Melbourne win 56-18 to finish the opening round on top of the ladder.
Lomax converts - the Eels are winning the second half 12-10!
Isaiah Iongi gets a consolation try.
Parramatta penalty.
The referee rules a forward pass against Melbourne.
Cameron Munster kicks long; Isaiah Iongi is tackled 15 metres out from his line.
Jack Williams is wrapped up on the last tackle with the Eels unable to get a kick away.
Melbourne come up with an error.
Lomax converts from the touchline.
Penisini gets a consolation try.
Parramatta penalty.
Ryan Papenhuyzen is hit high, Melbourne penalty.
Sean Russell is taken over the sideline by Will Warbrick.
Sean Russell catches a bomb in goal to earn a seven tackle set.
Jahrome Hughes is off the field for an early mark.
Meaney adds the extras.
Jack Howarth makes a huge bust and finds his halfback in support.
Crowd: 23,369
Meaney is off the mark.
That's the 38th time the Storm have scored 50 points in a game, equalling the Roosters!
Isaiah Iongi throws an intercept and William Warbrick scores in his 50th game!
Tyran Wishart comes up with a forward pass from dummy half.
Lazarus Vaalepu comes up with the ball from the short drop out.
Xavier Coates is forced back in goal. Play will resume with a line drop out.
Xavier Coates can't hold onto a chip-bomb from Munster.
Melbourne get a penalty.
NO TRY. Coates is ruled to have put his foot on the sideline.
Xavier Coates is claiming a try. The bunker will check the sideline.
Jake Tago knocks on trying to clean up a kick.
Parramatta get a penalty with the drop out failing to go 10 metres.
Ronald Volkman chips and forces a repeat set.
Jack Williams splits the Storm through the middle!
Kelma Tuilagi has the ball stripped from his grasp - nothing is going the Eels' way today
Nick Meaney drops the ball close to his goal line.
Jack Williams is driven back off the kick-off.
Meaney gets his 7th goal of the half.
Ryan Papenhuyzen does it all with speed.
Parramatta come up with an error.
Lomax gets his first points in blue and gold.
Matt Doorey is held up over the try line.
The Storm makes an error off the kick-off.
Meaney converts his own try.
Ryley Smith comes up with a poor pass that is swooped on by Nick Meaney, who races the length of the field to score!
Melbourne come up with an error on their 40 metre line.
Meaney converts.
Stop the fight!
Parramatta have the ball back!
Meaney puts another two points on the scoreboard.
Jack Howarth makes a huge run down the sideline and passes back towards the post for another try!
They've done it again!
Meaney makes amends for his previous miss.
Eliesa Katoa does it all himself with an incisive bust!
Ryley Smith is on the field for his NRL debut.
Meaney can't add the extras from the sideline.
Xavier Coates flies through the air and gets the ball down just before the dead ball line.
Ronald Volkman kicks out on the full. The Storm will start a set 40 metres out from the try line.
Stefano Utoikamanu drops the ball to release the pressure on the Eels.
Jack Williams is off for a HIA; Kelma Tuilagi comes back on.
The Storm have left a certain try on the table with Papenhuyzen dummying to Munster.
Isaiah Iongi makes a try-saving tackle to deny Ryan Papenhuyzen.
Xavier Coates makes a sensational run to put the Storm back on the attack.
Isaiah Iongi does well under the high ball before being wrapped up on his 20 metre line.
Kelma Tuilagi is off for the Eels; Charlie Guymer is on.
Meaney makes it 2/2.
Cameron Munster delivered a lovely pass to get King off the nudie run after 11 minutes!
Josh King runs into a huge gap to score next to the posts!
Melbourne get a penalty - they'll find touch inside the Parramatta half.
Jack Howarth makes a great catch to beat Zac Lomax in the air for a cross-field kick from Volkman.
Parramatta get a relieving penalty.
The Storm do a great job after points to give Jake Tago the ball back 10 metres from the Eels line.
The kick is good!
Ryan Papenhuyzen found a bit of space, passed to his support (which was knocked down by the Eels defence) and pounced to score!
Ryan Papenhuyzen opens the scoring!
Xavier Coates catches a bomb from Volkman and earns a penalty with J'maine Hopgood ruled in front of the kicker.
Cameron Munster throws a forward pass to Shawn Blore with the Storm on the attack.
Ronald Volkman finds touch just inside the Melbourne half; the Storm will restart play with a play the ball.
Jake Tago is tacked on his 10 metre line after a strong first set from the Storm.
We are underway - Stefano Utoikamanu takes the first run of the day.
Melbourne are looking to win five in a row over Parramatta for the first time
Parramatta have won three of their nine visits to AAMI Park – they did prevail 28-24 in golden point in their last appearance back in 2022.
The Storm have never lost an opening round match under Craig Bellamy.
The Eels will begin the Jason Ryles era with an injection of new faces – Ryley Smith and Sam Tuivati will make their NRL debuts off the bench.
The Storm will line up as per program; Stefano Utoikmanu will make his club debut in the front-row.
Welcome to League Unlimited’s coverage of Round 1 Sunday Afternoon Football between the Melbourne Storm and Parramatta Eels from AAMI Park
Referees & scorers:
Referee: Wyatt Raymond
Touch Judges: Matt Noyen, Phil Henderson
Video Referee: Grant Atkins
Tries: Ryan Papenhuyzen (2), Nick Meaney, Josh King, Xavier Coates (2), Eliesa Katoa, Harry Grant, William Warbrick, Jahrome Hughes
Conversions: Ryan Papenhuyzen (1/1), Nick Meaney (7/9)
Tries: Jake Tago, Viliami Penisini, Isaiah Iongi
Conversions: Zac Lomax (3/3)