The Warriors hold on to claim back-to-back wins.
Wayde Egan is tackled and the Roosters have to go 100 metres and hope for an eight-point try to get out of this one...
Warriors penalty.
Sandon Smith attempts a grubber inside his own half - the Roosters retain the ball but it's too late for the visitors.
Dominic Young takes on the sideline, kicks ahead but the ball goes over the sideline.
Robert Toia comes up with another error.
The Roosters have the ball back from the kick-off.
Metcalf nails his first conversion to put the Warriors beyond a converted try.
Ali Leiataua does it again!
CHT catches the short drop out.
Tedesco fails to have the decision overturned.
Luke Metcalf forces a repeat set with James Tedesco coming into contact with the ball. Tedesco is challenging the ruling.
Metcalf hits the posts.
Chanel Harris-Tavita catches his own bomb to put the Warriors in front for the first time.
Charnze Nicoll-Klokstad is down after pressure on the neck.
James Tedesco is tackled close to his goal line.
Hugo Savala is on for the Roosters.
Robert Toia comes up with an error.
Adam Pompey was certain to score but Tedesco managed to hold the ball up and forced Pompey over the sideline.
James Tedesco has saved a try with an inspirational defensive effort!
Zach Dockar-Clay collects Wayde Egan high - Warriors penalty.
Daniel Tupou make a bust down the sideline and throw a pass intended for Mark Nawaqanitawase - but the support man watches the offload go over the sideline.
Chanel Harris-Tavita spills the ball.
Dominic Young is ankle tapped and goes over the sideline with the try line in sight. Great work RTS to save a try.
Chad Townsend nails a 40/20
Dominic Young is wrapped up on his 10 metre line.
Chad Townsend finds touch on the Warriors 20 metre line - had he kicked it a metre less it would have been a 40/20.
Robert Toia makes a good catch to deny the Warriors close to the try line.
Sandon Smith drops the ball.
Siua Wong comes up with an error.
The bunker rules a mutual infringement - the Warriors retain the ball.
The Warriors are challenging a lost ball ruling against Taine Tuaupiki.
Connor Watson has failed his HIA. Zach Dockar-Clay will play out the second half at hooker.
Jackson Ford produces a great tackle to wrap up James Tedesco on the last tackle.
Sandon Smith makes an incisive run out of dummy half to put the Roosters on the front foot.
Play is back underway here in Auckland.
The Roosters hold a two-point lead at the break.
Marata Niukore is wrapped up on the final tackle close to the try line.
Connor Watson has come from the field for a HIA.
Mark Nawaqanitawase raced down the sideline, chipped for himself, attempted to regather but ended up putting a foot on the dead ball line. NO TRY.
Mark Nawaqanitawase is claiming a try!
Demitric Vaimauga makes an error.
Mark Nawaqanitawase loses the ball after strong pressure by Taine Tuaupiki.
Demitric Vaimauga concedes a penalty with an early involvement.
Daniel Tupou runs down the sideline and puts in a kick - but Kurt Capewell in on the spot to clean up!
Wayde Egan dummies and takes a run close to halfway.
The Warriors attempt a left-side shift but it all comes undone with Adam Pompey batting the final pass, intended for RTS, forward.
Victor Raldey has passed his HIA and will be able to return to the field.
The Warriors get a penalty for high contact on Dylan Walker.
Metcalf can't add the extras.
Great work by Ali Leiataua to break Mark Nawaqanitawase's tackle to slide over.
Leiataua scores for the Warriors! Note: an earlier version of this update listed Chanel Harris-Tavita as the Warriors first try-scorer.
Niukore is back on his feet and play resumes.
Marata Niukore is down in discomfort.
Smith adds the extras from next to the posts.
Naufahu Whyte hits and spins his way over for first points.
Robert Toia is down on his haunches - play has stopped.
The Roosters will get a repeat set after Ali Leiataua knocked the ball from Mark Nawaqanitawase's grasp.
Victor Radley has come from the field for a HIA - it will be a miracle if he comes back on.
The Warriors make a mistake.
Sandon Smith and Victor Radley are down and play has halted.
Naufahu Whyte loses the ball and the Warriors are back on the attack.
Ali Leiataua is held up over the try line. The Roosters defence holds strong.
The Warriors come up with possession following a short drop out.
Mark Nawaqanitawase is trapped in-goal after the Warriors put in a couple of kicks on the last.
Chad Townsend kicks out on the full. The Warriors will start a set inside the Roosters half.
Chad Townsend aims for a 40/20 but Roger Tuivasa-Sheck is on the spot to clean up for the hosts.
Robert Toia comes up with an error trying to shift the ball to his winger.
Roosters penalty.
Roger Tuivasa-Sheck is wrapped up on the last tackle close to the Roosters line.
Warriors penalty. Luke Metcalf finds touch inside the Roosters half.
Chad Townsend throws a cut-out pass to put Dominic Young into space, but the English winger couldn't hold onto the ball.
Charnze Nicoll-Klokstad is carried back by three Roosters.
Daniel Tupou takes the first run of the evening.
The Warriors are greeted by strong support as they are led out by Mitch Barnett.
James Tedesco leads the visitors onto the field.
Charnze Nicoll-Klokstad will make his 50th appearance for the Warriors.
The Roosters have won their past eight matches against the Warriors and their past two matches at Go Media Stadium.
The Roosters have will welcome back Spencer Leniu and Victor Radley from suspension and injury respectively.
The Warriors will line up as per program, retaining the same squad that triumphed over Manly last Friday.
Welcome to League Unlimited’s coverage of Round 3 Friday Night Football between the New Zealand Warriors and Sydney Roosters from Go Media Stadium.
Referees & scorers:
Referee: Ashley Klein
Touch Judges: Drew Oultram, Tyson Brough
Video Referee: Liam Kennedy
Tries: Chanel Harris-Tavita, Ali Leiataua (2)
Conversions: Luke Metcalf (1/3)
Tries: Naufahu Whyte
Conversions: Sandon Smith (1/1)