Cook kicks high... Addo-Carr catches and the Bulldogs win!
Last tackle.
This is it. Canberra have the ball on their goal line...
Burton finds touch inside the Raiders half.
The Raiders are challenging the call.
Viliame Kikau is hit high and draws a penalty.
Toby Sexton dives on a Fogarty kick. Desperation from the Dogs.
This has been a phenomenal game.
Canterbury hold on!
Six again for Canberra.
Fogarty nails it!
Rapana's 106th try sees him move to outright third for Canberra try scorers.
Canberra shift the ball from the scrum and score through their veteran winger!
Canberra aren't done yet!
Adam Cook puts up a bomb and gets a result with Connor Tracey knocking on.
Play has halted with Morgan Smithies down after a collision with Sam Hughes off the kick-off.
Burton nails the kick from the sideline.
Burton bombs, Crichton catches and passes to the Foxx!
Bulldogs penalty.
Savage manages to stay in the field of play after a wayward pass.
Savage loses the ball but the referee rules a penalty to Canberra.
Kaeo Weekes has produced what may be a match-winning play to dislodge the ball from Kiki's grasp.
Kikau dropped the ball with the line open.
Viliame Kikau blows it!
Bronson Xerri makes a break but can't link with players in support.
Crowd: 18,110
Fogarty converts.
Fogarty kicks for the in-goal and Timoko pounces.
Canberra penalty.
The Bulldogs lose the ball inside their 20.
Jacob Kiraz does a great job to clean up a chip kick close to his line.
The referee warns Crichton and Fogarty to settle their teams down.
Josh Curran and Xavier Savage push and shove after the Canberra winger was dragged over the sideline.
The Bulldogs are beginning to gain the ascendancy in this one.
Burton converts.
The Bulldogs strike from a scrum and send Addo-Carr down the sideline for a try!
Welcome back, Foxx!
Canberra lose the ball inside their half.
Kaeo Weekes catches a bomb in-goal to earn a seven tackle set.
Jordan Rapana juggles a cross field kick but holds onto the ball.
The Bulldogs win the challenge.
The Bulldogs are challenging the decision.
Canberra get a penalty.
Burton hits the post and the score remains at 10-6.
Crichton gets the ball, grubbers for the in-goal and gets to the ball before the dead ball line!
Crichton does it himself again!
No errors from both teams to start the second half.
Play is back underway.
Stephen Crichton kicks from the scrum for Kiraz, but the Raiders knock the ball dead.
Canterbury find touch from the 20 metre restart on the Raiders 40 metre line.
Fogarty attempts a two-pointer but is wide of the mark.
Jordan Rapana combines with Xavier Savage to produce a terrific kick return.
Xavier Savage contests an attacking bomb but knocks on.
Hudson Young make a strong charge into the Bulldogs half.
Canberra get a penalty.
Connor Tracey is tackled on the last close to the try line.
Bailey Hayward and Kurtis Morrin are on for the Bulldogs.
The Bulldogs get a penalty coming out of their end.
Six again for Canberra inside the Bulldogs half.
The Bulldogs compound the error with Reed Mahoney giving away a penalty for dissent.
Stephen Crichton drops the ball.
Jamal Fogarty puts up a bomb that bounces backwards and goes over the sideline.
Josh Papali'i is back on the field for his second stint.
Burton locks the scores up at 6-all.
Burton will kick to level the scores.
Toby Sexton tries to thread a kick into the in-goal; the Raiders are deemed offside and the Bulldogs have a penalty in front of the posts.
Harry Hayes takes his first run of the day.
Trey Mooney comes up with an error in the play the ball.
Josh Curran has come from the field.
Fogarty puts the Raiders in front.
Mooney did well to split the Bulldogs defence to score underneath the posts.
Trey Mooney powers over for his first try of the season.
Six again for Canberra inside the Bulldogs 20 metre zone.
Viliame Kikau attempts an offload for Josh Addo-Carr, but the pass goes to ground.
Burton pushes his first kick from the sideline.
Crichton fends off Kris and Rapana to slam the ball down in the corner!
Stephen Crichton does it all himself to open the scoring!
Viliame Kikau is held up over the try line.
Jordan Rapana attempts an intercept - the error gifts the Bulldogs with a penalty.
Canberra knock on the line drop out.
No Try. Jordan Rapana prevents Jacob Preston from getting to the ball but gives away a line drop out.
Jacob Preston goes close to scoring...
Bulldogs penalty.
Jacob Kiraz does a spectacular job to prevent a 40/20!
Xavier Savage is driven back as he catches a high ball from Burton.
Jordan Rapana is tackled on the last.
Josh Papali'i charges over the halfway line.
Hudson Young is wrapped up on the last tackle.
The Raiders get a penalty and find touch inside the Bulldogs half.
Josh Addo-Carr attempts to outleap Xavier Savage, but the Raiders winger comes up with the ball.
The Bulldogs win the challenge and will gain possession.
The Bulldogs are challenging the call...
Josh Addo-Carr swoops on a loose ball but the referee rules a knock on against Canterbury.
Six again for Canberra.
Canberra get a penalty after Viliame Kikau made no attempt to tackle Jamal Fogarty while kicking.
Bronson Xerri can't gather in a grubber from Burton close to the try line.
Six again for Canterbury.
A strong first set from the Bulldogs sees Xavier Savage tackled on his 10 metre line.
Samuel Hughes takes the first carry of the day.
The Bulldogs are greeted to rapturous applause as they make their way onto the field in their 2004 replica strip.
Josh Papalii leads the Raiders out as he becomes the 52nd player to play 300 games.
Josh Papalii will play his 300th NRL Games; he joins Jason Croker and Jarrod Croker as the only Canberra players to bring up the triple tonne.
The Raiders have won both of their matches at Belmore under Ricky Stuart
The Bulldogs have won 4/13 at Belmore over the past decade; Bulldogs have won 2/3 matches at Belmore during Cameron Ciraldo’s tenure.
Canberra have won 11 of their last 12 matches against Canterbury, including the last nine in a row.
The Raiders have made a huge call with Adam Cook coming into the halves and Ethan Strange dropping to 18th man.
The Bulldogs are as per program, 1-17.
Welcome to League Unlimited’s coverage of Round 22 Sunday Afternoon Football between the Canterbury-Bankstown Bulldogs and Canberra Raiders from Belmore Sports Ground.
Referees & scorers:
Referee: Ashley Klein
Touch Judges: Chris Sutton, Wyatt Raymond
Video Referee: Gerard Sutton
Tries: Stephen Crichton (2), Josh Addo-Carr (2)
Field Goals:
Two Point Field Goals:
Conversions: Matt Burton (2/4)
Penalty Goals: Matt Burton (1/1)
Tries: Trey Mooney, Matthew Timoko, Jordan Rapana
Field Goals:
Two Point Field Goals:
Conversions: Jamal Fogarty (3/3)
Penalty Goals: