Warriors have failed to find touch with their penalty kick.
Marcelo Montoya earns a penalty with a strong carry.
Viliame Kikau has been placed on report for an alleged trip.
Pompey nails the kick from the sideline.
Marcelo Montoya powers his way over the line to put the Warriors in front for the first time.
Stephen Crichton knocks on the short drop out. The Warriors will pack a scrum 15 out from the try line.
Bronson Xerri knocks a grubber from Te Maire Martin dead.
Six again for the Warriors on halfway.
Adam Pompey pushes his kick wide of the mark.
Dallin Watene-Zelezniak strikes back immediately to punish the Bulldogs.
Samuel Hughes loses the ball from the kick-off!
Burton adds the extras.
Matt Burton swoops on a pass, streaks away and finds Xerri in support for first points!
Warriors penalty.
Stephen Crichton pleads for a penalty to no avail.
Plenty of intensity from both sides early in this one - no points, but plenty of promising signs.
Stephen Crichton makes a great tackle to wrap up Charnze Nicoll-Klokstad as the Warriors' fullback catches a high ball.
Reed Mahoney kicks early to trap Marcelo Montoya in his own corner.
Jacob Kiraz catches a kick from Chanel Harris-Tavita in-goal to earn a seven tackle set.
Dallin Watene-Zelezniak makes a strong kick return over his 20 metre line.
Bronson Xerri makes a well-timed tackle to wrap Dallin Watene-Zelezniak up close to his goal line.
Charnze Nicoll-Klokstad recovers the short drop out.
Sexton forces a repeat set with a well-placed grubber in-goal.
The referee retrospectively penalises Montoya for the hit on Tracey.
Marcelo Montoya has been placed on report.
Viliame Kikau loses the ball inside his own half.
Marcelo Montoya delivers a great shot on Connor Tracey to shut down a right-side shift.
The referee rules an obstruction against the Warriors after Addin Fonua-Blake ran Reed Mahoney off the ball. Bulldogs penalty.
Connor Tracey loses the ball on his 40 metre line - the Warriors will get another attacking set.
Te Maire Martin kicked cross field, Dallin Watene-Zelezniak knocked the ball forward for Roger Tuivasa-Sheck to pounce. No Try.
Roger Tuivasa-Sheck is claiming a try - the referee is sending the play to the bunker as a No Try.
The Warriors draw an early penalty and find touch inside the Bulldogs' half.
Charnze Nicoll-Klokstad returns the ball over his 10 metre line.
Kiraz makes a good catch under the high ball in his 50th game.
We're underway at Accor.
A moment of silence is observed in memory of Geoff Robinson, who passed away this week.
Stephen Crichton takes the Bulldogs out.
Mitchell Barnett leads the Warriors onto the field.
Kurt Capewell will make his 150th NRL appearance.
Jacob Kiraz will play his 50th game for the Bulldogs.
The Warriors have performed well at Accor Stadium with three wins from their three appearances at the venue this decade.
The Warriors have dominated recent clashes with six consecutive victories over the Bulldogs dating back to 2019.
Leka Halasima will make his NRL debut for the Warriors; Dylan Walker will start at lock with Tohu Harris out.
The Bulldogs have elevated Kurt Mann to start at lock with Bailey Hayward reverting to the bench.
Welcome to League Unlimited’s coverage of Round 18 Saturday Afternoon Football between the Canterbury-Bankstown Bulldogs and New Zealand Warriors from Accor Stadium.
Referees & scorers:
Referee: Chris Butler
Touch Judges: Drew Oultram, Daniel Luttringer
Video Referee: Adam Gee
Tries: Bronson Xerri, Viliame Kikau
Field Goals: Matt Burton (1/4)
Two Point Field Goals: Matt Burton (0/0)
Conversions: Matt Burton (2/2)
Penalty Goals:
Tries: Dallin Watene-Zelezniak, Marcelo Montoya
Field Goals: Te Maire Martin (0/1), Chanel Harris-Tavita (0/2)
Two Point Field Goals: Te Maire Martin (0/0), Chanel Harris-Tavita (0/0)
Conversions: Adam Pompey (1/2)
Penalty Goals: Adam Pompey (1/1)